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Mafia Mafia - Town Wins


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7 hours ago, TedLavie said:

Probably wasn't the best of ideas to introduce mafia with the twins, Swag and me as the only experienced players haha. 

I need to re read the whole argument between Swag Orca and Pickle but I'm leaning Pickle. Looks like he is trying to get under Swag skin just for the hell of it, which I'm not sure if it's personal dislike or scum tactics. 

You sure have an axe to grind, what did I ever do to you.  You stab me in Survivor and lead the vote to get me kicked off the island and now your first vote is for me.....


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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

Why so confident swag is getting lynched? 

Follow up, sounds like you know he is town not that you think he is town.  I guess it's like you know he is town and are trying to prevent his lynch to buddy up to him.

I read him as town, yes. Also with FourThreeMafia losing his vote and the votes as they are, it seems pretty likely he's dying.

Either way if you thinking I'm mafia gets you to unvote him , then by all means do it.

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On 2/17/2019 at 2:48 AM, Mega Ron said:


I don't think @SwAg comes out swinging like that of he is Mafia and admittedly we have little to go on so far but it's suspect to me that @Counselor and @BringinDaPain have voted that way.


On 2/17/2019 at 9:11 AM, Mega Ron said:

I'm 100 per cent town.

I could be convinced of Swag, or anyone, being Mafia but don't see why he has been jumped on so far. 

Unless you guys know him then I can understand.

I dont like mega Ron defending swag that early in the game.  Could be defending mafia or defending town in a similar way I think nacho could be.  

Then the second post sounds like swag told him in chatty to lay some doubt on him just in case he is the lynch.  

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The black van rolled down the street again. Everyone took a step back except for @FourThreeMafia who continued on his merry way in ignorant bliss.

*Screeeeeeeech* the black van came to a sudden hault and two men grabbed FTM! 

“Slow learners around here. Eh? Don’t edit your posts.” One of the men commented as he methodically sliced out FTMs tongue. “But you get the same deal as the last guy. If you can get this thing back on by tomorrow we’ll forget this ever happened”

The neatly tucked FTM’s tongue into his pants pocket and drove away.

@FourThreeMafia’s vote has been silenced until D2.

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Player Voting to Lynch
TheKillerNacho [No Vote]
SwAg No Vote
MWil23 No Lynch
TedLavie Pickle Rick
Mega Ron Pickle Rick
Counselor SwAg
BringinDaPain SwAg
The Orca SwAg
Pickle Rick SwAg
FourThreeMafia [No Vote]
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Just now, Pickle Rick said:

You do know swag is not gonna stay on no vote.  He will change it to me as a point of self preservation (or anyone else that saves his ***).  

Look I’m the only one I know for sure is not mafia. So if I could I would hang all of you. I think the jump for Swag to hang me off the bat was suspicious and mega rons follow is also suspicious however you sir pickle seem hang worthy.

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Just now, Counselor said:

Look I’m the only one I know for sure is not mafia. So if I could I would hang all of you. I think the jump for Swag to hang me off the bat was suspicious and mega rons follow is also suspicious however you sir pickle seem hang worthy.

Not sure the noose will fit around my neck.


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23 minutes ago, Dome said:

The black van rolled down the street again. Everyone took a step back except for @FourThreeMafia who continued on his merry way in ignorant bliss.

*Screeeeeeeech* the black van came to a sudden hault and two men grabbed FTM! 

“Slow learners around here. Eh? Don’t edit your posts.” One of the men commented as he methodically sliced out FTMs tongue. “But you get the same deal as the last guy. If you can get this thing back on by tomorrow we’ll forget this ever happened”

The neatly tucked FTM’s tongue into his pants pocket and drove away.

@FourThreeMafia’s vote has been silenced until D2.


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2 people that are standing out other than Swag are Ted and Mega. Ted (experienced player) pushes no lynch because he doesnt want to lynch a newbie. I get that sentiment, but we have 4-6 experienced players. Then Mega follows. Mega switches to Pickle and then Ted follows. Interesting dynamic for sure. 

23 hours ago, Mega Ron said:
On 2/17/2019 at 10:30 AM, TedLavie said:

No way I'm lynching a new guy on the first day. The goal is for them to learn and appreciate mafia, and a random D1 lynch isn't going to help.

Let's go with a No Lynch until we know more

Ok agreed.

I am no longer lynching .

no lynch 


18 hours ago, TedLavie said:

As I said, I think a no lynch is better for teaching purposes than a new guy lynch. I'm not seeing anything suspicious out of the twins / you.

So far I believe Counselor behaviour looked sketchy, but it's much easier to not look sketchy when you don't post. BDP and FTM stand out in that regard


19 hours ago, Mega Ron said:

Well I'm off to bed very soon.

If we are not lynching then:

no lynch

if we are:

Pickle Rick


8 hours ago, TedLavie said:

Probably wasn't the best of ideas to introduce mafia with the twins, Swag and me as the only experienced players haha. 

I need to re read the whole argument between Swag Orca and Pickle but I'm leaning Pickle. Looks like he is trying to get under Swag skin just for the hell of it, which I'm not sure if it's personal dislike or scum tactics. 


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