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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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20 hours ago, Matts4313 said:
20 hours ago, The Orca said:

Only time I've seen it...I was a friendly other who had to survive to win with the winning team. I caught Matts and his entire mafia team in 3 of 4 nights based on reads...town let me win with them...but it was a struggle to stay alive

What game was this?

This sounds like a deep down mafia fantasy, not reality. 

I found it hahahaaha!!!!!!!!!

On 9/23/2018 at 10:17 AM, Matts4313 said:

@The Orca => Good job calling me out on my BS. I made a mistake thinking I had the pull to get you lynched. I didnt factor in the 6 votes you could swing my way and you played it well.


On 9/22/2018 at 11:48 PM, Dome said:

Woz nearly cleared matts the night he was lynched but switched to james after that.

that with orca outting a role I thought nobody would attempt to out really changed the game. 


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On 6/17/2019 at 8:45 AM, ET80 said:

A few things about my game play this game:

- I am going to block three of you at random.

- I plan on using 1-2 word responses

- I may or may not read my role. I don't know yet.


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5 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

The notebook:


You then write a name in the notebook, one might even call that a "note":



And then this guy goes and kills the person you wrote down:


Thanks I now understand the premise of this.  

So (for anyone), is there any reason that you all can think of....that if someone writes down a name that the person is not killed but brutalized instead? 

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4 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

Complete trash....have you even been playing in the games lately.  I nailed like 5 scum in the marvel's game without a move to help me


4 hours ago, rackcs said:

You name half the players at some point, most for simply voting for you and then you've nailed the game.

That said, I'm not convinced this is necessarily scum pickle and I feel pretty good about nacho so far. I do get the argument of him being detrimental regardless though. 

So are you saying you would support a pickle lynch?

4 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

He was referencing that specific connection of orca making fun of swag last game"  the only reason it became a connection in my kind was bc orca flipped bandit.  So that type of connection I made needs to have someone flip scum 

That's not all connections just that type of connection 

wtf are you trying to say here?

4 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

I'm town.  People jumping on are always suspect.  I've always been a pretty easy lynch candidate so it's always suspect as hell when people just come out of the blue and push me.  

In the marvel game it ended up being like 3 or 4 scum pushing me.  

I was indy and I pushed you and MWil because you were legitimately my top two suspects.  Best way for scum to get in the town's good graces is push an indy or other faction.

4 hours ago, SwAg said:

Also, another time to point out: when I’m not a ****, people call me scum because I’m not a ****, then whine when I’m a ****.

I enjoy it.

4 hours ago, rackcs said:

I still feel pretty good about nacho. He voted for both sides of that weird matts-mwil mess earlier and then kinda hopped around a bit. He also had some weird responses when being pushed by, I believe, mwil.

Does anyone else stand out to you?

3 hours ago, SwAg said:

Dome and I are just clicking this game.  Malfatron is liable to have to sleep on the floor at this point.

Didn't you say something similar about you and me in Marvel?

1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:









Ok.  I mean this in the nicest way possible.  Go back.  Read your LVP write up.  Look at where you made your mistakes.  Then ask yourself...did I learn anything or am I just repeating the same mistakes as Marvel?

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1 minute ago, Ragnarok said:


So are you saying you would support a pickle lynch?

wtf are you trying to say here?

I was indy and I pushed you and MWil because you were legitimately my top two suspects.  Best way for scum to get in the town's good graces is push an indy or other faction.

I enjoy it.

Does anyone else stand out to you?

Didn't you say something similar about you and me in Marvel?

Ok.  I mean this in the nicest way possible.  Go back.  Read your LVP write up.  Look at where you made your mistakes.  Then ask yourself...did I learn anything or am I just repeating the same mistakes as Marvel?


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7 hours ago, Dome said:

Are you guys really arguing about what a lie is? 


After that will someone explain to me being found not guilty and being found innocent? Thanks 

If you're innocent, you'll be considered guilty. 

If you're guilty you'll be innocent. 

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34 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Thanks I now understand the premise of this.  

So (for anyone), is there any reason that you all can think of....that if someone writes down a name that the person is not killed but brutalized instead? 

No, the Death Note will always kill the victim. They could be brutalized first if a cause of death is specified that they were, but a person's name written will always die. There is a way you can specify a time of death as well; but iirc it can't be more than two weeks in the future (by default, it kills in 40 seconds).

So if I write Pickle Rick will die two weeks after sustaining brutal injuries, then you will suffer brutal injuries and die after those two weeks (I could be wrong about the exact maximum but from what I recall its about that).

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1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:

The fact that counselor is getting all bent out of shape at being listed by a crazy person makes me feel like......


Just like how you were so sure you nailed me last game when I was getting mad at you? 

1 hour ago, Matts4313 said:

Why are certain posters so sure we have multi ball? Or mafia and others? 

This is like the 3rd time someone has said definitively that there are more than 2 factions. Very scummy. 

I feel with almost certainty that there is going to be something beyond just one scum group. Granted I haven't played many games on this specific forum but Whicker's Overwatch is the only one I can think of that's had just one scum group flat out.

59 minutes ago, The Orca said:

This is what I was getting at. I dont believe you did it...you would have clearly went after me or Pickle. 

I do believe Dome is sketchy. More so because of being in a secret lair and being what appears to have been the victim of an attempted day vig (which I usually correlate to a civ move, though it can be either)

That case is almost as poorly thought out and useless as Pickle's case. And he literally has no actual case.

55 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

99% of games dont have others, though I grant that the vast majority do. It just seems odd that some people are so sure of it. Several statements about 2 mafias as well.

The bold isn't necessarily relevant to the game but what?

38 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

The notebook:


You then write a name in the notebook, one might even call that a "note":



And then this guy goes and kills the person you wrote down:


Based on the one episode I've seen so far and the Netflix movie that I've mostly forgotten, that guy doesn't have to do the killing. The default I believe is that they just straight up die of a heart attack. Anyone that's seen it wanna tell me otherwise?

27 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Thanks I now understand the premise of this.  

So (for anyone), is there any reason that you all can think of....that if someone writes down a name that the person is not killed but brutalized instead? 

Again based on the one episode and Netflix movie I've mostly forgotten, I dont think that can happen. You either write their name down and successfully kill them how you say or nothing happens. I don't think there's any sort of halfway where you can maim someone and not kill them.

18 minutes ago, Ragnarok said:

So are you saying you would support a pickle lynch?

Does anyone else stand out to you?

Support seems a strong way. I understand why people want to lynch him. Its day 1. He's scum at worst, useless and likely harmful town at best. That's not a bad way to go. 


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