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Gophers World Mafia, Game Over, Reporters & Town Win


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40 minutes ago, rackcs said:

I don't need likes, I want to give more likes

Also if people seriously think this game is me going afk or that this is my scum game, then you flat out can't read me. 

Your scum game is just being terrible.  So, if people think you’re scum, what does that tell you?

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6 hours ago, Forge said:
6 hours ago, Matts4313 said:

Plot twist, ET is the convertor and is tricking us. 

That's how he knows. His conversions don't  work on scum and he tried to convert orca and bcb and it failed so he just outed them. 

That would be such a great development. I'd be like Keyser Soze. 

It's like that dream I had. This is great.

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8 hours ago, Forge said:

Yeah, ask around and see if that's something that I wouldn't do as town. 

How about it? Squire? Mwil? Counselor? You think that what he's describing is something I wouldn't do? How about you Pickle? Racks? You guys were in Dome's bastard game. 


How many times do I have to explain to you that Forge and I play this game the same way? Not at all conventional, for our own amusement, to have a lot of fun, and then and only then to play to our win cons.


@ET80 you fit our way as well. Come join us.


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So we are at the nitty gritty, and I think most of the roles have been figured out as far as who is aligned what.

I only had one night to use my move, and I used  it to setup yesterday. I was given a Pollman role, one shot, I would have 2 votes instead of one. I THOUGHT yesterday was going to be closer as far as voting goes.

I subtly tried to hint this earlier in the thread where I tried to bring up the vote conversation again.

Legit though, only had one shot to use it, and none of these votes have been close, making my power essentially useless.

I am volunteering this info because I would like to think there's a chance someone on scum has the same capability.

Edited by JoshstraDaymus
Accidentally pressed enter
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8 hours ago, Forge said:

Alright time to claim. 

I am the fisherman arsonist, goat herders aligned (fuchsia ). 

Every night I can pick 3 people. Those three people do not know that I targeted them, and do not have anything happen to them. I Just pick them. If I pick them again, it just means that I have picked them twice. Eventually, I can pick them 5 or 6 times. When I have done that, I have a 3% chance of nothing happening, and 97% chance of waiting longer and still having nothing else happening. 


I fully CC this claim.


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