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NCAA/Draft Prospect Thread #WinItAll4theHAUL


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27 minutes ago, AustrianEagle said:

Watched Georgia @Auburn and RB Kerryon Johnson from Auburn looked really good. Seems to be patient and has good vision. What do you guys think of him? Worth a pick in the 4th or 5th?

If he comes out early barring some outrageous combine i could see him as a mid round guy. 

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This draft had Guice falling to 24. I haven't followed the draft that closely  this season, but I really like Guice and heard he was being talked about as a potential top 10 guy this past offseason. Will he actually drop that far? If he does I would think that he could be a really good fit in Philly.

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2 hours ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:


This draft had Guice falling to 24. I haven't followed the draft that closely  this season, but I really like Guice and heard he was being talked about as a potential top 10 guy this past offseason. Will he actually drop that far? If he does I would think that he could be a really good fit in Philly.

Never Trust SBNation, there horrible at doing mocks. theres still way too much to still happen to be able to determine anything. 

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I wasn't around for the 2017 pre-draft convos, but let me say I was wrong with who I wanted up top. For some odd reason, I had my sights set on *gulp* Corey Davis and McCaffrey. Thank goodness we didn't get either. Another name I saw floated around a bunch in regards to the Eagles was John Ross. Boy am I glad we didn't get him. Barnett was the right pick and I'm happy we have him.

In the 2nd, I wanted Mixon or Cook very badly. Felt ok drafting Sidney Jones when the pick was announced, but wasn't overly giddy because of the low success rate for rookies who miss extended time during their first year in relation to their star potential.

Rasul has been a pleasant surprise minus a few bad moments, mainly in the Chargers game. Pumphrey would have been deemed a major waste of a trade up, but knowing now we got Clement makes that pick seem less important. Mack Hollis is the man, love him already.

All in all, good draft for Howie and Joe Douglas. 

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5 minutes ago, 808 said:

I wasn't around for the 2017 pre-draft convos, but let me say I was wrong with who I wanted up top. For some odd reason, I had my sights set on *gulp* Corey Davis and McCaffrey. Thank goodness we didn't get either. Another name I saw floated around a bunch in regards to the Eagles was John Ross. Boy am I glad we didn't get him. Barnett was the right pick and I'm happy we have him.

In the 2nd, I wanted Mixon or Cook very badly. Felt ok drafting Sidney Jones when the pick was announced, but wasn't overly giddy because of the low success rate for rookies who miss extended time during their first year in relation to their star potential.

Rasul has been a pleasant surprise minus a few bad moments, mainly in the Chargers game. Pumphrey would have been deemed a major waste of a trade up, but knowing now we got Clement makes that pick seem less important. Mack Hollis is the man, love him already.

All in all, good draft for Howie and Joe Douglas. 

I REALLY wanted Lattimore. 2nd was probably Dalvin Cook. If not them there were a few others I was hoping for. Yeah Corey Davis was one until we signed Alshon.

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On 11/15/2017 at 1:39 PM, Danger said:

I REALLY wanted Lattimore.

Same. Absolutely loved him. Wouldn't stop posting about him on the old forum... lol

I hated draft day cause going in I thought he would get drafted way before us, even with the hamstring issue, but then he kept slipping and I let myself gain a glimmer of hope that maybe he could fall far enough or we could trade up a bit to get him. After the Saints took him I was really bummed.

Really liked his teammate Gareon Conley a lot too, but then the rape case came out and he couldn't clear his name in time, so I was pretty sure we wouldn't take him.

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Just now, TheRealMcCoy said:

Same. Absolutely loved him. Wouldn't stop posting about him on the old forum... lol

I hated draft day cause going in I thought he would get drafted way before us, even with the hamstring issue, but then he kept slipping and I let myself gain a glimmer of hope that maybe he could fall far enough or we could trade up a bit to get him. After the Saints took him I was really bummed.

Really liked his teammate Gareon Conley a lot too, but then the rape case came out and he couldn't clear his name in time, so I figured we wouldn't take him, even though we had interest.


I wasn't too high on Conley, he wasn't the teams #1, so I'd have to imagine he wasn't covering the best guy on the other team. Hey maybe I'm wrong, but I think that with OSU's always tenacious D-Line made life really easy for Conley.

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2 minutes ago, TheRealMcCoy said:

Same. Absolutely loved him. Wouldn't stop posting about him on the old forum... lol

I hated draft day cause going in I thought he would get drafted way before us, even with the hamstring issue, but then he kept slipping and I let myself gain a glimmer of hope that maybe he could fall far enough or we could trade up a bit to get him. After the Saints took him I was really bummed.

Really liked his teammate Gareon Conley a lot too, but then the rape case came out and he couldn't clear his name in time, so I was pretty sure we wouldn't take him.

I was on the Conley wagon before the rape case. I did like Sidney more than him before he got hurt though. 

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On 11/15/2017 at 1:31 PM, 808 said:

Boy am I glad we didn't get him. Barnett was the right pick and I'm happy we have him.

I wasn't a big fan. Fought back on certain parts of his game that I believed were overrated. Thought he was a good prospect, but not a great one. Was a 2nd round guy for me.

He's been getting better as the season has wore on. He's not running past the QB as much trying to always do a speed rush. His run defense has been on point.

Looking forward to what he'll do in the 2nd half of the season.

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4 minutes ago, Danger said:

I wasn't too high on Conley, he wasn't the teams #1, so I'd have to imagine he wasn't covering the best guy on the other team. Hey maybe I'm wrong, but I think that with OSU's always tenacious D-Line made life really easy for Conley.

Umm.. Conley lined up on the left side at OSU mainly which is where the WR1 usually plays (at least in the NFL).

I don't think Lattimore or Conley was facing the best WR the majority of the time.

And, if you are gonna use OSU's great d-line as a knock against Conley, then you need to use it against Lattimore as well.

A great d-line is going to help a corner have to cover for less time, but both of their cover skills were great regardless of the pass rush.

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11 minutes ago, ninjapirate said:

I was on the Conley wagon before the rape case. I did like Sidney more than him before he got hurt though. 


I think before the injury I had it like this.

1.) Lattimore

2.) Jones (before injury)

3.) Conley

4.) White

5.) Jackson/Humphrey

Liked Jourdan Lewis as a round 3 guy.

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I didn't follow too closely last draft season, but I watched some Lattimore. He looked like 1st round talent but elite CB from day 1? Not in a million years. Ramsey, now he's a guy who looked special, and it was no surprise to see him come in strong and rapidly blossom into a top flight corner. Same goes for PP. Even now watching old Lattimore tape I still don't see it, perplexes me a bit. Just hard, for me anyway, to really gauge the little things, which CAN be translated to the pros, and which CAN make a big difference. Think that's the case with Lattimore. He obviously was so much more than just the freak athlete I saw him as.



What even are our needs at this point? DP just has the train moving and making our weaknesses look like strengths mid season. Suddenly CB and RB look to be near the bottom of our list. Even LT doesn't feel as much of a need with Big V holding his own. I'd like another receiver for Wentz, preferably a burner. A guard for depth and potential to be the guy in a few years. Taking an LT high and grooming him for the future is still probably the smart move unless big V really shows he is the real deal the rest of the way. Linebacker needs depth and possibly a starter if Hicks isn't in our long term plans. Can always use more DL for our high demand rotation, but that'd be day 3 kind of pick.

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