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9 hours ago, SwAg said:

Dingo is scum too.  You're dunce level 1000 if you think I actually canceled night.

Can I say with 100% accuracy you would cancel n1? No. 

Also c'mon swag you're better than " she believed me so she must be scum" 

But as mafia you would. 

4 hours ago, SwAg said:

I'mma vig malf tonight.


3 hours ago, Whicker said:

- locks vote in on confirmed non-town

- gets told to calm down

What a great world we live in

I sympathize. 

3 hours ago, Whicker said:

All I want is to have you lynched

Whicker is my spirit animal. 

3 hours ago, Dome said:

@Whicker what part was the insult? Calling you lazy which you confirmed, or telling you to calm down?

Cause telling you to calm down isn’t an insult tbh. 

Dome clearly has never worked a day in retail. 

3 hours ago, Ragnarok said:

The happy fun 'you're my buddy' list?


Rags skipping over the fact he's on at least 3 watch lists. 

1 hour ago, Pickle Rick said:


<I am the actual class clown

<Nah I faked that bc I wanted to 

<I'm actually a very powerful town 

<In fact I skipped night 

<Dingo is actually scum bc he believed my fake claim of skipping night 

<Actually I am the vig and gonna hit malf

I mean yes but it's also swag and I'm not gonna use pickles analysis as a basis for a lunch. 

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1 hour ago, VikeManDan said:

That’s a punishment? I mean I know he said he’s the bomb and all...

Speaking on that, class clown or not, I still don’t like the bomb references. 

Hes either the cool kid or the bullied kid. 

Im a former gym teacher it is a punishment, trust me. 

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Vote Count

Ragnarok - 3 - bcb1213, Mwil23, SwAg

Nazgul - 2 - Nazgul, Matts4313

SwAg - 5 - DingoLadd, Pickle Rick, Malf, Counselor, VikeManDan

Dome - 1 - Whicker

With 19 alive and 19 voting, it's 10 to lynch!

Haven’t voted: Slappy Mc, theuntouchable, Dome, Ragnarok, carl_sjunior, kingseanjohn, TheKillerNacho, The Orca

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Just a complete absence of thought and analytical progression lead to the votes on me in the thread.  Sure, an innocuous explanation could be: yeah, they’re just dumb, but a more palatable explanation is there that there is a game motivation to it.

Rick is probably the only one voting for me that I think is just bad at the game and thus voting for me.  The rest should be arbitrarily lynched since they’re scum, or if not, their intellectual malfeasance will not be missed by Town.

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They’re going to AFK / selectively respond, and the remainder of you are so abysmal and contrite regarding confrontation that it will work.  

Then, Town is out one of its best players, and one of its best roles, on D2 because conveniently no new information, and we were clearly so close to a correct result on D1!

All because my plan hurt your big brains.  It no add up because I have no ability for abstract thought.  So, gotta get rid of confusing man, then shrug and say WELL HE MADE ME after.

So good.  10/1 playz.  Yes, 10/1. 1000%

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13 minutes ago, SwAg said:

That’s because I’m The Cop and tried to be erratic and claim roles people wouldn’t want to kill, so now scum are doing exactly what I said they would.

Sure you are, just like you were the...


Class clown 

Skipped night 



There are 8 people who still need to vote and if just one person (say me) flip off of you then you are not lynched.  Instead of trying to figure out who the best person to lynch is to make sure we have the best chance to kill scum, all you did was claim your like 5th role. 

There is/was no need to claim yet you did so anyway.  

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