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5 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Don't really care tbh. But if it had to guess, because he's respected by pretty much everyone in the league. The thing is, the Grizzlies didn't trade for him because they thought he was going to be a big piece of their team or anything. They did it to get some draft capital and then being able to flip him for some more. 


Yeah that's fair. Which is why I said it doesn't really matter. Just a bad look 

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4 minutes ago, champ11 said:

Yeah that's fair. Which is why I said it doesn't really matter. Just a bad look 

I mean both parties were fine with the agreement they came up with. Again, there was NOTHING stopping Grizzlies for fining Iggy until he reported. We are not going to play this BS game of being surprised or upset he is willing to sit out if not moved. Why? Because the Grizzlies pretty much expected this and in part agreed to this. Maybe the players were misinformed and told by the team he would report if not moved by the deadline? That would be the only thing that makes sense. 

I am fine with him resting his body this season though. Hopefully no trade happens and he's fresh and ready to go for next season. 

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2 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

I mean both parties were fine with the agreement they came up with. Again, there was NOTHING stopping Grizzlies for fining Iggy until he reported. We are not going to play this BS game of being surprised or upset he is willing to sit out if not moved. Why? Because the Grizzlies pretty much expected this and in part agreed to this. Maybe the players were misinformed and told by the team he would report if not moved by the deadline? That would be the only thing that makes sense. 

I am fine with him resting his body this season though. Hopefully no trade happens and he's fresh and ready to go for next season. 

I can't say it's a bad look for dude refusing to play for a team and pursuing that agreement? Because that's all I'm saying. Just my opinion and you can disagree. 

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2 minutes ago, champ11 said:

I can't say it's a bad look for dude refusing to play for a team and pursuing that agreement? Because that's all I'm saying. Just my opinion and you can disagree. 

No, that's fine. But the part about this NOW being a story and Grizzlies players being upset. Fans thinking he should show up if not traded. You can be upset if Iggy for wanting this type of arrangement in the first place, but nothing that has happened in the last few days should come to a shock to anyone. The players being upset at something everyone knew months ago is laughable. They should have mentioned this from the beginning of the season. 

Oh well, maybe Grizzlies get the Dubs in the playoffs next year and Morant and Brooks and the crew can get their payback…. 

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22 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Okay, so they were under the impression he would report if he wasn't moved by the deadline? That could make some sense, though no where did I read that was ever going to happen. Just seems random how they are going after him now. 

I, personally, don't think he was ever going to report.

I think the Grizz young players were naive and thought he would play if no trade were to come about. Why they would think that, I don't know, but that's my thinking into why they're upset and going at Iggy now.


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I mean how would you feel as a player if someone considered themselves too good to play with you? That you weren't a good enough team for him to be a part of?

He's being brought up now because reporters are asking players about Iggy with the trade deadline coming up.

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57 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

I mean how would you feel as a player if someone considered themselves too good to play with you? That you weren't a good enough team for him to be a part of?

He's being brought up now because reporters are asking players about Iggy with the trade deadline coming up.

Let's have proper perspective. Iggy was coming from the best team the last five years and was traded simply because Warriors had to move him to take on DLO's contract. Grizzlies traded for him to get a pick and then pretty much auction him to the highest bidder. The Grizzlies were not seen as a playoff team before the season and the FO was fine with Iggy not wanting to report until he got traded. Iggy was NEVER in the plans for the Grizzlies this season as it was obvious what they wanted to do without him. Now, if folks are still upset that Iggy took this approach and feel he should have reported regardless since he is getting paid 16M? That's perfectly fine and reasonable opinion to have. But all parties knew what they were getting themselves into. The own FO didn't think the team was going to be this good. 

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12 hours ago, resilient part 2 said:

Donchak turns KP into Chris Bosh the way LeBron did.

I don't think that is fair to Lebron. It was the combination Lebron and Wade that relegated Bosh. And him and Irving that relegated Love. We see now what Lebron can and will do with the big as a #2 instead of #3.

That is not to say that Jame's preferred style doesn't sometimes require guys to do what they aren't best at or not use them to their best abilities, but these are different situations.

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The Iggy thing does bring up an interesting situation in terms of how we treat professional athletes. In no other area can you just be "traded" and forced to work for a comapny you don't/didn't want to work with. In fact the whole idea of it would be ludicrous to anyone else. But when an athlete says no they are being a baby. Told to suck it up. Rationalized as being under contract. I know they can negotiate no trade deals, but the idea that they'd have to give up money for that (which they would) wouldn't fly in any other place. And not just because it isn't the norm but because it goes against our entire nature of free choice. But with athletes we just throw that out the window.

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46 minutes ago, J-ALL-DAY said:

Let's have proper perspective. Iggy was coming from the best team the last five years and was traded simply because Warriors had to move him to take on DLO's contract. Grizzlies traded for him to get a pick and then pretty much auction him to the highest bidder. The Grizzlies were not seen as a playoff team before the season and the FO was fine with Iggy not wanting to report until he got traded. Iggy was NEVER in the plans for the Grizzlies this season as it was obvious what they wanted to do without him. Now, if folks are still upset that Iggy took this approach and feel he should have reported regardless since he is getting paid 16M? That's perfectly fine and reasonable opinion to have. But all parties knew what they were getting themselves into. The own FO didn't think the team was going to be this good. 

We can't be sure the Grizz were fine or happy with him not reporting man. A lot of good faith assumptions tbh. They came to an agreement. I'm SURE the Grizz would have rather had the dude invested and playing for them. He probably wasn't going to report regardless and is it a good look for the Grizz to just fine him all year and make a stink about it? Nah. 

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6 minutes ago, champ11 said:

We can't be sure the Grizz were fine or happy with him not reporting man. A lot of good faith assumptions tbh. They came to an agreement. I'm SURE the Grizz would have rather had the dude invested and playing for them. He probably wasn't going to report regardless and is it a good look for the Grizz to just fine him all year and make a stink about it? Nah. 

We can't be sure? Cool, we CAN be sure if they had a big problem with it then they would fine him until he reported. We have seen teams fine players for not reporting to camp or holding out. This is what I mean, there is no need to play this game. Grizzlies were not upset to the point they would have exercised their right to fine him and force him to report. Maybe they preferred he would report but they decided it was fine if he didn't.

This is just extra unnecessary noise. 

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27 minutes ago, mse326 said:

The Iggy thing does bring up an interesting situation in terms of how we treat professional athletes. In no other area can you just be "traded" and forced to work for a company you don't/didn't want to work with. In fact the whole idea of it would be ludicrous to anyone else. But when an athlete says no they are being a baby. Told to suck it up. Rationalized as being under contract. I know they can negotiate no trade deals, but the idea that they'd have to give up money for that (which they would) wouldn't fly in any other place. And not just because it isn't the norm but because it goes against our entire nature of free choice. But with athletes we just throw that out the window.

I mean in general yes. Most of us also aren't making 17 million in one year though.  I do not have any sympathy for the plight of Iggy. Considering an average US citizen will make around 3 million through there entire life it must be real hard making over 5 times that in one year.... 


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4 minutes ago, Spartacus said:

I mean in general yes. Most of us also aren't making 17 million in one year though.  I do not have any sympathy for the plight of Iggy. Considering an average US citizen will make around 3 million through there entire life it must be real hard making over 5 times that in one year.... 


he's paid market value for what he does. the owners and "teams" are making a hell of a lot more than him 

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12 hours ago, RandyMossIsBoss said:

They're 27-16 w/ him, and 4-3 w/out him. They'e capable of winning without him, sure. The Bucks are 4-0 w/out Giannis. I guess they don't need him to win?


So do you think the Heat should have done things differently, and taken the ball out of Lebron's hands to let Bosh thrive?


Small sample size, but the offense w/out Luka does seem to compliment KP. That's too bad, but it's not like they're on some 10-0 run with the offense going through KP instead of Luka. No reason not to still run the offense through Luka. This is only year 2, if this is really is an indictment against Luka, there's no reason to doubt it will change as he gets older.

Just for the record I was on LeBron about similar critiques as well. I always said LeBron does not make other stars better he takes away from them. Just perhaps spot-up shooting role-players. Dwyane Wade Chris Bosh Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love all sunk performance-wise playing with LeBron. Finally now and his 17th year or whatever he has learned to be more of a passer first scorer second which is why Anthony Davis is playing very well and so are the Lakers.

Luka only has one of those star player with him on his roster and as already taking the ball out of his hands many many times.

Can't imagine any other star player wanting to play with Luka.

As far as Dallas is record without Luka, with their Four wins they've beaten Milwaukee Philadelphia and Indiana all on the road which alone is an amazing accomplishment.

Edited by resilient part 2
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