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Meme Mafia - Town - (minus Mwil) wins


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Just now, SwAg said:

Rick really wants to lynch the Cop.

If I were not The Cop, how would I have investigated you last night?  Yeah, exactly, I couldn’t have if I weren’t the Cop, so therefore I’m The Cop.  Scum.

I'll lynch you ALL DAMN DAY  bc you are not the cop.  You lied yet again and its do damn easy to tell. Have you ever faked a claim like this that was even remotely believable 

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7 hours ago, Dome said:

not llama, swag, or dome....


llama - i saved him twice already, i'm pretty much ride or die with this homie now. 

swag - only one who supported what I was trying to do on D2...

dome - definitely saving this guy, he's funny, handsome, hung and sooooo smart. no reason to let him die. 


i'll admit, I was trying to kill the twins out of frustration, but I had changed my mind on what I was going to do and was going pardon him regardless. mostly because pickle convinced me he was civ and orca is actually kind of funny sometimes.


but I swear to god I'll keep hanging this game up if people don't work with me. This is not a threat, this is a message.


If llama is scum, why didn't the vig hit him?

If llama is scum, why didn't anyone investigate him to be sure?

why did touch challenge llama so early on d1 with so little to go on? why are people not worried about touch? i almost guarantee he's an other. 

why didn't touch challenge llama on d2 if he was so sure llama was scum? you all seemed convinced llama was scum, certain of it, so certain of it that most of you prefered a no lynch.

why did pickle not realize when my push of him was purposfully nonsensical?

why didn't pickle fight back when I made my ultimatum?

why did pickle not attack me for this gambit?


Honestly, these are the ideas I want to explore today. 

Everyone, I really want to help.

Like, I have to help.

Please understand But I have to do things my way.


Mostly just know one thing for sure

Everyone has secrets. I have lots. 

You should think about a few people that have either supported you or questioned touch in these trying days.


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