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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

The chat is gone now but you most definitely said 4/4 in d1, without the addition of “of your top 4 reads” at least once. 

im not “pulling” anything. I’m stating facts. 

well, if you don’t want people to think something are reads you probably shouldn’t list things as reads if you don’t intend for them to be perceived as reads. 

they count them because a chunk of them were later listed as your reads in a post that you specifically stated that they were your reads .....

I haven’t made any comment towards there being 7 in your thing to bcb. Not one comment on that. What people are pointing to is what you posted as reads in thread. 

Really you mean when @Matts4313 wanted to bet and told me to name 6 and @SwAg 5 or whatever.  So in game is was spot on.  So what are you looking at?

I think I was 4/6 

Swag was like 1/5 (maybe 2 depending on who he had)

You must have been talking about my final post and where I added 1 bc I thought there were 7 oh wait I was 4/7

You are as delusional as they come right now. 


And I said over and over 4/4 in my top 4 scum reads (off of my final thoughts to bcb). 

@bcb1213 and @Blue can confirm that bc I said it a bunch 

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4 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I could agree with the “help” changing, especially in my own interactions with you two. It shifted when I felt like it didn’t matter what I say, nothing was going to change how you guys acted. Not talking in game here, mostly post game. 

I have been extremely short tempered with you two and for that, I do apologize. 

as far as rags and his “help” you have to understand that pickle literally claimed that he went 4/4 on his d1 reads in discord. I could be wrong but I don’t remember seeing rags say anything too disrespectful in regards to it, just correcting it because it wasn’t 4/4. I also don’t think rags did it intentionally just to piss pickle off. I could be wrong there but that isn’t really rags style.

As far as nothing wrong with how pickle played, I somewhat disagree. Initially my vote was on him as a joke, then I felt like he was acting a bit scummy and legit thought he was scum. Then it transitioned from there to me thinking he was town and I switched my vote (I believe to daboyle). Then pickle misremembered a couple things (claiming I said he was town but still voting him even though I never said I thought he was town, claiming that there was nobody that gave reasons for their vote, then correcting it to say that I gave reasons for my vote but left off that malf actually did as well) and acted erratically. It absolutely ended up being the wrong read. 

im not saying that he played bad at all, just relaying why I actually did end up believing he was scum. 

as far as the intentionally antagonistic, I do think it’s 1 or 2 that intentionally try to piss you guys off on a regular basis. Swag is just an asshat in general and dome is kind of a ****. I can’t honestly say that I think anyone else are doing things intentionally just to piss you off (though mwil does some things to rile you up but that’s more so to get a read) 

I fully understand that the definition of good can change from person to person but if I disagree with something, am I not allowed to point out why? Anytime that has happened it has always been met with disrespectful snappy responses that don’t further the discussion at all. You will completely ignore the viewpoint I provide and just say I’m wrong. Just like the game where I was 3rd party gov and you hit me. You claimed after the game that it was a good hit and when I tried pointing out why, your response was just “well you weren’t town” even though I actually was. I wanted to discuss that more with you because I understood how it could be viewed on the outside but I was hoping to let you in a little more on why I did what I did. Except, we never got to that point because it was immediately “shut up, youre trash and I was right that you weren’t town”

Mwil is made fun of in nearly every single game. People constantly poke fun at him for his reads, his play style, his overall demeanor etc etc. I would also argue that he is generally up there as far as gathering votes as well. 

I fully understand that you guys have been mistreated at times. However, I would also argue that a portion of that has been brought onto yourselves because of how you have acted and reacted. Take Swag for instance, you two started acting disrespectful towards him almost right off the bat. Is Swag an *******? Yes but I do think far more of it is just banter than what you realize. 

to be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely positive on how you’ve acted over the last few games. As I’ve had you on ignore and very rarely have actually read your posts. I think most of the time that I have is if you’ve quoted me somewhat near night time or if I noticed your post when someone else quoted you. I will definitely say that the posts I have read have not had the same disrespectful behavior that I was seeing before hand that lead me to putting you on ignore and I certainly appreciate that. 

1. I totally can see why someone would think Pickle was scummy. But purely why I had him as town was why he was appearing scummy. Swag basically red lettered him during the day on Day 1 and he basically had enough votes it was over regardless what he said. The laspes and mischaracterizing of posts were imo frustration based and being screwed on D1 by Swag he misspoke/remembered. His reads based off how people voted him were great though lol. I dont think it was wrong or bad from Pickle or some that voted him...just didnt turn out good for him or town...it happens. How it started wasnt though. Clear Swag faked it 

2. I havent read the discord but I could bet it went both ways and given how Pickle was lynched the 4/4 is somewhat justified cause his actual top 4 was correct. Could he characterize it better, maybe. I liken it to what you were referring to with Rags and the 20 names. His actual top 4 was right so in theory he was 4/4 at the end of day 1. 4/7 based on the list/names given as a whole. Similar concept to the exaggeration....used to make his point stand out as well

3. Hopefully someone clues you in on the last few games. I think it was progress with my gameplay, though this game I was really lazy lol

4. I would like you to know I am sorry and truly apologize for the events and posts that lead to our spat. I take full responsibility and frustration blinded me. I am sorry


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4 minutes ago, MWil23 said:

@Pickle Rick I think if you were less abrasive and processed more quietly than out loud before you narrowed it down you’d be more convincing when it came down to getting backing from others. FWIW I think you’re good at this game in an unorthodox method (I’m always on board for unorthodox 😆) but others don’t take you seriously when you’re that spastic. Fair or not that’s how it is.

Don't worry I'm done posting unless I really feel like it.  

And I'm done responding to touch who has no respect for me right now so I cant wate my time in trying to explain to him that he is WRONG about what I said and that is a 💯 fact. 

If he had bothered to actually read what I said then maybe he wouldn't look as bad as he does right now 

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25 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

@Blue there was a time when i thought the scum team had intentical roles as us (gf, roleblocker, redirector, framer)

one of your early posts mentioned 3 of those roles in a single post.

that was the first thing that got my attention. (wrong reasons though, lol)

also, your reaction to being roleblocked sealed it for me that you were instead likely a PR

I thought about that afterwards and figured I had made a mistake there, so ty for confirming. Thought about trying to pretend to be SK, and in fact I hinted at that to Forge at one point under the mistaken impression that he was the one who RBed me. Alas.

Skepticism about assuming too much about game setup is just a Blue thing. I've seen some outright bonkers things in Mafia games in the past, so I like throwing cold water on WIFOM theories Day 1. Don't blame y'all for thinking that's a tell for me in my first game here though.

24 minutes ago, squire12 said:

You took me off but offered no reason why I was there to begin with.  Nor why the others were there.  

Didn't have to, and frankly, I felt that being ornery would make scum more likely to try and lynch me. Given I had both an obvious Town wrestler and could roleclaim at that point, I had zero fear of being lynched. Clearly I overplayed that, though.

33 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

It’s the italicized word. You could be convinced if there was very convincing night results. With emphasis put on very, it comes off like you have some information but not enough to make a 100% play. 

I’ll look for it a little later but there was another one later on that had a bolded or italicized word too. 

I just didn't want Day phase to get off-track, lol. Right for wrong reasons again.

Edited by Blue
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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

What you have to understand is I NEVER SAID THAT

@bcb1213 @Blue can both confirm I said "I was 4/4 in my top 4 scum reads"

You also never read what I sent t bcb so you have not idea where I'm coming from or what I was thinking.  That is asinine behaviour that send me over the edge. 

You literally are going off half cocked and you have NO IDEA my actual words or thoughts on the matter.  So before you wanna throw a fit and quit games and disrespect me, maybe you should know the actual facts it will help your case (or blow it up in this instance)

Except, you did. So, yea. 

I have also read what you sent to bcb as you’ve posted it about 5 times by now. 

im going off half cocked because you’re acting like a god damn clown and acting surprised that the only people calling you are Karen’s for their 11 year olds birthday party. 

the one “throwing a fit” is you because people called you out for your inherent need to utilize revisionist history to paint yourself in a better light. 

you wanna talk about disrespect? I implore you to read back through this conversation between you and I. 

im quitting your game because I’m tired of this act and I don’t want to deal with it anymore. You should probably talk to your brother and learn a bit more about resolving a disagreement as Orca at least seems to have learned how to not be an asshat to someone that disagrees with him. 

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4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Really you mean when @Matts4313 wanted to bet and told me to name 6 and @SwAg 5 or whatever.  So in game is was spot on.  So what are you looking at?

I think I was 4/6 

Swag was like 1/5 (maybe 2 depending on who he had)

You must have been talking about my final post and where I added 1 bc I thought there were 7 oh wait I was 4/7

You are as delusional as they come right now. 


And I said over and over 4/4 in my top 4 scum reads (off of my final thoughts to bcb). 

@bcb1213 and @Blue can confirm that bc I said it a bunch 

Are you just this ******* delusional???? In thread you literally posted about 11 ******* names. 

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@Pickle Rick i think the disconnect is beating your chest over good reads.

you had excellent reads this game.

you contributed to none of their lynches, and got lynched d1.

its frustrated i know to have good reads, but they dont get lynched. just work on your case building and push a couple guys instead of a bunch all at once

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

Are you just this ******* delusional???? In thread you literally posted about 11 ******* names. 

So again, you are saying outright 

What you think 10 seconds into the game are 100 % locked with you for the duration of the game?

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25 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

lol, not that one. you werent being a jerk to me :)

I legitly thought you wanted to joint with scum

we all made some bad reads, but the correct moves.


Good thing we were scum cause I was pretty bad minus Pickle, Dome and Mwil reads lol. 

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Just now, Malfatron said:

@Pickle Rick i think the disconnect is beating your chest over good reads.

you had excellent reads this game.

you contributed to none of their lynches, and got lynched d1.

its frustrated i know to have good reads, but they dont get lynched. just work on your case building and push a couple guys instead of a bunch all at once

Right you mean when that jackass said hed bet on swag to go 5/5 before I get 1/6 

Instead I get 4/6 and swag gets 1 

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Are you just this ******* delusional???? In thread you literally posted about 11 ******* names. 

I think your going about this wrong again...reads change as you have acknowledged to Pickle...so just base what he is saying off his last post/what he sent to Bcb

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