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It Mafia - The Losers have won, Derry is saved!


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Derry, Maine
June 15
, 1962

Rackcs left The Black Spot after a long and fun night with his army buddies. He knew it was unwise to be traveling alone this late as a black man. Whether it was the general confidence he had or the liquid courage he’d consumed that night, he was not overly concerned. It wasn’t too far to his house anyways.

The night was silent as he strolled down Main Street. During the day the street was bustling and full of life. At night the dark displays left the road feeling empty. He passed by the barber shop; seats empty. He walked by the hardware store, the aisles of tools hidden to the dark. Rackcs stopped for a moment as a cool, sweet summer night breeze swept over him. He saw a red balloon being blown past him. He felt at peace.

Some ways ahead of him, a car turned onto the road heading in his direction. Rackcs ducked his head down. The occupants of this car might not be hostile to him but he didn’t like to take chances. Lately there had been a rash of attacks on black pedestrians. While there was no proof, everyone knew the attackers were a part of the Maine Legion of White Decency. They liked to be pretend that they were a respectable institution focused on “empowering the white race” but any black person who’d ever had the displeasure of interacting with them knew better than that.

The car picked up speed heading down the road towards rackcs as he silently willed the car to just drive past with no incident. As the car moved past him he breathed out a sigh of relief. Only a few more blocks to go and he’d be home. Rackcs’s peaceful feeling returned.

Just as quickly as that feeling returned, it left again as he heard the squeal of tires braking hard behind him. He glanced back to see the car start reversing. Rackcs started sprinting down the street, desperate to get away from the car that was now chasing after him. He turned down an alley and continued sprinting but heard the car come screeching into the alley as well. He looked ahead of him and saw a fence about 10 yards away. The car was gaining on him as he raced towards the fence. If he could just get over that, he knew he could get away.

He was getting closer but could hear the car closing in on him as well. He reached the fence and hopped up, beginning to climb. He was about halfway up the fence when the car crashed into the fence. Rackcs was knocked off of the fence and fell backwards onto the hood of the car. Two white men hopped out of the car and pulled him off of the hood, slamming him into a wall. The man holding him up was thick and muscular, while the man next to him was fat and balding.

“Look what you ******* did to my car boy! You put a big *** dent in the hood!”

“******* idiot, how are you gonna pay for that? We can’t pay a mechanic in food stamps!”

The muscular man punched rackcs in the gut. As rackcs started gasping for air the main reached back and punched him again right across the jaw.

“Look in his wallet Joe. See what he’s got.”

The fat man, Joe, reached around and grabbed rackcs’s wallet. He opened it up and immediately pocketed the cash. He began pulling out and tossing the rest of the contents on the ground. He pulled out a picture of his wife and daughter.

“Ah, Albert, look at the happy family he’s got here. You know, your wife ain’t half bad looking. For one of you of course.”

He finished emptying out the contents and threw the wallet over the fence. Rackcs’s head was swimming in panic. Were they going to kill him? Would they leave his body or bury it somewhere never to be found? He hoped it was the former; he never wanted to be just another disappeared black man whose family would never find out what really happened to him.

The muscular man threw rackcs on the ground and both men began kicking him repeatedly. When they were finally done the fat man spit on rackcs as he lay writhing in pain on the ground.

“If you’re smart, you’ll get out of Derry before something else happens to you. Or worse, your family. We’re getting sick and tired of you all infesting our town. We won’t tolerate it much longer.”

They gave him a couple more strong kicks for good measure before hopping in their car and peeling off. The sound of the car slowly faded off in the distance. Rackcs rolled himself over so he was laying on his back. He was gasping desperately for air. The two men had definitely caused some damage.

Rackcs sat himself up and stumbled to his feet. He fell down again to his knees before slowly standing up again. He staggered out of the alleyway and onto the street. Every step was painful and he knew he needed medical attention as soon as possible. He wandered forward, trying to find the nearest pay phone. As he looked ahead of him, he saw the light on in a shop up ahead.

“They've got to have a phone,” he thought to himself.

He wandered forward and saw that the light was coming from a toy store. Big Top Toys the sign read. He looked through the glass but didn’t see anyone behind the counter. He tried the door and it was unlocked. He hurried over to the counter and rang the bell.

“Hello?! Hello, is anyone there?! I need help! Please!”

There was nothing but silence. He looked behind the counter and saw a telephone on the wall. He walked around the counter and called 911, putting the receiver to his ear. The dial tone sounded loudly. It rang over and over. As he was waiting desperately for someone to answer he looked around the store. All of the shelves were filled with the same doll. A clown with a white face and red hair. The googly eyes on the dolls seemed to almost be staring at him as he stood there. Rackcs began to feel uneasy.


Rackcs was shocked out of his trance by a voice on the other side of the phone.

“Yes hello! I need an ambulance quickly, I’ve been attacked. I think I have internal injuries. I’m at Big Top Toys on Main Street.”

“Attacked? By who?”

“I’m not sure. I will talk to the police about it but I need medical assistance first.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

“Hello? Is the ambulance on its way?”


Rackcs felt all of the air go out of the room. A chill rolled down his spine.

“What?! Why not?!”

“Because nobody cares about you rackcs. Nobody in Derry cares that you’re going to die.”

“Going to die? What are you talking about? I need an ambulance!”

“The ambulance doesn’t want to help you rackcs. And the police aren’t going to investigate the death of a black man. You know that you could disappear tonight and nobody would bat an eye, right?”

Rackcs turned towards the wall behind him and rested his head against the wall. He sucked in a deep breath and winced in pain. It was getting harder to breath and his head was pounding. He had no response. He’d always feared being a victim of racist violence. He always knew that was a possibility living in Derry. He always worried that he’d become just another statistic.

Rackcs? You still there?”

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed its inflection. The voice sounded gruffer and almost unnatural.

“How do you know I’m black? How do you know my name? What the hell is wrong with you? Why won’t you help me?”

“Oh you want my help, do you? Well I suppose I can give you a hand if you really need it.”

“Yes please…I just want to make it home to my family…”

“Ok then rackcs. If you insist…”

The phone in rackcs’s hand started to shake violently. He dropped the phone in panic and stumbled backwards against the counter. The phone rattled as it dangled by its cord. Just as suddenly as the shaking started, it stopped. Rackcs stared at the phone for a moment, wondering if he should pick it up again. As he reached toward it the mouthpiece popped off of the handset and a gloved hand shoved its way out. The hand continued to stretch its way forward, the entire arm following it.

Rackcs immediately ran to the other side of the counter, trying to put distance between him and the phone. As he turned to face the store he saw that all of the clown dolls were gone. In their place were framed pictures of black men and women. He ran over and picked up one of the frames. The tiny plaque on the bottom said:

Fred Wellings, 1933 - 1960. Burned alive in his home

He looked at the next photo and read:

Harriet Hallman, 1945-1958. Beaten to death and abandoned

His mind was racing. He was in pain. He didn’t understand what was happening. Was he hallucinating? Was he in that bad of a shape? He turned around again and saw that the handset swung slowly back and forth from the phone. There was no sign of the hand or that anything had happened at all.

He turned around again to leave the store and saw in front of him a real life clown that looked just like the dolls he’d seen previously.

“Nice to meet you rackcs. My name is Pennywise. It’s time to float!”

The clown rushed forward and pinned rackcs up against one of the shelves. He tried to fight back but he was too weak. Pennywise’s mouth began to widen, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth. Rackcs didn’t even get a chance to cry out before Pennywise bit down, killing him instantly.

Rackcs is dead. He was Eddie Watkins, Black Spot-Aligned.

It is now Day 1! With 16 alive and 16 voting, it's 9 to lynch!

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6 minutes ago, rackcs said:

Derry, Maine
June 15
, 1962

Rackcs left The Black Spot after a long and fun night with his army buddies. He knew it was unwise to be traveling alone this late as a black man. Whether it was the general confidence he had or the liquid courage he’d consumed that night, he was not overly concerned. It wasn’t too far to his house anyways.

The night was silent as he strolled down Main Street. During the day the street was bustling and full of life. At night the dark displays left the road feeling empty. He passed by the barber shop; seats empty. He walked by the hardware store, the aisles of tools hidden to the dark. Rackcs stopped for a moment as a cool, sweet summer night breeze swept over him. He saw a red balloon being blown past him. He felt at peace.

Some ways ahead of him, a car turned onto the road heading in his direction. Rackcs ducked his head down. The occupants of this car might not be hostile to him but he didn’t like to take chances. Lately there had been a rash of attacks on black pedestrians. While there was no proof, everyone knew the attackers were a part of the Maine Legion of White Decency. They liked to be pretend that they were a respectable institution focused on “empowering the white race” but any black person who’d ever had the displeasure of interacting with them knew better than that.

The car picked up speed heading down the road towards rackcs as he silently willed the car to just drive past with no incident. As the car moved past him he breathed out a sigh of relief. Only a few more blocks to go and he’d be home. Rackcs’s peaceful feeling returned.

Just as quickly as that feeling returned, it left again as he heard the squeal of tires braking hard behind him. He glanced back to see the car start reversing. Rackcs started sprinting down the street, desperate to get away from the car that was now chasing after him. He turned down an alley and continued sprinting but heard the car come screeching into the alley as well. He looked ahead of him and saw a fence about 10 yards away. The car was gaining on him as he raced towards the fence. If he could just get over that, he knew he could get away.

He was getting closer but could hear the car closing in on him as well. He reached the fence and hopped up, beginning to climb. He was about halfway up the fence when the car crashed into the fence. Rackcs was knocked off of the fence and fell backwards onto the hood of the car. Two white men hopped out of the car and pulled him off of the hood, slamming him into a wall. The man holding him up was thick and muscular, while the man next to him was fat and balding.

“Look what you ******* did to my car boy! You put a big *** dent in the hood!”

“******* idiot, how are you gonna pay for that? We can’t pay a mechanic in food stamps!”

The muscular man punched rackcs in the gut. As rackcs started gasping for air the main reached back and punched him again right across the jaw.

“Look in his wallet Joe. See what he’s got.”

The fat man, Joe, reached around and grabbed rackcs’s wallet. He opened it up and immediately pocketed the cash. He began pulling out and tossing the rest of the contents on the ground. He pulled out a picture of his wife and daughter.

“Ah, Albert, look at the happy family he’s got here. You know, your wife ain’t half bad looking. For one of you of course.”

He finished emptying out the contents and threw the wallet over the fence. Rackcs’s head was swimming in panic. Were they going to kill him? Would they leave his body or bury it somewhere never to be found? He hoped it was the former; he never wanted to be just another disappeared black man whose family would never find out what really happened to him.

The muscular man threw rackcs on the ground and both men began kicking him repeatedly. When they were finally done the fat man spit on rackcs as he lay writhing in pain on the ground.

“If you’re smart, you’ll get out of Derry before something else happens to you. Or worse, your family. We’re getting sick and tired of you all infesting our town. We won’t tolerate it much longer.”

They gave him a couple more strong kicks for good measure before hopping in their car and peeling off. The sound of the car slowly faded off in the distance. Rackcs rolled himself over so he was laying on his back. He was gasping desperately for air. The two men had definitely caused some damage.

Rackcs sat himself up and stumbled to his feet. He fell down again to his knees before slowly standing up again. He staggered out of the alleyway and onto the street. Every step was painful and he knew he needed medical attention as soon as possible. He wandered forward, trying to find the nearest pay phone. As he looked ahead of him, he saw the light on in a shop up ahead.

“They've got to have a phone,” he thought to himself.

He wandered forward and saw that the light was coming from a toy store. Big Top Toys the sign read. He looked through the glass but didn’t see anyone behind the counter. He tried the door and it was unlocked. He hurried over to the counter and rang the bell.

“Hello?! Hello, is anyone there?! I need help! Please!”

There was nothing but silence. He looked behind the counter and saw a telephone on the wall. He walked around the counter and called 911, putting the receiver to his ear. The dial tone sounded loudly. It rang over and over. As he was waiting desperately for someone to answer he looked around the store. All of the shelves were filled with the same doll. A clown with a white face and red hair. The googly eyes on the dolls seemed to almost be staring at him as he stood there. Rackcs began to feel uneasy.


Rackcs was shocked out of his trance by a voice on the other side of the phone.

“Yes hello! I need an ambulance quickly, I’ve been attacked. I think I have internal injuries. I’m at Big Top Toys on Main Street.”

“Attacked? By who?”

“I’m not sure. I will talk to the police about it but I need medical assistance first.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

“Hello? Is the ambulance on its way?”


Rackcs felt all of the air go out of the room. A chill rolled down his spine.

“What?! Why not?!”

“Because nobody cares about you rackcs. Nobody in Derry cares that you’re going to die.”

“Going to die? What are you talking about? I need an ambulance!”

“The ambulance doesn’t want to help you rackcs. And the police aren’t going to investigate the death of a black man. You know that you could disappear tonight and nobody would bat an eye, right?”

Rackcs turned towards the wall behind him and rested his head against the wall. He sucked in a deep breath and winced in pain. It was getting harder to breath and his head was pounding. He had no response. He’d always feared being a victim of racist violence. He always knew that was a possibility living in Derry. He always worried that he’d become just another statistic.

Rackcs? You still there?”

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed its inflection. The voice sounded gruffer and almost unnatural.

“How do you know I’m black? How do you know my name? What the hell is wrong with you? Why won’t you help me?”

“Oh you want my help, do you? Well I suppose I can give you a hand if you really need it.”

“Yes please…I just want to make it home to my family…”

“Ok then rackcs. If you insist…”

The phone in rackcs’s hand started to shake violently. He dropped the phone in panic and stumbled backwards against the counter. The phone rattled as it dangled by its cord. Just as suddenly as the shaking started, it stopped. Rackcs stared at the phone for a moment, wondering if he should pick it up again. As he reached toward it the mouthpiece popped off of the handset and a gloved hand shoved its way out. The hand continued to stretch its way forward, the entire arm following it.

Rackcs immediately ran to the other side of the counter, trying to put distance between him and the phone. As he turned to face the store he saw that all of the clown dolls were gone. In their place were framed pictures of black men and women. He ran over and picked up one of the frames. The tiny plaque on the bottom said:

Fred Wellings, 1933 - 1960. Burned alive in his home

He looked at the next photo and read:

Harriet Hallman, 1945-1958. Beaten to death and abandoned

His mind was racing. He was in pain. He didn’t understand what was happening. Was he hallucinating? Was he in that bad of a shape? He turned around again and saw that the handset swung slowly back and forth from the phone. There was no sign of the hand or that anything had happened at all.

He turned around again to leave the store and saw in front of him a real life clown that looked just like the dolls he’d seen previously.

“Nice to meet you rackcs. My name is Pennywise. It’s time to float!”

The clown rushed forward and pinned rackcs up against one of the shelves. He tried to fight back but he was too weak. Pennywise’s mouth began to widen, revealing rows of razor sharp teeth. Rackcs didn’t even get a chance to cry out before Pennywise bit down, killing him instantly.

Rackcs is dead. He was Eddie Watkins, Black Spot-Aligned.

It is now Day 1! With 16 alive and 16 voting, it's 9 to lynch!

I liked this story and all. 

But you’re supposed to kill Woz

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