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2019 NFL Draft Thread


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Seriously. We didn't trade up 1 damn spot so we can get him instead? All of you that live in Houston I apologize but if there was another Harvey to wipe out BOB and our FO it would be justified.

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I'm with mse and moreover you knew it was coming because you know the Eagles are a forward looking franchise.  You cannot let them jump you for a potential franchise cornerstone.

That being said I really liked Tytus Howard - up until the combine when he looked like a 2nd round pick with some upside.

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17 minutes ago, Texansfan713 said:

My big board for round 2


CB Greedy Williams

OG/OT Cody Ford

OT/OG Dalton Risner

LT Greg Little

CB Rock Ya-Sin

CB Byron Murphy

CB Julian Love

CB Trayvon Mullen

I would take anyone on this list over the joke we drafted. 

Obviously Watson is not Gaines guy and he wants to get him killed so he can bring in a qB. 

I guess he felt he did a good job drafting in the 3rd round that he went right to it for his 1st pick. 

Yeah don’t regret going to avengers. 

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I should probably just revisit my 2008 comments when I was convinced Duane Brown would have been sitting around for us in the 3rd and that Ricky got schooled when we traded down.  Jeff Otah and Sam Baker were the bigger names at T, Talib and Mike Jenkins at CB, and Kenny Phillips at S.  Of course, the whole world thought we were insane for not grabbing Rashard Mendenhall at RB (or CJ2k or Felix Jones hahaha pig suuey Jerry).  Was my first and worst take, so I'm going to let this one develop a bit.  I was half expecting an edge rusher, but I maintain trading Clowney would end any hopes of getting a Super Bowl in the Watson rookie deal window. We got leverage out the ying yang with all the cheap edges filling needs and the Chiefs valuing Clark higher.  

However, it's really not hard to feel like we again let telegraphing our pick burn us as Dillard falling seemed too good to be true and there is no excuse not to burn a 4th rounder to move up once he got past the Vikings. The value gap between Dillard and Tytus seems massive (but personally Dillard scared me as I saw plenty of my Baylor OL's star in our spread only to flop at the next level). Still, top 10 value vs. a project guy we could have likely gotten with either of our 2nds (say, the one we got for Duane Brown?) seems like we at least burned getting a bonus 4th rounder.  Taylor falling makes it even harder optically, but clearly we aren't the only one's spooked by the knees.  Experts likely had Ford ahead of Howard, but he is redundant with Rankin for me as a future guard (see also Jonah Williams) and Little doesn't fit our character model as he's a lazy underachiever.   The Falcons moving back in to grab McGary at the bottom of the 1st makes me feel a bit better as I like Howard more than him and it's possible they were in on Howard (remember all the scuttlebutt saying the Chargers were in on DB).  The scariest part for me is counting on Devlin to develop a small school guy, but if he can't get it done with the very coachable Howard, he's a goner.   Boy, we Texans love that Senior Bowl don't we...

Aside from the value equation, Howard was the best fit with Dillard gone and it's not like the value would have been much better at CB (Greedy was never going to be a Texan and I HATE slow corners in the 1st (Baker, Murphy).  I was leaning Savage or Abram at this pick, but even as critical as I think 3rd safety is in our defense, it's pretty hard to justify when we don't have starting quality tackles. It certainly will not be a popular pick for the people that just want to hear SEC names called, but the pick simply HAD to be a tackle and this guy seems like a good fit once he gets some "mexican meat"/Cushing strength program going.  


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22 minutes ago, Apollo Stallion said:

The scariest part for me is counting on Devlin to develop a small school guy, but if he can't get it done with the very coachable Howard, he's a goner.

I think this is what grinds my gears the most - notsomuch the selection, but the expectation that our OL coach (who has failed with the likes of Sua-Filo, Nick Martin, Julie'n Davenport and Martinas Rankin) is going to suddenly find the magic technique to tap into the potential that Howard brings to the table (and he's going to do it in five months). 

In a vacuum, Howard is very toolsy - size, length, athletic ability - he has every tool possible to be a top level talent at T (he's actually very comparable to Duane Brown, if we're being honest). Difference is that Brown was mentored by Alex Gibbs, who had a very clear growth plan for Brown, platooning him early on and building him up effectively.

Mike Devlin, on the other hand - well, I'd be surprised if he can teach him how to tie his shoes properly. At least Cushing is going to overtrain him to the point of cancer or pregnancy...so, Howard will be a strong as an ox for those six games he'll be able to play post-suspension.

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23 minutes ago, Apollo Stallion said:

ot hard to feel like we again let telegraphing our pick burn us as Dillard falling seemed too good to be true and there is no excuse not to burn a 4th rounder to move up once he got past the Vikings.


no 4th rounders this year iirc

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