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17 hours ago, Nabbs4u said:

Once again you're ignoring context.

I assault you

I assault a woman

I assault a child.

There are differences. As there should be.

Im not here to defend Hunt. But from the video:

1. He pushed a dude really hard, which fell into her and knocked her into a wall.

2. He nudged her with his foot. 

Im sure by legal terms this constitutes assault. But there is a reason this was considered a misdemeanor. Its not like he was attempting to inflict real damage to her. He was 100% wrong in his actions. But kinda like stealing. There is a difference between stealing a candy bar and robbing a bank. 

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2 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Im not here to defend Hunt. But from the video:

1. He pushed a dude really hard, which fell into her and knocked her into a wall.

2. He nudged her with his foot. 

Im sure by legal terms this constitutes assault. But there is a reason this was considered a misdemeanor. Its not like he was attempting to inflict real damage to her. He was 100% wrong in his actions. But kinda like stealing. There is a difference between stealing a candy bar and robbing a bank. 


Pretend your not “internet lawyering” and be honest with his actions and what you saw. He pushed her well before the tandem push came into play. You have a daughter man. Is that cool if that’s your daughter? Was it just a nudge then? Can you imagine the damage he would have inflicted if there wasnt 5 different people in his way? Intent is a big thing with the law. His intent was bodily harm. And on a 19 year old female. Cmon man. 

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14 minutes ago, Jroc04 said:


Pretend your not “internet lawyering” and be honest with his actions and what you saw. He pushed her well before the tandem push came into play. You have a daughter man. Is that cool if that’s your daughter? Was it just a nudge then? Can you imagine the damage he would have inflicted if there wasnt 5 different people in his way? Intent is a big thing with the law. His intent was bodily harm. And on a 19 year old female. Cmon man. 

Do I think what he did was wrong? Yes

Do I think he should have just shut the hotel door/called police/called hotel security? Yes

Do I think he was the aggressor? Yes

But here is what I also believe. Men shouldnt hit woman. Woman shouldnt hit men. If either party hits the other, they should expect to get hit back. She did hit him first. 

I think his most egregious act was the pushing and yelling. He shoved a group so hard she flew into a wall and couldnt stand up. Thats super aggressive. I dont think whatever you want to call what he did with his foot was a big deal. It looked like he kinda just tried to push her over with it. It wasnt what *I* would consider a kick from an angry NFL RB. 

I think he made a series of terrible choices. I think had he really tried, he would have busted through those people "holding" him back and could have beat the ish out of her. I think instead he was just a dumb idiot who pushed a girl who slapped him and called him a N word. Not defending him. Like my previous example, if you steal a candy bar, its still theft. But he didnt "rob a bank" (IE try to actually harm her).


As to your other question: I would teach my daughter that if she hits someone and calls them a racial slur, she shouldnt be shocked when it leads to physical violence. 

Edited by Matts4313
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You guys are justifying a woman being accosted and physically assaulted by a 215 lb professional athlete. Like when I man is a certified “weapon” due to his training under a martial art, he has the responsibility to walk away from minor infractions against him. Because he can inflict major damage to that person. 

And both of you guys clearly missed the first push. Did you not see that? Not saying it was some outrageous push but he put his hands on her outside of the tandem push and “nudge” as you so delicately put it. He initiated contact with the push. He had multiple chances to walk away yet felt it was necessary to go back over to her after she was knocked about to the head and KICK her. He swung his foot back and kicked her. He didn’t nudge her. It wasn’t some brutal altercation but he made clear decisions to physically  harm her, in whatever capacity. There’s right and wrong and not 100 yards of gray area. If you think that’s ok or not a big deal, you need to re-evaluate your approach to how you treat women. 

Was she egging him on? I dunno, probably. Should she have walked away? Yep. But she doesn’t have the capacity to inflict major harm to him. He, on the other hand, does. There’s a certain responsibility you have in that case. It’s not, “Hey, she touched me....she gets what she deserves.” Huh? What kind of douchey thinking is that? Oh no, a 100 lb girl took a swing at me. So that entitles you to any physical damage you’d like to inflict? Give me a break. 

She has no business getting into any physical conflict with, honestly, anyone. It seems as if she couldn’t fight herself out of her purse. However, a man has to walk away. He has to be aware there’s nothing that’s good about to happen. If given the chance, which he had multiple times, he needs to walk away. He hits her and wow, you really taught her a lesson man. And if he walks away, aw man, you’re a punk. But one results in you being released from your multi million dollar job while the other is just an embarrassing night. Please tell me what he gained from that or was justified in any single way. And even more so that he’s a professional athlete with cameras everywhere and a level of personal responsibility to another human being that is far more inferior to himself physically. There’s no reason for him to go half as far as he did and it’s embarassing that anyone would like to brush it off or belittle the altercation. 

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Ohhh how I love watching the Panthers lose and eventual PC to come with Cam! Wonder who's fault it was this week besides him and his TO's of course?

TB did try to give it away 3x (punts) in the last 4 minutes.

Just makes our 17 pt 4th QT collapse/debacle/ignorance by Schwartz to play Prevent Defense all that more egregious though.

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I would agree that any women who puts her hands on another person, even if it's man, should fully expect to get hit back... That doesn't mean a man should hit her back though. Only if necessary, and let's be real, very rarely is it necessary to go beyond light pushing considering their diminutive size and lack of muscle, they're not going to hurt you. It's not black and white, sometimes a women can be just as big as you or is really going for the kill (clawing at eyes, nut shots, etc.), in which I would say you should subdue her by any means necessary, but that's never the case in these incidents. We are dealing with world class athletes and 100 lb women, these guys are in no danger with these women wilding and can easily just walk away. Hunt went over the line for any man, and considering his status? Absolute idiot. He should definitely get another job and initial backlash seems a bit over the top, he's being treated like he knocked a women out, but the NFL pretty clearly has no tolerance policy for violence against women and you're not going to "get away" with being caught hitting a women as an NFL player unless people actually believe it was your only choice in that situation.

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10 minutes ago, EaglesPeteC said:

Everybody wants to be the 2017 Eagles. Nobody wants to be the 2018 Eagles. This applies mostly to.the 2018 Eagles.

Here is a key difference

2017 - https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/phi/2017_injuries.htm

12 on IR,  5 Out multiple games over 17 weeks

2018 - https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/phi/2018_injuries.htm 

16 on IR, 10 Out multiple games over 13 weeks with 5 more games to go!!!! YIPPEEE! 

If you go to other teams in playoff contention and look at their injury reports, they are dealing with half as many serious injuries. 

Go Birds

Master "The Haul" Cheddaar


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4 hours ago, Jroc04 said:

You guys are justifying a woman being accosted and physically assaulted by a 215 lb professional athlete. Like when I man is a certified “weapon” due to his training under a martial art, he has the responsibility to walk away from minor infractions against him. Because he can inflict major damage to that person. 

And both of you guys clearly missed the first push. Did you not see that? Not saying it was some outrageous push but he put his hands on her outside of the tandem push and “nudge” as you so delicately put it. He initiated contact with the push. He had multiple chances to walk away yet felt it was necessary to go back over to her after she was knocked about to the head and KICK her. He swung his foot back and kicked her. He didn’t nudge her. It wasn’t some brutal altercation but he made clear decisions to physically  harm her, in whatever capacity. There’s right and wrong and not 100 yards of gray area. If you think that’s ok or not a big deal, you need to re-evaluate your approach to how you treat women. 

Was she egging him on? I dunno, probably. Should she have walked away? Yep. But she doesn’t have the capacity to inflict major harm to him. He, on the other hand, does. There’s a certain responsibility you have in that case. It’s not, “Hey, she touched me....she gets what she deserves.” Huh? What kind of douchey thinking is that? Oh no, a 100 lb girl took a swing at me. So that entitles you to any physical damage you’d like to inflict? Give me a break. 

She has no business getting into any physical conflict with, honestly, anyone. It seems as if she couldn’t fight herself out of her purse. However, a man has to walk away. He has to be aware there’s nothing that’s good about to happen. If given the chance, which he had multiple times, he needs to walk away. He hits her and wow, you really taught her a lesson man. And if he walks away, aw man, you’re a punk. But one results in you being released from your multi million dollar job while the other is just an embarrassing night. Please tell me what he gained from that or was justified in any single way. And even more so that he’s a professional athlete with cameras everywhere and a level of personal responsibility to another human being that is far more inferior to himself physically. There’s no reason for him to go half as far as he did and it’s embarassing that anyone would like to brush it off or belittle the altercation. 

Is this aimed at me? Because I dont feel like I said anything that relates to any of this. 

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