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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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North bracket

1 - Whicker vs 2 - theuntouchable

3- bcb   vs 4 - ET80


Northern Championship:

1-  Whicker vs 3- bcb


South Bracket:

5- mission  vs 6- Pickle Rick

7- Flux vs 8- @TLO


East Bracket:

9 - Outpost vs 10 - Finneas

11 - Pickle Rick vs 12- @Hockey5djh


Eat championship:

9- Outpost vs Pickle/Hockey


West Bracket:

13 - @Dwight_Schrutevs 14 - Nazgul

15 - Counselor vs 16 - gopher


Submit 5 RPS moves and a tiebreaker number (1 or 2).

As soon as we get a matchup locked in, we'll play it  right away

If you aren't gonna be around for the weekend, feel free to submit all rounds at once.


blue - got move in

Green - Won

Red- lost

Edited by Malfatron
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