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Bradford Injury Dilemma


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10 minutes ago, Vikes_Bolts1228 said:

Well it didn't go bad overnight. A knee doesn't go from fine to "he may not ever play again" overnight when it doesn't involve some type of sudden injury to a ligament, bone, joint, etc. like an ACL, break, or dislocation.

His knee has probably been bad for a while but whatever he did to it in week 1 made things worse. 

If your car's starter has been giving you troubles for a year and it finally quits turning over one morning, do you say "my starter just went bad overnight?"

Obviously his knee had issues, but I've never seen a knee go bad this way. That  doesn't mean it can't happen, just that I have watched a lot of sports over a significant period of time this would strike me as unusual.

Ive seen players never come back from injuries the same and I've seen players gradually decline, but going from having the best game of your career to never being able to play again without some sort of event in between is unusual.

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17 minutes ago, Worm Guts said:

Obviously his knee had issues, but I've never seen a knee go bad this way. That  doesn't mean it can't happen, just that I have watched a lot of sports over a significant period of time this would strike me as unusual.

Ive seen players never come back from injuries the same and I've seen players gradually decline, but going from having the best game of your career to never being able to play again without some sort of event in between is unusual.

Once you injure a ligament it will never be as strong again. Bradford has torn that ACL twice. He probably has very little strength and structure left in that knee. For a QB you don't really notice it because he doesn't move around a lot, but all it takes is the wrong sort of hit (doesn't even need to be hard) and it'll get hurt again. That is exactly what happened here, and it'll probably happen again.

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6 hours ago, Heimdallr said:

Once you injure a ligament it will never be as strong again. Bradford has torn that ACL twice. He probably has very little strength and structure left in that knee. For a QB you don't really notice it because he doesn't move around a lot, but all it takes is the wrong sort of hit (doesn't even need to be hard) and it'll get hurt again. That is exactly what happened here, and it'll probably happen again.

I've seen Terry Allen and Robert Smith come back and have big years after multiple ligament tears. I've also seen players who couldn't come back or players who have come back were never the same. I just haven't seen whatever this is before.

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Bradford's knee issue reminds me so much of the end of Joe Namath's career.  Joe had such significant knee damage in both that even when he felt better, he had no confidence.  He felt that a strong wind could've aggravated his knee.  This is the dynamic I saw with Sam on the Monday night game in Chicago.  Whether or not his knee is exhibiting an actual injury or not, Bradford has no confidence that his knee will hold up...and there is no surgery that repairs confidence and trust in self.


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Just now, Virginia Viking said:

Bradford's knee issue reminds me so much of the end of Joe Namath's career. 

fun fact for you kiddies out there:

Joe Namath's rookie contract was considered enormous at the time, and a great risk for the Jets. it was an unheard of amount.

$400,000 and a new Cadillac.

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23 minutes ago, Heimdallr said:

His surgeon is in Florida. If he is having some work done or been told to rest his leg, why not be in Florida? He obviously isn't playing any time soon.

Certainly a possibility, but his surgeon is 9 hours away from Palm Beach. 

And that wouldn’t explain why Zimmer said Bradford was in MN. 

Just an interesting situation. 

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Bradford looked finished in Chicago, in his mind. He should probably hang it up before he gets hurt worse. If nothing else, he filled in for Teddy during a crucial year and proved that he could last a full season as a decent QB, which is more than a lot of us expected. I'm grateful to him for that.

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5 minutes ago, y*so*blu said:

Bradford looked finished in Chicago, in his mind. He should probably hang it up before he gets hurt worse. If nothing else, he filled in for Teddy during a crucial year and proved that he could last a full season as a decent QB, which is more than a lot of us expected. I'm grateful to him for that.

Probably could have found a much cheaper option to fill that role that didn't require trading a first round pick. The trade looks bad in hindsight given that MN failed to make the playoffs with Bradford. MN miscalculated Bradfords health, I doubt they make that trade knowing that he'd only be healthy for one year.

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3 minutes ago, vikingsrule said:

Probably could have found a much cheaper option to fill that role that didn't require trading a first round pick. The trade looks bad in hindsight given that MN failed to make the playoffs with Bradford. MN miscalculated Bradfords health, I doubt they make that trade knowing that he'd only be healthy for one year.

Yeah, it might look bad in hindsight, but it wasn't Bradford's fault that we didn't make the playoffs. As SemperFeist points out, he checked down a lot and his pocket awareness left something to be desired. But not many quarterbacks out there could have done as well as he did behind our anemic ground attack and bad offensive line. I also was hoping he'd be a viable option for more than one full season, though.

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