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Aegon's Conquest Mini Mafia - Game Over


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Wow, I woke up to absolute chaos and a win with scum. I was a vanilla other with a survival win con and decided to play Town early and then go back to my normal spastic self the last 30-36 hours to try to let scum leave me because I was a liability after tunneling Orca, which btw @Matts4313 is why I used the whole no lynch rationale, just to tunnel and over analyze.

Touch, I was hoping to get rid of Dome last night because I was pretty confident he was scum, especially when he ghosted. You are đź’Ż right that I was rolling with you no matter what.

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Nah, you shouldn’t have gone to night randomly on one modkill and not the other modkills.  Squire should have been modkilled because reading isn’t hard, but going to night there was a deviation from precedent with no explanation, other than “well, Town modkilled itself earlier and got an advantage, so now I’mma even it up.” 

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Meh, we all take principled stands.  I dumped well over a hundred hours into Marvel Mafia to be lynched by perpetual AFKers and the learning disabled in largely the same situation.  I could demand IQ tests and activity standards, but I don’t.  I don’t think it’s hard to have a game within the technicality and spirit of the rules, but you’re denying an aspect of the game if you think strategic modkills aren’t a gambit item.

Spell out consequences in the rules if you want it.  I think Malfatron’s way of punishing an offender’s team worked, if you modkill to avoid a lynch, day ends or a random mechanic (passive redirect, etc) has a chance to influence that alignment.

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@Malfatron I told @rackcs I thought I was a dead man when you flipped survival Other like me. I was worried that Dome would take out Touch last night and that Squire would follow Orca to lynch me over you, but I figured if Touch was left alive that I could be confident enough and had enough thread credibility to go with a Dome push.

@Nazgul you played great man. Who did you try to block last night when you died?

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Welcome to Westeros DingoLadd!

You are Argilac Durandon, Westeros-Aligned.

You are the one who essentially started this whole shebang by insulting Aegon Targaryen. This led to him sending out letters to all of Westeros starting his conquest. You are known as the Storm King and as such you can each night lead someone into a storm, blocking them from completing their action that night.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: Roleblock (Player X)

Communicate With: Nobody

LVP by default


Welcome to Westeros Counselor!

You are Harren Hoare, Westeros-Aligned.

You are the leader of the mighty Hoare House…I mean House Hoare. You are the King of Isles and Rivers, the nastiest, scummiest lord of Westeros. You’ve also built a brand new, dope as **** castle called Harrenhal. Each night you can bring one player to Harrenhal, protecting them for the night.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: Protect (Player X)

Communicate With: Nobody



Welcome to Westeros SwAg!

You are Loren Lannister, Westeros-Aligned.

You are a proud and mighty Lannister, hear you roar! You are rich beyond belief and this Targaryen threat is threatening your status in Westeros. You are your neighboring rich kingdom, the Reach, have formed a strong alliance to fight back against the Dragon King. You are allowed to communicate outside of the thread with the King of the Reach.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: None

Communicate With: theuntouchable


Welcome to Westeros theuntouchable!

You are Mern Gardener, Westeros-Aligned.

You are a fierce and mighty king, not to mention rich. The fields of the Reach are fertile and provide plenty of surplus crops to sell. The Targaryen invasion is a major threat to your status quo and so you’ve decided to form an alliance with your neighboring kingdom, the Kingdom of the Rock. You may communicate outside of the thread with the King of the Rock.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: None

Communicate With: SwAg


Welcome to Westeros bcb1213!

You are Ronnel Arryn, Westeros-Aligned.

You are just a boy but still the responsibilities of being a king rest upon your soldiers. Some of your advisors say to kneel but your little boy brain says otherwise, bring on the dragons! From your perch high in the Erie you can see just about anything. Each night you can choose a person and watch their domain, seeing anyone who visits them. Also, twice per game you may act like the child you are and choose to hide behind someone. Any actions targeting you will affect that person instead.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: Watch (Player X)/Hide

Communicate With: Nobody


Welcome to Westeros squire12!

You are Meria Martell, Westeros-Aligned.

You are so fat and so old and so blind that you are known as the Yellow Toad of Dorne. Despite all of this, your kingdom is extremely well prepared to defend itself. You knew of the threat of these dragons years ago and built large scorpions to take them down. Because you are blind, you can’t always see who is visiting you but every night the first person to visit you, if any, will die.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: None

Communicate With: Nobody


Welcome to Westeros TheKillerNacho!

You are Torrhen Stark, Westeros-Aligned.

You are the true King in the North. You are known throughout the realm as a wise and beloved leader. You are incredibly intelligent and a great diplomat. You know just about everything there is to know about all of the great houses of Westeros. Each night you will visit someone and find out which house they are from.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: Investigate (Player X)

Communicate With: Nobody


Welcome to Westeros FinneasGage!

You are Brandon Snow, Westeros-Aligned.

You are one of your half-brother, Torrhen Stark’s, most trusted advisors. When you found out that the Targaryens were demanding the fealty of all Westerosi lords, you immediately told Torrhen that you would handle it. You fastened a bow and arrow from branches of a Weirwood Tree and will use it to take down the Targaryens. Once during the game, you may kill someone.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: Kill (Player X)

Communicate With: Nobody


Welcome to Westeros Nazgul!

You are Argella Durandon, Westeros-Aligned.

You are Argilac’s daughter and on a basic level this whole conflict started because of you and because your father didn’t want you married off to some Valyrian bastard. You’re not just some silly princess to be married off to whoever though. You are just as fierce and powerful as your father. Your father is the Storm King and one day you want to be the Storm Queen. Every night you can lead someone into a storm and you will be randomly redirected.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: Redirect (Player X)

Communicate With: Nobody

Hidden: Takes over Dingo's powers upon his death and can choose between roleblock and redirect


Welcome to Westeros The Orca!

You are The High Septon, Westeros-Aligned.

You are the leader of the Faith of the Seven. When you found out about the Targaryen invasion, you retreated to the Starry Sept of Oldtown to pray to the Seven. You aren’t sure how long it will take you to hear from the gods but you will fast and pray until you receive guidance. For now, you have no ability.

Win Condition: Eliminate the Targaryen threat to Westeros.

Night Action: None…yet

Communicate With: Nobody

After Night 3 gets an alignment comparison one shot. The next night they are told the remaining ratio of town to nontown.


Welcome to Westeros Matts4313!

You are Aegon Targaryen, Targaryen-Aligned.

You are the Dragon King and this is your conquest. Well technically it’s not a conquest until you’ve won so for now it’s just an invasion. You ride one of the largest and most fearsome dragons ever known, Balerion the Black Dread. Each night you can ride him to someone’s kingdom and burn their fields and keep, halving the number of votes they need to be lynched the next day. Also, your faction has a kill. Each night one of you gives up your normal action to carry out the kill instead.

Win Condition: Outnumber the Seven Kingdoms.

Night Action: Burn (Player X)

Communicate With: Dome, Forge, Malfatron


Welcome to Westeros Dome!

You are Rhaenys Targaryen, Targaryen-Aligned.

You are Aegon’s older sister and also his first wife. You are known as the fierce sister-wife as you are a great warrior who wields the might sword known as Dark Sister. Each night you will use your fighting skills to incapacitate a player, blocking them from completing their night action. Also, your faction has a kill. Each night one of you gives up your normal action to carry out the kill instead.

Win Condition: Outnumber the Seven Kingdoms.

Night Action: Roleblock (Player X)

Communicate With: Matts4313, Forge, Malfatron

Very close runner up for MVP


Welcome to Westeros Forge!

You are Visenya Targaryen, Targaryen-Aligned.

You are Aegon’s younger sister and also his second wife. You are known as the beautiful and graceful sister-wife. You are a great beauty and this comes in handy quite often. Each night you will bring someone to your room and tie them up, keeping them out of the action for the next day. They will not be able to post or vote. Also, your faction has a kill. Each night one of you gives up your normal action to carry out the kill instead.

Win Condition: Outnumber the Seven Kingdoms.

Night Action: Silence (Player X)

Communicate With: Matts4313, Dome, Malfatron


Welcome to Westeros Malfatron!

You are Orys Baratheon, Independent-Aligned.

You are Aegon’s bastard half-brother but also one of his most trusted soldiers and advisors. Despite your closeness, you do not necessarily support this invasion. You are supporting it however because you have been promised the beautiful and enchanting Argella Durandon’s hand in marriage if you win. You don’t really care who wins to be honest as long as you can marry her. Your goal is to survive and keep Argella alive as well. Each night you can investigate a character’s ability in order to help your brother. However, you will also get a result telling you if that person is Argella or not. You may communicate with the Targaryen-Aligned players but are not technically aligned with them. It is up to you if you want to tell them or not. Also, each night a member of that faction gives up your normal action to carry out a kill instead. However if you do this you will not be able to get an investigation result for that night.

Win Condition: Survive to the end of the game with Argella Durandon.

Night Action: Investigate (Player X)

Communicate With: Matts4313, Dome, Forge



Welcome to Westeros Pickle Rick!

You are Vickon Greyjoy, Greyjoy-Aligned.

You are a vassal of Harren Hoare’s right now but like most of his vassals you hate his ******* guts. You want to usurp his kingdom from him and become the King of Isles and Rivers. To this end, you will kill someone each night. Your goal is to ultimately kill Harren Hoare to usurp his throne.

Win Condition: Kill Harren Hoare and usurp his throne.

Night Action: Kill (Player X)

Communicate With: Nobody


Welcome to Westeros Mwil23!

You are Lord Commander Hoare, Nights Watch-Aligned.

You are the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Despite the fact that your brother, Harren Hoare, is one of the combatants in the Targaryen invasion, you have decided to stick with your vows and stay out of the conflicts in the Seven Kingdoms. Because of this you have no abilities that will affect the conflict and your only goal is to survive the war.

Win Condition: Survive.

Night Action: None

Communicate With: Nobody




I'm sorry some people didn't enjoy the game. Even though some of it was my fault and some of it wasn't, you never want your games to make people upset or angry.

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