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The Orca's Horror Movie Mafia and Interactive Massacre- Evil and Unknown Win!!!!

The Orca

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2 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

The only thing that I dont completely understand is the interactive moves part. What I should be posting and when. Lol 

Sounds fun.  I'm in.

its a new wrinkle that has never done before (I think).....so we will all figure it out together 

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2 minutes ago, Counselor said:

The difference is no one has ever taken your words with merit so no one actually cares. People actually like Swag. You are a piece of ****.

If you could take his **** out your mouth you might be able to read and realize he has literally been riding my coattails on reads for multiple games. 

But I know you are incapable. 

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7 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

This is going to be much different than your standard game; so the rules and gameplay are unique. But just know this coming in:

There are no friends in mafia. We often call eachother bad names. This is the only thread that Webby allows us to directly insult eachother. So if you say something dumb and someone calls you a F****** moron just know that is a little bit normal. At one point I had to take a break because I couldnt go 30 minutes without telling @Pickle Rick and @The Orca that I hated their effing guts and hope they die in a fire. 

(we are good now, best friends forever)

Outside that, baptism by fire. Just play and ask questions.

PS: I wont be nice to you just cause we are BDL bros. Dont take it personal.  I am pretty much an arsehole to everyone in this game. So is @SwAg. He might be worse than me with condescending insults. 

@wwhickok will fit right in based on some of the pm trade discussions I have had with him.....he is a damn aggressive and violent person xD

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