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Packers Lions Post Game


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Two things that Packer fans complain about a lot that will probably never change:

1.  Rodgers holds the ball too long

2.  MM’s playcalling

For as long as both Rodgers and Mac have been Packers, fans have spent a lot of time lamenting these issues, wondering if this is the year they’ll change.  Chances are at this point, they won’t.  

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17 minutes ago, Norm said:

Guys, I think it's pretty obvious when I say worse, it's not one game. I'm pretty confident when he was 63% for the season and had all his money turned into bonuses basically and then went 89%, he rebounded well. No? He had the lowest percentage that year. IDK what his worst period was and I know he never missed 5 kicks in one game, obviously, but even I was going, CUT THIS POS at one point. And I never do that. I never thought it was possible to come back from that mentally, but he did. He'll probably have some lingering yips from this though, at least in his head, hopefully they don't manifest into another deal anywhere near that.

I'm worried about this getting in his head. But I'm hopeful that last FG helped him a bit. 

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1 minute ago, Slinky said:

I'm worried about this getting in his head. But I'm hopeful that last FG helped him a bit. 

I taught the game of golf for over 14 years to some really good players, none on the tour however. Kicking is sort of like golf. At the highest level, it really comes to down mental toughness. The really good ones can brush off a day like yesterday move on, even excel. The other 99.999 percent, they melt and are never the same. Crosby recovered from a dreadful 2012. Maybe he recovers again. 

What would be worse is if Crosby had a minor injury which caused his mechanics to be a bit off. I don't know enough about the kicking motion to analyze that whatsoever. If it is, he's likely not correcting that anytime soon. Time will tell. 

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2 minutes ago, Golfman said:

I taught the game of golf for over 14 years to some really good players, none on the tour however. Kicking is sort of like golf. At the highest level, it really comes to down mental toughness. The really good ones can brush off a day like yesterday move on, even excel. The other 99.999 percent, they melt and are never the same. Crosby recovered from a dreadful 2012. Maybe he recovers again. 

What would be worse is if Crosby had a minor injury which caused his mechanics to be a bit off. I don't know enough about the kicking motion to analyze that whatsoever. If it is, he's likely not correcting that anytime soon. Time will tell. 

I’d be concerned if Crosby were young.  Since he’s a veteran, and has endured other kicking slumps, I think he’ll bounce back fast.  The older we get, the less we worry about sh!t like this, or at least we worry far less than when we were young.

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16 minutes ago, Golfman said:

I taught the game of golf for over 14 years to some really good players, none on the tour however. Kicking is sort of like golf. At the highest level, it really comes to down mental toughness. The really good ones can brush off a day like yesterday move on, even excel. The other 99.999 percent, they melt and are never the same. Crosby recovered from a dreadful 2012. Maybe he recovers again. 

What would be worse is if Crosby had a minor injury which caused his mechanics to be a bit off. I don't know enough about the kicking motion to analyze that whatsoever. If it is, he's likely not correcting that anytime soon. Time will tell. 

From my memory those kicks Sunday didn't look like 2012 though.  That year his kicks were all wobbly and all over the place.  At least against the Lions they looked like decent kicks that were just a bit off.

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I guarantee Crosby isn’t sweating yesterday.  He came out, said all the right things - with sincerity in his heart - and he’s moved on.  He’s thinking, “what’s the worst that can happen?”  Unless he continually screws up, he’s on this team at a minimum through the end of the season.  After that, he could walk away with his millions and live happily ever after.  He’s had a nice career.  He’s old - heck, he’s more gray-haired than my grandpa FFS!

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4 hours ago, SSG said:

Chris Speilman was predicting exactly what he was going to do on that series inside the 5 and he was 100% correct.  He knew exactly what was going to be called based on the personnel groupings.  Extremely predictable.  

I believe all teams know what other teams are gonna do because of all the tape out there.  Every once in a while a team will try a new wrinkle but most will continue to do what they do best.  It is the team that executes the best and doesn't screw up like we did multiple times yesterday that win in this league.

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4 hours ago, SSG said:

Has anyone seen the all-22 on those 2 strip sacks?  Wonder is AR12 missed an open WR or were they covered?  I    know that the all-22 doesn't always do it justice though. Just because a guy is running free doesn't mean he was where he was supposed to be.... where AR looked for him before moving on to the next read.

Think we're missing Jordy's improv on plays like those.  Take for instance the TD that Graham dropped.  He stood around for a good portion of time staying covered, watching AR12 struggle before he decided to try to help out his QB.  

I am almost certain on one of those fumbles when Rodgers was stripped from behind it appeared two of our WRs were in the same vicinity, ran into each other and knocked each other out of the play.  :(  Jordy was good at improv but missing Cobb and Geronimo yesterday didn't help the passing game either.

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