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We should keep haskins on the bench.


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48 minutes ago, offbyone said:

This is just silly drama and I am not buying it.  We all saw him play in preseason or was that a body double?  He could take snaps, call plays, move in the pocket and throw passes just fine.  He played in the biggest environment in college football.  Yeah he has a long way to go, but he can still play.

I think that's what the article is trying to say. Everyone sees the potential, but it will be a long time before he's there.

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1 minute ago, MikeT14 said:

I think that's what the article is trying to say. Everyone sees the potential, but it will be a long time before he's there.

Well, I agree with. That being said, I don't know exactly how much he is learning on the bench, especially when since week 1 Keenum and then Colt last week have failed to consistently run the offense well. 

He’s also by reports not getting a lot of reps in our offense at practice. And that's a huge problem. Maybe that will change with Callahan taking over but I'm not sure how much it can change bc they still have to give the starter most of the practice  reps and if seems they don't want him to play yet bc he doesn't know the offense, as well as the 8 and 10-year vets, do. 

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We all know the 

Washington Redskins are having their issues, but let’s hear Jonathan Allen talk about Dwayne Haskins making ridiculous throws in practice.

Yeah, the team is 0-5. We’d love it to be better. It isn’t, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some positive to be focused on.

One of them would  include Jonathan Allen. Another would include Dwayne Haskins, who has shown glimpses of why he could finally end our seemingly never-ending search for a franchise quarterback.

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33 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

Jonathan said "Haskins has talent but couldn't say if his ready to be a NFL QB being he himself doesn't know what its takes to be a NFL QB" sounds like a politically correct answer to me. Even his response about Gruden saying "He spends most of his time with Jim Tomsula" I wish players where allowed to spill the beans and not worry about being fined, cut, suspended, ect for being honest. From what I heard Haskins has talent but Allen didn't really praise Haskins like I would want. Allen is in his 3rd year around NFL QBs he should know if Haskins has the tools or not. I don't like keep hearing the word "Talent" when people mention Haskins. Not a knock on Haskins but I wish Allen could've gave more clarity. 

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12 minutes ago, turtle28 said:

He’s also by reports not getting a lot of reps in our offense at practice. And that's a huge problem. Maybe that will change with Callahan taking over but I'm not sure how much it can change bc they still have to give the starter most of the practice  reps and if seems they don't want him to play yet bc he doesn't know the offense, as well as the 8 and 10-year vets, do. 

Agree with this.

There is no reason to be giving full reps to the veteran starter at this point, especially if it’s going to be McCoy. I assume Callahan and O’Connell will be sticking with the Gruden system that’s already in place — and McCoy already knows that system better than O’Connell, as well as most of the offensive coaches. No sense spending too many reps on him, just enough to start getting some connection and rhythm with these newer receivers.

This is why I like the idea of Haskins playing a couple series. In that case, the practice reps you’re using to “teach” him aren’t totally wasted on Sunday, for the purposes of the other 52 on the roster.

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Report out there saying Haskins "liked" a post about Gruden being fired. "League done messed up." Norman pumping the defense. Collins talking about the Giants and promptly sucking. Flowers going on nj.com and flapping his gums after the Giants beat the breaks off the Skins.

Sounds like Haskins is settling nicely into the Redskins' culture. He'll do well.

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12 hours ago, Skinsin2013 said:

Report out there saying Haskins "liked" a post about Gruden being fired. "League done messed up." Norman pumping the defense. Collins talking about the Giants and promptly sucking. Flowers going on nj.com and flapping his gums after the Giants beat the breaks off the Skins.

Sounds like Haskins is settling nicely into the Redskins' culture. He'll do well.

Don’t do this. Don’t be a junkie. 

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This is still the most ridiculous thing to me. I want to know what “he’s not ready” means?

If it means he doesn't know every single playcall in the playbook and he won’t ply until he does, well eff that!

We’ve seen other QBs around the league be put in the game with certain packages and perform at least average. We saw Josh Johnson do the same last year in December.

I won’t believe for one second that Dwayne can’t execute a package of plays in this offense and we can’t have a run first attack with a lot of play action to draw up the LBs and then Dwayne can throw behind them like RG3 did his entire rookie year.

In my eyes, they are wasting a golden opportunity to get their rookie QB reps, not so he can lead them to a lot of victories this year, but so that hopefully he learns a lot and next year can start to lead a very young team to victories and be close to .500.

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On 10/9/2019 at 1:46 PM, turtle28 said:

This is still the most ridiculous thing to me. I want to know what “he’s not ready” means?

If it means he doesn't know every single playcall in the playbook and he won’t ply until he does, well eff that!

We’ve seen other QBs around the league be put in the game with certain packages and perform at least average. We saw Josh Johnson do the same last year in December.

I won’t believe for one second that Dwayne can’t execute a package of plays in this offense and we can’t have a run first attack with a lot of play action to draw up the LBs and then Dwayne can throw behind them like RG3 did his entire rookie year.

In my eyes, they are wasting a golden opportunity to get their rookie QB reps, not so he can lead them to a lot of victories this year, but so that hopefully he learns a lot and next year can start to lead a very young team to victories and be close to .500.

What good are reps if all he’s doing is exactly what he already knows how to do?

This is what I’ve been talking about. Putting a guy in, dumbing down the offense, doing what he’s familiar with, coaching and preparing him with the primary intention of getting him as competitive as possible for that Sunday’s game. This is why young QBs in the NFL are struggling to take their game to the next level. The focus on getting them ready to win right away is stunting their ability to master the nuances and advanced concepts that turn good QBs into superstars. 

To compare it to math class, he needs to learn how to do calculus. He’s not going to learn that if we’re spending all week having him practice his multiplication tables and solving basic equations, so that he can go take the SAT Math section every weekend and do as well as possible. You don’t learn advanced math by doing basic math over and over again. All that does is make you really good at basic math. You have to sit down, take your time, learn from your teachers, and master the difficult stuff at your own pace. 

We know Haskins is capable of doing the very basic stuff. He wouldn’t have been so successful at Ohio State or drafted so highly if he couldn’t understand plays, execute basic fundamentals (snaps, handoffs, play-action, etc), throw the ball where he’s told to throw it, and all that good stuff. But we need him to do the advanced stuff. Identify defenses. Deduce where he needs to go based on defense and play call. Determine when he needs to adjust the call/protection. Progress through his reads rapidly. He’s not learning how to do any of that if each week we’re focused on having him implement a basic, highly scripted gameplan that only asks him to do what he already knows and protects him from all the things he can’t yet do. 

Just look at these guys like Mayfield and Trubisky. Or Winston and Mariota. Look at RGIII, for that matter. Their coaches crafted simplified, familiar, comfortable gameplans for them — and they excelled. But then defenses adjusted. And they don’t have the ability to do the higher-level QB stuff, to be able to attack defenses when they’re focused on pressuring you and taking away your first read. Their development is (currently, at least) sorta stalled out, because they’re just not mastering the next-level stuff on the job.

Maybe they’ll learn on the fly; some guys do, but those are the truly special ones. As a rule, it’s a whole lot easier to do that when you’ve got a substantial knowledge and understanding base to fall back on when the bullets start flying around you. And Haskins just couldn’t possibly be expected to have that after 14 starts in a college spread offense. He needs time to develop that understanding, to focus on that entirely without being asked to go out and lead the team every Sunday.

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