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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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15 minutes ago, El ramster said:

I’m also liking this Mwill guy. Too quiet and walking around egg shells. Just typing enough to be active but not adding very much.. 


matts-Will-Dome I’ll be Gucci with IMO..


also, would be it worth if one the civs special takes off a mafioso? What are the numbers ?


4-4?? I need a run down of the roles. Legit been 4 years since I’ve been on.. someone without being a jerk tell me. 

If you kill me tonight I am driving to your house and burning it down.

15 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Matts is more logical and level headed than I’ve ever seen him. Not hurling insults amongst other things. It feels forced like he is being unnatural. I’m going to trust my gut on this one. Normally he would be screaming to get rid of me. Look at how slow he is playing this. Acting like he is working for the fake claims after Swag already did. Tried to use my fake invest last game on Dingo and him “going along with it” as proof he goes with the gambits. He went with it because he was scum. This isn’t town Matts.

TBF you havent said anything stupid this game for me to criticize. Trying to not get so angry at you all. Go back to being the best player on the site. But that means MAlf will be my #3 now instead of my #2. 

14 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I'm just caught off guard by matts discouraging the Mod talking when I'm used to matts tagging the mod asking questions he knows won't realistically be answered.

Im a control freak. (not really)

13 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Interesting. You needed me in Marvel but were awful towards me. But you don’t need my influence here so you have no need to be nice to me?

I needed your ability. I didnt need you as a player. It could have been anyone as long as the powered me up. 

10 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You’re like MGK. Insult him in a line compliment him on the next. 

Youre both defending and pushing him in a sly way. 

.......... This is nonsense. 

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Sorry Counselor

Don't get all the Ramster votes, especially without any reasoning behind. If y'all wanna save Cousenlor, you should go Mission. Mission being here has no upside. At best he gets modkilled. At worst he hangs around by doing just enough to survive and ends up being a dead weight around N4/N5 where you're really counting on all civs. Plus, what tells us he's not mafia?

Still, Counselor is the right play.

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

If you kill me tonight I am driving to your house and burning it down.

TBF you havent said anything stupid this game for me to criticize. Trying to not get so angry at you all. Go back to being the best player on the site. But that means MAlf will be my #3 now instead of my #2. 

Im a control freak. (not really)

I needed your ability. I didnt need you as a player. It could have been anyone as long as the powered me up. 

.......... This is nonsense. 

Reported mods help 

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18 minutes ago, El ramster said:

Legit been 4 years since I’ve been on.. someone without being a jerk tell me. 

The ratio and roles are all over the place now-a-days. With 24 players you can probably expect at least 6 or 7 of them to be non-town, and there are probably 3-4 different groups (town, mafia, converter, other). With a converter role (borg, I am assuming in game) that ratio will suck for us more each day. 

Everyone got a move so all the roles you can think of are probably present. Add on top of that some people apparently have items that counselor steals. So probably moves you have never thought of on top of the ones you know. 

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Counselor - 5 - bucsfan333, The Orca, Malfatron, Pickle Rick, TedLavie

El ramster - 3 - SwAg, Tk3, Mwil

Matts - 2 - MookieMonstah, theuntouchable

Mission - 2 - DingoLadd, Counselor

Dome - 2 - rackcs, El ramster

SirA1 - 1 - RuskieTitan

Forge - 1 - Matts

Yet to vote: Forge, Glen, squire, MD4L, Sira1, kingseanjohn, mission27

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3 minutes ago, TedLavie said:

Sorry Counselor

Don't get all the Ramster votes, especially without any reasoning behind. If y'all wanna save Cousenlor, you should go Mission. Mission being here has no upside. At best he gets modkilled. At worst he hangs around by doing just enough to survive and ends up being a dead weight around N4/N5 where you're really counting on all civs. Plus, what tells us he's not mafia?

Still, Counselor is the right play.

Strange that you havent commented on anything else. Plus I normally know where you are on read ups based on footballs given... yet no footballs received. Makes me think you are scummy and didnt have to do a massive read up. 

Are you scum?

2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Alright I’ve done all I can. See most of you in the dead chat. 

Starting to feel a bit "whoa is me". This is like the 3-4th time youve said this.

1 minute ago, DingoLadd said:


Someone catch me up on the counselor lynch because I'm 40+ pages behind. 

Counselor claimed survivor other. Gave us his fake cover roles. Discrepancy on if he is alone or not. 

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