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STAR TREK: The Next Generation Mafia (Romulan Star Empire wins!)

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2 hours ago, Tk3 said:

too many Glens



2 hours ago, The Orca said:

Late jump on and late jump off...great acrobatics :)


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

It's not JUST about Glen. It's about the tunneling (we know who tends to tunnel), pinging Mookie, "forgetting" Mookie was on the Dome 5, etc. Also, Forge didn't back his last claim (within the last 90 minutes). I don't buy it.


1 hour ago, The Orca said:

Who tunnels?


1 hour ago, MWil23 said:

Scum has a tendency to tunnel.


1 hour ago, The Orca said:

Scum has a tendency to jump around cause they don't care who is lynched unless it's a person with them 



53 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I feel like I understand you much more having read this sentence


49 minutes ago, Dome said:

you know for sure?


me know tk3 Duras.


47 minutes ago, Dome said:

ok... so malf for sure.

tk3 for sure duras


we wreckin shop

Can it be this easy?

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On 7/2/2019 at 8:08 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

The crew of the Enterprise was eager to start its quest to eliminate the intruders. They quickly took notice of El ramster.

"Hey you," the crew said, "You talk kinda strangely and we're not too fond of of your references to the discord happening here!"

"But that guy literally claimed a Ferengi!" cried El ramster.

That defense was not enough. The group took Ramster to the Med Bay and cryogenicly froze him. After extensive tests of his frozen body, he was revealed to be a Security Officer, Federation aligned. Found on his body was a phaser. His role information has been added to the OP.



On 7/2/2019 at 9:17 PM, TheKillerNacho said:

The crew of the Enterprise returned to their quarters. However, multiple sounds of energy weapon discharge awoke the crew from their slumber. Through the panic, the crew checked every quarters and yet, only found one victim: @The Orca was found dead with disruptor burns. After an autopsy, he was revealed to be Wesley Crusher, Federation aligned.

His role information will be added to the Autopsy log momentarily. Day 2 is officially Open.

@TheKillerNacho  Day and Night 1

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2 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

The crew of the Enterprise was a bit distraught, looking for anyone to vent their frustrations towards. After all, two of their own had already been slain! "me use tricorder last night", said one who has become known as Kevin, "me scan malf, touch, and swag. mookie glen get in the way, we scan them too. Me found Federaetion, Borg, Collective, and House of Duras."

The crew assembled their metaphorical pitchforks and started demanding the heads of these five.

"Uh er.. I can't be Borg or Klingon because I'm half Romulan!" exclaimed the one known as Glem.

"ROMULAN? Was that one of the five?"

"me don't know" explained Kevin.

The mob then shoved Glem out the nearest airlock. Thankfully, his corpse was able to be beamed back on board. The autopsy showed he was indeed a Tactical Officer, Federation aligned. Found on his body was a disruptor. His role information has been added to the OP.

Night moves are due 9:37 PM ET!





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4 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Can someone do me a solid and get the links for the Day/Night write ups. If so I'll include those back in the OP too. Sorry I'm apparently a massive noob at this :(

That's not even a noob mistake, it was just a freak accident. Don't worry about it. There's much worse things to do as mod, I would know.

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2 hours ago, TheKillerNacho said:

The crew of the Enterprise was a bit distraught, looking for anyone to vent their frustrations towards. After all, two of their own had already been slain! "me use tricorder last night", said one who has become known as Kevin, "me scan malf, touch, and swag. mookie glen get in the way, we scan them too. Me found Federaetion, Borg, Collective, and House of Duras."

The crew assembled their metaphorical pitchforks and started demanding the heads of these five.

"Uh er.. I can't be Borg or Klingon because I'm half Romulan!" exclaimed the one known as Glem.

"ROMULAN? Was that one of the five?"

"me don't know" explained Kevin.

The mob then shoved Glem out the nearest airlock. Thankfully, his corpse was able to be beamed back on board. The autopsy showed he was indeed a Tactical Officer, Federation aligned. Found on his body was a disruptor. His role information has been added to the OP.

Night moves are due 9:37 PM ET!


56 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Last night, there was more ruckus occurring on board the Enterprise. A lot more ruckus.

First of all, @bucsfan333 attempted to shoot a man with a disruptor! Unfortunately for him, the disurptor appeared to be sabotaged, and he ended up disintegrating himself in a slow painful array of green light! After analyzing the ashes, his identity was confirmed to be Reginald Barclay, Federation aligned. A PADD was found at the site of his corpse. It read:

But the night was not done, oh no, not by a long shot. Next, there were screams heard from down the other side of the deck. Seems that @MookieMonstah was phased in the face by someone. In a dark orange beam of light, he fell to the floor, never to get back up again. After some forensic analysis, he was confirmed to be B'Etor, House of Duras aligned. Strangely, no items were found on his corpse, not even the  Klingon standard disruptor. It's somewhat of a small mystery what happened to it?

But the killings weren't done, I'm afraid. Next murder victim was @MWil23, who got himself done in by a disruptor. This one seemed to fire normally, unlike the one that did poor Reginald in. A quick scan of the ashes revealed him to be Geordi La Forge, Federation aligned. He was carrying a PADD, but nothing was written within.

But the nightly news for the Federation did have one positive turn by the night's end. Well, kind of. There was hull damage. A LOT of hull damage, from a bomb that went off in the middle of the night. Air-locked a whole freaking deck. Miraculously, however, only one person was found to be blown away, @DingoLadd. The crew found some bits and pieces that were left of him and determined he was Toreth, Romulan Star Empire aligned! On his corpse, a disruptor was found!


All in all, a mixed night for the Federation. The Autopsy report on the OP will be updated momentarily. You may now discuss your moves and such - Day 3 is officially open. Due to Independence day, this will be a 48-hour day. Spend some time with your family. We'll resume this game on 7/5 at 9 PM ET.

@TheKillerNacho  Day 2 and Night 2

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2 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

All right. I'm read up.

Now we just have to deal with the problem of Klingon time crystals being out of phase with our universe's quantam resonance.





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