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Wrasslemafia 2- Day 10


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I have to go to work in a few minutes, but let me lay this out there for those of you who can't work it out for yourselves:

It is phenomenally stupid for Swag to character claim and push a lynch on Day 1 if he is scum. If Rick flips as Town, let alone Undertaker, then it is a given that Swag is not only scum, but that he is likely scum that we can't lynch, and we can safely ignore anything he says for the rest of the game. Swag likes to talk, and he knows that he can make a bigger impact on the game's end result by manipulating the thread. He is not going to effectively out himself as Mafia Godfather on Day 1 to force a lynch of Pickle Rick.

This is especially true because, like everyone else in this game, he has no idea what roles are in it. If Swag is wrong, he is an ideal target for a Town Vig or Serial Killer on Night 1, because that is a completely justifiable target for either of those roles and gives Town more info about Swag. Even if he is scum in a faction with a Framer, he has no idea what type of cop roles are in the game or whether a Framer would be able to protect him from all types of investigators. And that's assuming a scum Framer can even target his own teammates with his ability.

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This is awesome at what has transpired.  

If swag is town his bit has been informative. 

Everyone here should know why and what swag has lied about.  If not let me help you out.  

1.  His statistics about me are are all fabricated.  Over the last 2 months or so I NEVER post on d1.  I went like 5 games in a row with 1 or 2 posts (all as town).

2. Swag is completely ignoring the fact that d1 lasts another 30+ hours and unlike him, I did not have a chance to post last night as I ran a 4 hour Saw game.  Just look at the thread for your proof.  

Now what is purely speculation,I assume swag is doing this to see who joins the convo or jumps on the bandwagon.  

We have 3 bandwagon hoppers now, Blue, daboyle and et. Definitely gonna be scum out of those 3. 

Now I have gained another read as the day has progressed and it might be even stronger than those 3.

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2 minutes ago, Blue said:

I have to go to work in a few minutes, but let me lay this out there for those of you who can't work it out for yourselves:

It is phenomenally stupid for Swag to character claim and push a lynch on Day 1 if he is scum. If Rick flips as Town, let alone Undertaker, then it is a given that Swag is not only scum, but that he is likely scum that we can't lynch, and we can safely ignore anything he says for the rest of the game. Swag likes to talk, and he knows that he can make a bigger impact on the game's end result by manipulating the thread. He is not going to effectively out himself as Mafia Godfather on Day 1 to force a lynch of Pickle Rick.

This is especially true because, like everyone else in this game, he has no idea what roles are in it. If Swag is wrong, he is an ideal target for a Town Vig or Serial Killer on Night 1, because that is a completely justifiable target for either of those roles and gives Town more info about Swag. Even if he is scum in a faction with a Framer, he has no idea what type of cop roles are in the game or whether a Framer would be able to protect him from all types of investigators. And that's assuming a scum Framer can even target his own teammates with his ability.

Everything you just said is correct.

However...and you are gonna love this...guys have started doing 'gambits' here where they do something like this just for reactions and to see who bites.  Swag could be lying about bring Undertaker, still be town, and just doing one of these gambits.

Blame the twins for gambits.

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@Blue it would be beneficial for you to actually read the thread.


On 3/2/2020 at 11:36 PM, Pickle Rick said:

This is me.  I don't care my role.  I will be claiming this man from the start.  

Also I will be playing like finn again but in my own words (depending on the time commitment to Saw)

Bow before the king



Swag knows this and is either scum pushing it for people who do not read and to get an easy lynch of me, or he is trying to gets reads from his bit as I posted above.

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4 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

This is awesome at what has transpired.  

If swag is town his bit has been informative. 

Everyone here should know why and what swag has lied about.  If not let me help you out.  

1.  His statistics about me are are all fabricated.  Over the last 2 months or so I NEVER post on d1.  I went like 5 games in a row with 1 or 2 posts (all as town).

2. Swag is completely ignoring the fact that d1 lasts another 30+ hours and unlike him, I did not have a chance to post last night as I ran a 4 hour Saw game.  Just look at the thread for your proof.  

Now what is purely speculation,I assume swag is doing this to see who joins the convo or jumps on the bandwagon.  

We have 3 bandwagon hoppers now, Blue, daboyle and et. Definitely gonna be scum out of those 3. 

Now I have gained another read as the day has progressed and it might be even stronger than those 3.


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