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lol I dunno man. That was some major restraint even if that dude is 80 and well, the other dude is like 130 lbs but still. 

Dont want to sound like any other douchey bro but if you’re brash enough to put your hands on me, you should be tough enough to expect to get laid out. He looked completely harmless it seems but cmon dude, you’re 100. I can’t kick your behind, it’s a lose-lose. It’s like a girl slapping you. You can’t win. Funny after people started yelling he was just like, “What, I’m just sitting in my chair.” lol And also trying a choke hold I couldn’t pull off 25 years ago on a guy 50 years younger than me. But hey, millennials amirite? 

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8 minutes ago, RBreezy said:

Sign Hunt? Yay or nay?

Can't believe they Cut him. Haven't seen the video but damn.

Be absolutely shocked if We signed him but wouldn't be mad if we did.

He's not playing in 2018 for any team IMO so it's a Ruben Foster type signing. "Potential" great player after the court case/NFL suspension for peanuts.

Catch-22 really.

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19 minutes ago, RBreezy said:

Sign Hunt? Yay or nay?

I have no morals, so I am the wrong person to ask.


My fantasy teams are taking a beating.

(In different leagues) I got Gordon, Fournette and Hunt. 

My stud RB's are starting to look like Mr. Burns starting softball team lineup.

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1 hour ago, RBreezy said:

Sign Hunt? Yay or nay?

Not worth the PR BS, so I say no. I'd love it if he cleared waivers, had an offseason to "reflect" and become a better man so the PR dies down a bit, and then grab him on a prove it deal.

What he did is not even comparable to some of the other stuff guys have been charged with, just unfortunate for him it got caught on camera which is all the media cares about. Not to say he's not a scumbag deserving of everything coming his way for what he did, don't be an idiot, but is he now some un-redeemable thug? Not at all.... but there's no telling if he pulls this stunt again, and I don't want to have him on the line to find out. Would rather we just invest in an RB properly in the 2nd or 3rd (most weight more than 165 lbs soaking wet).

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