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STAR TREK: Deep Space 9 Mafia (The Federation, Quark, and Morn wins!)

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Pickle Rick - 4 - Swag, Counselor, Matts, SirA1

Matts - 2 - Glen, Ragnarok

kingseanjohn - 2 - MWil23, Mcarl_sjunior

Whicker - 2 - pwny, VikeManDan

Swoosh - 2 - bcb1213, Forge

Tugboat - 1 - Dome

carl_sjunior - 1 - Raves

Dome - 1 - gopherwrestler

Orca - 1 - Whicker

gopherwrestler - 1 - Tugboat

rackcs - 1 - Orca

SirA1 - 1 - Pickle Rick

Raves - 1 - kingseanjohn

pwny - 1 - rackcs

Malfatron - 1 - ITS_RAMMY

VileManDan - 1 - Malfatron


Yet to vote: @theuntouchable, @squire12, @swoosh

20 minutes to go!

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Pickle Rick - 4 - Swag, Counselor, Matts, SirA1

gopherwrestler - 4 - Tugboat, theuntouchable, Orca, Pickle Rick

Whicker - 2 - pwny, VikeManDan

Matts - 2 - Glen, Ragnarok

kingseanjohn - 2 - MWil23, Mcarl_sjunior

Swoosh - 2 - bcb1213, Forge

Tugboat - 1 - Dome

carl_sjunior - 1 - Raves

Dome - 1 - gopherwrestler

rackcs - 1 - Orca

Raves - 1 - kingseanjohn

pwny - 1 - rackcs

Malfatron - 1 - ITS_RAMMY

VileManDan - 1 - Malfatron


Yet to vote: @squire12, @swoosh

15 minutes to go!

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For those who didn't play in the Start Trek game last time, Night is going to be brutal for us because everyone and their brother has Items in addition to Role Moves.

Every revealed role will seem super OP because of this.

Scum had a Disruptor kill that was factional so anyone could use it. So trying to track a killer will be hard.

Federation had Phasers with limited charges 1 or 2. 2 Charges killed and 1 Charge Stuns (RoleBlock).

Tricorders could give you a scan of 3 players + 2 random players to get a list of Alignments.

Lets hope this game doesn't have Bombs again. They hit anyone at the same location of the target.

Energy Vests protect a character from Phasers and Disruptors but are one shot items

It's going to be another wild ride.

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