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16th Coach of the GB Packers (let the search begin)


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11 minutes ago, Nick_gb said:

Right, makes sense. 9_9



Why not ? Make a mistake and you burn up the rest of Rodgers career. Everything matters. The Denver fiasco matters. The Indy fiasco matters. See a trend ?

How he treats his dog matters. Hell I wanna know if he separates his whites from colors when doing laundry. 

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32 minutes ago, Nick_gb said:

I don't know why we still talk about something that happened 10 years ago, honestly. If you guys don't think he's capable of learning from the mistakes in Denver by now that's a bit questionable. There's a huge difference between being the youngest and hottest coach (Not look wise) in the NFL to being an older coach with all eyes on him waiting for a repeat of his past failures. Huge difference. Josh McDaniels is far too smart to make the same boneheaded moves he made in Denver at his next gig.

Right because we've never seen coaches fail at multiple places.  We've never seen past Bill Belichick assistants who were viewed in EXACTLY the same light fail in multiple different places.  

Being a head coach is being a head coach.  You don't learn how to be that caliber of a  leader IMO.  This is a guy who's leadership almost destroyed a franchise.  He wasn't just a bad coach, he was a bad person who had every single person in the organization hating his guts.  

When are we going to learn that not every single coordinator that has ever worked with Bill Belichick is some sort of genius for just working with Bill Belichick?  When away from New England he trashed the Bronco's and lead a Rams offense that was 32 in yards and 31st in points.  In both instances he was away from Belichick he's been terrible.

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17 minutes ago, Breesus mode said:

And anybody calling for McDaniels after the disaster in Denver and the Rams, and then after least-season, needs to be ignored.

I'm no fan of McDaniels.   I kinda hope we don't hire a retread and either go for an NFL assistant or a collegiate HC.  We hired McCarthy out of the blue and that worked out pretty good.

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18 minutes ago, Nick_gb said:

I don't know why we still talk about something that happened 10 years ago, honestly. If you guys don't think he's capable of learning from the mistakes in Denver by now that's a bit questionable. There's a huge difference between being the youngest and hottest coach (Not look wise) in the NFL to being an older coach with all eyes on him waiting for a repeat of his past failures. Huge difference. Josh McDaniels is far too smart to make the same boneheaded moves he made in Denver at his next gig.

By your rationale, then the same thing can be said for Philbin, no?  Not saying Philbin is the right choice, but they've traveled similar roads.  Actually, Philbin would have a leg up because he already has a strong relationship with Rodgers.  I just don't buy that McDaniels is some genius offensive guru.  All indications point to him following Belichick's plan - not his own.

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Just now, Pugger said:

I'm no fan of McDaniels.   I kinda hope we don't hire a retread and either go for an NFL assistant or a collegiate HC.  We hired McCarthy out of the blue and that worked out pretty good.

Pejorative you there, but literally anybody except him.

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1 minute ago, cannondale said:

If McDaniels has matured so much and learned from his mistakes and is ready - how the hell does the Indy dumpster fire happen ??? Or maybe he has matured since last year ???

Because he suddenly, at the very last minute, had an epiphany that Mike McMarthy might get canned sometime in the foreseeable future, and the GB job would be more fun.  Or so some here have speculated, SMH.

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23 minutes ago, KingOfTheNorth said:

Do you have any reports that show this? I'm not doubting you, I just haven't seen any reports with direct quotes from players and or coaches. I will do some research myself after work and I am not dealing with a firewall.

I will start by saying that I heard about it at the time from friends who were the parents of someone who worked for the Broncos at the time.  Hard to believe, but true.  at my age, you have met a few people in your time.

This article by a colts website from last year is a fair representation based on what I heard:



The decision really falls on whether this was a one off issue with being young and having too much power-  that is what Murphy and Gute have to sort out.  Has he grown as a coach enough to not be doing things like alienating the entire offensive line during an over time win vs the patriots, or viscously berating DC Mike Nolan on the headset during a loss to the Colts.   Will he treat the assistants so badly that he turns over a large number after the first year and bring his brother in to be the QB coach.  These are all the publicly known issues.  There were more, but out of respect to my friends, I will not share them.

It could be that he has learned and improved.  The whole Colts thing last year makes me wonder though.

The Denver experience may be irrelevant at this point.  Whether it is or isn't though, is not a trivial question and the Packers need to find the answer to it.

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23 minutes ago, SSG said:

Right because we've never seen coaches fail at multiple places.  We've never seen past Bill Belichick assistants who were viewed in EXACTLY the same light fail in multiple different places.  

Being a head coach is being a head coach.  You don't learn how to be that caliber of a  leader IMO.  This is a guy who's leadership almost destroyed a franchise.  He wasn't just a bad coach, he was a bad person who had every single person in the organization hating his guts.  


When are we going to learn that not every single coordinator that has ever worked with Bill Belichick is some sort of genius for just working with Bill Belichick?

The same can easily be said for coaches that have failed and found success later down the road ...

You want to put a 31-year-old Josh McDaniels up against some of these older coaches who failed their first time as a Head coach you're welcome to. I refuse to do so though, in that situation, you're the youngest Head coach in the NFL EVER (Pretty sure that's true) and with that comes a lot of arrogance. 

Judge the guy all you want, I don't really care. I have other things to do then to judge a man for his failures and arrogance 10 years ago. I will also trust the process of Gute / Murphy over people on an internet forum who only understand parts of stories i.e. what the media gives them access to. 

If Gute and Murphy are on board with Josh McDaniels then I 100% and full-heartedly accept that move. It's not Josh McDaniels scheme that failed him as a head coach, it was his attitude and demeanor. That's something that can and most likely has changed with more time under his belt and 1 failed opportunity. I would at least be willing to assume that due diligence was done by our Front Office before hire. You're welcome to not believe that and hold that mans past against him though.

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36 minutes ago, Nick_gb said:

I don't know why we still talk about something that happened 10 years ago, honestly. If you guys don't think he's capable of learning from the mistakes in Denver by now that's a bit questionable. There's a huge difference between being the youngest and hottest coach (Not look wise) in the NFL to being an older coach with all eyes on him waiting for a repeat of his past failures. Huge difference. Josh McDaniels is far too smart to make the same boneheaded moves he made in Denver at his next gig.

To me it falls on how much was from youth, inexperience, and too much power, and how much was from issues baked into his personality.

If it is not a fundamental personality issue, then he stands the chance of being a great hire.  If it is a personality issue that is incompatible with what it takes to be head coach, then he could be a ridiculous failure.  Very high on the risk reward spectrum.

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1 minute ago, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

To me it falls on how much was from youth, inexperience, and too much power, and how much was from issues baked into his personality.

If it is not a fundamental personality issue, then he stands the chance of being a great hire.  If it is a personality issue that is incompatible with what it takes to be head coach, then he could be a ridiculous failure.  Very high on the risk reward spectrum.

Indy found out

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Just now, Ragnar Danneskjold said:

To me it falls on how much was from youth, inexperience, and too much power, and how much was from issues baked into his personality.

If it is not a fundamental personality issue, then he stands the chance of being a great hire.  If it is a personality issue that is incompatible with what it takes to be head coach, then he could be a ridiculous failure.  Very high on the risk reward spectrum.

Fair points -- I may be jumping the gun and assuming it was mostly the youth and inexperience but I'm operating my judgments based on IF the Packers were to hire him as the next head coach because if that happens then I'm going to find it extremely hard to believe they don't want those very same answers and were able to get a feel and a judge for which of them played the heavier role. 

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15 minutes ago, Nick_gb said:

The same can easily be said for coaches that have failed and found success later down the road ...

You want to put a 31-year-old Josh McDaniels up against some of these older coaches who failed their first time as a Head coach you're welcome to. I refuse to do so though, in that situation, you're the youngest Head coach in the NFL EVER (Pretty sure that's true) and with that comes a lot of arrogance. 

Judge the guy all you want, I don't really care. I have other things to do then to judge a man for his failures and arrogance 10 years ago. I will also trust the process of Gute / Murphy over people on an internet forum who only understand parts of stories i.e. what the media gives them access to. 

If Gute and Murphy are on board with Josh McDaniels then I 100% and full-heartedly accept that move. It's not Josh McDaniels scheme that failed him as a head coach, it was his attitude and demeanor. That's something that can and mostly has changed with more time under his belt and 1 failed opportunity. 

I don't much care about how old he was.  It had nothing to do with his toxic leadership style IMO.  Removing accountability and blaming his age is an escape goat IMO.  Plenty of young head coaches have struggles, none have ever destroyed a team like McDaniels.

You are judging him for his successes as a coordinator, why can't he be judged for his failures?  Especially considering that those failures have occurred in every single instance he didn't coach under Bill Belichick?  Let's not forget, Denver wasn't his only failed stop.  He was responsible for the 31st ranked offense in the league with the Rams in his year between Denver and returning to New England (a team that was fresh off another Super Bowl appearance without McDaniel).

It takes a lot more than an offensive scheme to be a quality head coach in the NFL just ask Chip Kelly and Mike Martz.

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