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Football's Future: This is the End Mafia - Night 8 ends Monday, 3/2 at 10:00 PM EST


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14 hours ago, kingseanjohn said:

md4l is the purple man, likely other. Squire is likely converted red. Purple man has a gun/kills but was roleblocked last night. Take out the killer first and roleblock squire.

I have not been converted. Do you realize that 1 of the players that pushed that narrative the most was swag?....who happened to be scum.  

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Guys, MD4L is 100% pesci. Let's get him

Gopher is scum

Ok sure

The group grab MD4L as he was sleeping and quickly chuck him into the pit.

MD4L is dead. He was squire12Demon-Aligned

Flames burst forth from the Earth and an enormous hand shoots out of the chasm and slams into the ground. The Devil himself pulls himself up and onto the Earth. As he stands tall he lets out a mighty roar that quickly sputters out as he collapses to the ground.

"No! This can't be! You all weren't meant to defeat me! This was my time...this was supposed to be hell on Earth..."

The devil rolls over onto his back and lets out a rattling sigh. He begins to dissolve into ash and dissapears.

"Yay! Now we can go to heaven!"

"Beam me up Scotty!"

The survivors stood in the front yard with their hands raised skyward, waiting to be beamed up to heaven. But the beams never came. After a few minutes the returned inside for another night of torture.

It is now Night 6! I will give until 8 PM EST tonight to get your moves in but if all moves are submitted before then, night will end early.

@squire12, @Whicker@AFlaccoSeagulls, @kingseanjohn, @daboyle250, @gopherwrestler

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I was going to wait to bring this up, but why wait...

On 2/27/2020 at 7:14 PM, Malfatron said:

SK who cant be targetted because he isnt actually in the game.

would make a lot of sense


On 2/26/2020 at 10:08 AM, Malfatron said:

Purple pesci is likely someone who isnt on the player list


On 2/28/2020 at 9:03 AM, gopherwrestler said:

No, I already said I wasn’t on d1 when you questioned me. I said a decent clue to who I was. I am racks little brother, which I didn’t not know. I’m llama lover


@daboyle250 jail gopher, he's purple pesci

squire is still likely the last scum as mentioned here:

On 2/28/2020 at 9:24 PM, kingseanjohn said:

In case I die, I'm pretty confident that squire is scum and I just realized it.

With that write up in mind, watch this NSFW scene from the movie. Spoiler alert, he turned evil which a clip of can be found on youtube....

***see post for video***



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