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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

I think Counselor is feeling beat up because Malf went on a drunken tirade and called him a coward a bunch of times last game. He probably is playing this game with the intent of image repair. Likely being honest.

I agree. 

Which no mod did anything about but I get called out 

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21 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:


Unrelated, but just wanted to point out to @Dome and @Forge about what I said in chat last game. I will always, always, always have a handful of people vote me day one. You guys both kept implying my imminent doom. 

In fairness, I would have been perfectly okay with you bussing Malf that same day. I mostly felt that one of you needed to go with the other one driving. Reading the room at the time, I thought either of you was likely to be the next to go. 

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1 minute ago, Dome said:

One thing me remember 

matt compare Kevin to gif game

say me just skating by 

how Kevin skate by? 

Me understand gif skate by, but compare to Kevin is unfounded 

This is what I mean when I say matts has said a bunch of stuff without actually saying a whole lot. Half of his posts and pushes just don't make sense and/or are untrue.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You all really don’t see a down side to voting Counselor?

Nothing that outweighs the positives. Especially if he can be assimilated and will skate by after night results start rolling in.

2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

Which no mod did anything about but I get called out 

You are the mod. You could have done something about it. 

2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

If they lynch me because of insults they are bad players anyway 

You are the guy that wanted the throw the entire game because I called you bad names. 

1 minute ago, rackcs said:

This is what I mean when I say matts has said a bunch of stuff without actually saying a whole lot. Half of his posts and pushes just don't make sense and/or are untrue.

Like what? You say this same damn thing every game without backing any of it up. Its shallow. How about this, next time I "dont make sense" or push things that are "untrue", call me out on it. Until then I am just going to assume that you have no ability to back anything you claim. 

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2 minutes ago, bucsfan333 said:

Seems silly to believe you tried to bait him into slipping about mentioning discord instead of the apparent old chat.

It was subtle and ineffective, but I just wanted to push the issue. 

5 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

You clearly didnt read the OP. You are also softing that you you are a special with out realizing all of us got a role/power. You seem to def be part of the uninformed mass (town). 

The other interpretation is that you are scum and special hunting. But event then its likely that you would be aware through chat that were all powered. Speaking of which, I forgot what you use as your username and color in cha.tzy. Remind me. 


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3 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Nothing that outweighs the positives. Especially if he can be assimilated and will skate by after night results start rolling in.

You are the mod. You could have done something about it. 

You are the guy that wanted the throw the entire game because I called you bad names. 

Like what? You say this same damn thing every game without backing any of it up. Its shallow. How about this, next time I "dont make sense" or push things that are "untrue", call me out on it. Until then I am just going to assume that you have no ability to back anything you claim. 

Naw I actually thought you had been converted 

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2 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Like what? You say this same damn thing every game without backing any of it up. Its shallow. How about this, next time I "dont make sense" or push things that are "untrue", call me out on it. Until then I am just going to assume that you have no ability to back anything you claim. 

Show me where I've said that you've posted without substance before, I'll wait. And I have said specific things in this thread, if you didn't see them or are ignoring them then that's on you. I've said you saying the thread is mostly fluff/off-topic is untrue. I've said that you flip flopped and were all over the place on the Counselor thing. In the post you just quoted, I was responding to a specific thing you did. You were saying Dome was using the Kevin gimmick to skate by but he's been active and contributed more than just about any other player to this point. How is that skating by? Don't ignore all of my posts on you and then say that I haven't actually brought anything up.

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