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Death Note Mafia: Mafia Wins! (Counselor, Nazgul, Swag)


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Near was closing in on Light. He know it. 

There has saw light, in the park, pushing his sister Sayu in the wheelchair.

He tried to aim his sniper rifle, but couldn't line up the thought. Light's sister kept getting in the way.

Then, he saw Light writing something in his notebook.

In the back of his mind though, something told him to go to a wrestling match, but he swiftly brushed those thoughts aside.

He put the gun up again, but felt an intense pounding in his chest.

Near gasped and fell to the ground dead.

Dome - Near- Backup JOAT - town is dead


There was only one loose end to clear up.

Light and Sayu knocked on an apartment door. A man in a mask opened it.

"Kanzo" Light asked?

"Yes, that's me"

Suddenly, Light pulled off the mask, and it was Singo Mido the whole time!

Together, Light and Sayu easily overpowered Shingo


Dingo - Shingo Mido was endgamed. - Secondary Mafia - 1 shot tracker


Light and Sayu paused.

there was nobody left to catch them.


"I have won" Light said. "I will now be the god of this new world"

"And I will help, Light" Sayu said.




The Mafia have won

Light - Counselor - Original Death Note Holder - Mafia

Sayu - Nazgul - Motion Detector - Mafia



Swag also wins as Misa


Utley was transformed into a neutral survivor role and auto-lost.


Thanks for playing everyone!  It was a blast to host, and it was a nailbiter!

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