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45 minutes ago, resilient part 2 said:

geezus, both games before Cooper. There is a ton of difference since Coop arrived. Plus there is NO correlation to future success or failure with games already past. Every game is different and My confidence and even more importantly, Dak's/Dallas' confidence is riding high right now. 

If cooper kept his pace, you might have a point

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56 minutes ago, resilient part 2 said:

But what do Romo and Witten really know about Football??  Rolling Eyes

I asked the same question about other former players, coaches, and analysts who openly call out Quincy’s accuracy issues and lack of pocket awareness. Know what responses I got? Let’s just say they weren’t supportive. So, if you support the opinions of Romo and Witten, then you also support those of Troy Aikman, Jimmy Johnson, Michael Strahan, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, Ryan Clark, and any other player/coach/analyst who speaks ill of him, because you can’t have it both ways.

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17 minutes ago, plan9misfit said:

I asked the same question about other former players, coaches, and analysts who openly call out Quincy’s accuracy issues and lack of pocket awareness. Know what responses I got? Let’s just say they weren’t supportive. So, if you support the opinions of Romo and Witten, then you also support those of Troy Aikman, Jimmy Johnson, Michael Strahan, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, Ryan Clark, and any other player/coach/analyst who speaks ill of him, because you can’t have it both ways.

Again and again you have made your points and assessments of Dak and I have made mine. It really is both redundant and circular at this point. You weigh Dak's weaknesses at a far great weight than I do. I also believe Dak's so called "issues" get blown out of proportion by any analysts, former Pros etc.. more than most QBs because we are talking about the "Dallas Cowboys". It sells better. Happened with Aikman, Damn did it happen with Romo and now with Dak.

And that's fine. But I have watched Football for a long enough time to at least form my own standing opinion. It may not have the creditability of the "so called experts" But I trust for the most part of what my eyes sees. 

My eyes tell me I see problems, but nothing that is NOT correctable with what time/experience, better supporting cast and certainly/hopefully better coaching can bring. Dak, in my eyes, has a legit chance (clearly greater than some on here believe) to be a very solid QB for us going forward. 

and Clearly better than "Quincy" ever showed.

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20 minutes ago, plan9misfit said:

I asked the same question about other former players, coaches, and analysts who openly call out Quincy’s accuracy issues and lack of pocket awareness. Know what responses I got? Let’s just say they weren’t supportive. So, if you support the opinions of Romo and Witten, then you also support those of Troy Aikman, Jimmy Johnson, Michael Strahan, Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, Ryan Clark, and any other player/coach/analyst who speaks ill of him, because you can’t have it both ways.

I quoted most every name you said. None of them agreed with you. Then you didnt respond. 

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57 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I quoted most every name you said. None of them agreed with you. Then you didnt respond. 

Yeah, that’s an outright lie. I’ve responded multiple times when they discussed it LIVE on air; both TV and radio. Hell, Aikman even talked about it DURING the game 2 or 3 weeks ago. 

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Im reguarss to anouncees such as Aikmen Romo amd a few others I got no problem going over individual plays and agreeing listening to their critism. Bradshaw bale don’t really listen much to Strahan-Long-Clark Jimmy IMO at times let’s his bias ego get involved Bradsaw? Most the time he just likes to hear himself talk and rarely does any insightful play analysis anymore Witten jury is still out here 

I do have a problem though when they start making judgements on a players ability long term especially a QBs because from what I have seen in my almost 40 years of watching college and professional footballI is that it is almost impossible to really tell who will be great and who won’t and just how long some one will be great.  I have seen too many be awesome one two theee years then crash. Vick - Griffen III come to mind quickly   Others be sub par down right bad then great - see Nick Fowles. Ithers bad then all of a sudden a hot ticket then bad. See Kirk Cousins - Alex Smith 

In all that time there have been TWO QB’s coming out of college that universally every one jumped on saying they are and will be the real deal and as such were for their careers and looked it from day one on 

Payton Manning and Drew Brees

  I really I guess should count Eli as well but man if anyone got the lucky SB ring x2 it was him but he also is  a QB that you can say will win games in the clutch as his best feature over being a GREAT QB just to remind people that doing it in the clutch when it counts the most can be just as or even more important then being great all the time 

AND if every one on this board bashing Dak saying he will never be a franchise QB watched Aikmen rookie year!!!! What a horror show that was 

Now what kind of QBs Dak ends up is anyone’s guess I just hope people give him a chance to improve and progress learn the game more while not putting a too fine microscope on his few bad plays and yes I say fee while ignoring his over all body of work over three years    2 division titles.  ONLY QB in history of game to have 20 plus TD 5 rushing TD in two consecutive years he now has three consecutive.   Most game winning 4th qtr drives in NFL sense he has been in the NFL    Franchise record most consecutive completed passes and I think franchise record for most pass attempts with out interception


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4 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:

Again and again you have made your points and assessments of Dak and I have made mine. It really is both redundant and circular at this point. You weigh Dak's weaknesses at a far great weight than I do. I also believe Dak's so called "issues" get blown out of proportion by any analysts, former Pros etc.. more than most QBs because we are talking about the "Dallas Cowboys". It sells better. Happened with Aikman, Damn did it happen with Romo and now with Dak.

And that's fine. But I have watched Football for a long enough time to at least form my own standing opinion. It may not have the creditability of the "so called experts" But I trust for the most part of what my eyes sees. 

My eyes tell me I see problems, but nothing that is NOT correctable with what time/experience, better supporting cast and certainly/hopefully better coaching can bring. Dak, in my eyes, has a legit chance (clearly greater than some on here believe) to be a very solid QB for us going forward. 

and Clearly better than "Quincy" ever showed.

He won’t be able to have a better supporting cast if he is making 27M a year

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55 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

He had a better cast when Romo was making $27m to sit on a bench.

Who was making big money on defense that year?

Are you going to let DLaw and Byron walk?

I'm not a cap expert but I dont think you can pay Dak $27million plus Zeke, the oline, Cooper, Dlaw, Byron Jones and I may be wrong but I think Jaylon will be due for an extension around that time as well.

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9 minutes ago, CAPJ said:

Who was making big money on defense that year?

Are you going to let DLaw and Byron walk?

I'm not a cap expert but I dont think you can pay Dak $27million plus Zeke, the oline, Cooper, Dlaw, Byron Jones and I may be wrong but I think Jaylon will be due for an extension around that time as well.

To keep Dak? Absolutely I would. Hell, I am not sure we should keep DLaw or Zeke anyways - - assuming they are going to ask for top player money. 

Jaylon is going to give us a discount I think. We bought equity into his loyalty. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

To keep Dak? Absolutely I would. Hell, I am not sure we should keep DLaw or Zeke anyways - - assuming they are going to ask for top player money. 

Jaylon is going to give us a discount I think. We bought equity into his loyalty. 

I think Smith and Gregory both will give us a discount of some sort.

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7 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I would be interested in looking into if they have been accruing seasons. Gregory in particular. 

I don't think Gregory did...seem to recall something about him not being a free agent until a later date due to the suspensions.

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