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Plain Ol' Mafia, IRL but on the Internet - Day 5 end 7pm EST


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3 minutes ago, Dome said:

Dome grabbed @Matts4313 and duct taped his mouth closed! He was a Mafia Goon!

My bad dude. It ain’t me.” Dome said to @Pickle Rick before duct taping his mouth closed. We was a Vanilla Townie!

My bad dude. It ain’t me.” Dome said to @MWil23 before duct taping his mouth closed. We was the Serial Killer!

It is now Day 3. With 11 alive we need 6 to lynch.


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On 9/4/2019 at 1:49 PM, SwAg said:

Can I interest anyone in lynching one of participants 7 through 11?  

Based on meta analysis, that number range draws scum most often.


On 9/4/2019 at 6:06 PM, RandyMossIsBoss said:



On 9/5/2019 at 3:19 PM, Dome said:

Vote Count - 8 is majority

7 rack - pickle, matts, kotn, orca, counselor, rackcs, naz

2 matts - mwil, rmib

2 mwil - dabs, swag

1 swoosh - malf

1 pickle - bcb

1 kotn - nacho


@swoosh needs to vote.



Stayed quiet and voted Matts while Racks was getting heat and just left his vote there

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