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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia (Ivalice wins!)


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squire12 - 3 - The Orca, Tk3, Malfatron

The Orca - 3 - Dome, rackcs, Forge

Pickle Rick - 2 - Counselor, Mwil23

Tk3 - 1 - Pickle Rick

Dome - 1 - Nazgul

Forge - 1 - kingseanjohn

Nazgul - 1 - ET80

bcb1213 - 1 - squire12

SwAg - 1 - bcb1213

ET80 - 1 - Matts4313

Malfatron - 1 - Whicker

No Lynch - 1 - SwAg

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17 minutes ago, SwAg said:

Do you find it funny that the read on me is that I must be in a state of perpetual disagreement in order to be Town?  Because I have no original thought on that, but I imagine you think that is the epitome of ridiculous.


17 minutes ago, SwAg said:

I agree.

My dude found a loophole. He will create his own post to agree to.

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On 10/1/2019 at 12:20 PM, Matts4313 said:

I have some final fantasy game knowledge and some strategy game knowledge. I never played FF Tactics, but Ill take a stab on explaining:


1. You will have one that is specialized in attacking (vig?)

2. One specialized in tanking/defending (BG?)

3. One not specialized in anything (JOAT?)

4. One that is basically 1/2 fighter 1/2 wizard


1. One focused on healing (revivor?)

2. One focused on dealing mass damage (bomb?)

3. One focused on support (no clue. Bartender role in star trek, hands out gifts maybe?) (or probably gives shields)

Sneak role - Not normally a lot of specializations, but for mafia I would assume this is the watcher/tracker/thief

Range role - Probably an one time unblockable


I cant think of anything else off the top of my head. 


@Forge ^^^ thoughts? It sounds like you know the game. 

Matts speculating on game role abilities.  Asks Forge his thoughts 

On 10/1/2019 at 12:22 PM, Forge said:

I am really curious to see how he incorporates abilities to the game from some of the job classes. The oracle, for example, creates status affects on it's target (both good and bad). So could translate to something simple, like a silencer, or something else. The geomancer would be a really intriguing one to see because in the game, it uses terrain in order to attack people. No idea how that translates. Lancers have the "jump" ability, where in the character jumps off the screen for a number of turns, and then comes back down (landing on someone typically) to create damage. I suppose that could be sort of a commuter role? 


On 10/1/2019 at 12:24 PM, Forge said:

Its my favorite game of all time. 

I could probably create skills attributes that correlate between the jobs and a mafia game if I really thought about it, but obviously whichever way that Nacho goes is up to him. 

A knight could be a typical protector role, obviously. Mime's could be just that - invest a player one night, are able to use that ability the next night. Thiefs may have the ability to steal an item, steal an ability, etc. 

Forge direct response to Matts question above

20 hours ago, Forge said:

Interesting...I wonder, are you willfully misinterpreting my comments to disparage my appearance in this game? Because those two comments were not in any way similar. 

For your vote, I laughed, and as you said, basically explained away your vote by claiming you had residual hostility toward me from last game where I basically tunneled on you. 

For KSJ's, I commented on his reaction to my vote, which is not nearly the same thing. 

These two things are no even in the same ballpark as being comparable malf, so what's that about? You're smarter than that. So the only thing I can figure is that maybe you're intentionally trying to make me look bad. Is that the case? 


20 hours ago, The Orca said:

How well do you know this theme?

Last game you were well versed in the theme and were town. Stayed low and a bit scummy just wanting to hammer someone. You were reserved otherwise until you picked your spots and made great posts thinking critically. This game you seem to have come out blazing hot. 

Your posts critical of Malf and critical of KSJ were vastly different


Joking tone, but no vote

Voting KSJ while joking about people returning votes (easy entry vote for scum by the way)

Return vote from KSJ

Extremely early in the game and you are critical of KSJ for being quiet all game? Kind of like you need an excuse to keep your vote on KSJ  in the style that you said you liked above about the return vote




Orca asking forge how well he knows the theme.  

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16 minutes ago, Whicker said:

I'm locked in on Pickle

Whicker, how did you go from THIS above

8 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Malfy malf 

To this 8 minutes later? Are you that sold on SwAg's read? Are you sold that he's town too? I'm a little confused here.


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