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COVID-19: NFL tells employees to work from home


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Basically the “Active” Cases push the mortality rate from 7% to 3%, which is basically twisting the results and not accurate. The active cases shouldn’t count at all. 

In closed cases (65,000 people) 93% recovered and 7% died. 

In Active Cases (75,000 people) 90% are in mild condition and 10% are in critical condition (5-7% of those critical will probably die). 

The real number is 6-7%. Don’t let the Active Cases skew the results. 

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19 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

All of this is wrong. Sorry man, as much as I relish debating with you, you arent informed here. 

Lol oh cmon Deadpulse, a silent mover that is highly infectious that originated in a city of 11 million people that don't have easy access to medical supplies, and after 4 months we have still yet to see the mass outbreak that is being talked about in the media. It's had the better part of 3 months of going undetected Deadpulse, those are perfect conditions for a virus like that to have spread unbelievably fast and yet it still didn't. There were no "extra precautions" in that city, most didn't even know about it so why didn't it spread that fast? I think normal precautions of washing hands, and being diligent and aware like you were battling the flu curbed this thing far more so then people are willing to admit. 

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14 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:


Keeping good hygiene and avoiding unnecessary social interactions is the single best way to combat this dangerous disease. That’s not panic, nor is it an overreaction. NFL teams are doing the right thing.

Never said this was panic or an overreaction seriously as much as you guys talk about being ignorant yall sure do a whole lot of not reading. 

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17 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

It’s only 3% because there’s a ton of cases still open (still sick). 

In fully closed cases, it’s 7%:


There's also thousands and thousands that don't get tested because their symptoms are not concerning enough to go in. Think 7% is a bit of a fear mongering number. 2-3% falls in line with what the experts say when compared to the danger levels in comparison to the flu, 10-20x. 

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37 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

You first compared the morality rate to the flu and it being no big deal, and now comparing it to major diseases because you were proven wrong, and have to prove some kind of point here. I just did the math of infected and deaths. In CLOSED CASES (no longer PENDING) 93.0% recovered and 7.0% died. And 10% in 60+ smokers. WorldMeterInfos if you wanna check it out. The flu kills 0.6% of people in infects and 99.4% recover.  

The virus is still very new and barely, barely beginning, and you need stop spreading misinformation.  

You even said a few pages ago it wasn’t airborne. Laughable. It is fully airborne and you can get it by breathing the same air with someone who is 6 feet or less away. It’s the most contagious virus we have ever seen. Sources: Plenty, my brothers entire lab in San Diego being one, Scientist on Joe Rogan being two, and tons of other health professionals. 

You need to stop spreading misinformation. You are desperate to prove some kind of “point” and you have none. Nada. 

The point is to stop this thing from spreading so our elderly don’t die. 

Dude you gotta read more and not just take a word or a sentence or two from a post and respond to only that. 

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5 minutes ago, TENINCH said:

Where are the interviews with people that have recovered from this? Where are the interviews with people that have where w The media is so focused on telling everyone we're all gonna catch it and die.

So you’d prefer anecdotal, one-off, fallible recollections to data-driven scientific evidence?

you’re projecting.

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Just now, JDBrocks said:

So you’d prefer anecdotal, one-off, fallible recollections to data-driven scientific evidence?

you’re projecting.

I just want to know what they felt and what they did to get better. Did it feel like the flu to them?

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8 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

There's also thousands and thousands that don't get tested because their symptoms are not concerning enough to go in. Think 7% is a bit of a fear mongering number. 2-3% falls in line with what the experts say when compared to the danger levels in comparison to the flu, 10-20x. 

I’m just sharing what my brothers lab thinks. They think the lowest the fatality rate it’ll have when it’s all said and done by the end of the year is 5%. And the Case Closed Rate doesn’t lie. All fact based. It’s technically 2-3% because they are including Active Cases. And even in the Active Cases, 10% are in critical condition. 

Edited by BayRaider
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Just now, TENINCH said:

I just want to know what they felt and what they did to get better. Did it feel like the flu to them?

Why don’t you trust the CDC or WHO reporting the symptoms from all of the data and cases they’ve collected?

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2 hours ago, ET80 said:

Suspended, not cancelled. Cancelled means there is no possibility to resume activities on a limited basis - pretty much every league that's suspended has began research into truncated schedules and shifting of dates, once a viable method to deal with the virus is created and administered. 

It might not be when we usually expect it, but we'll get everything back soon...









...I think. 

All signs point to it only going getting worse over the next couple of months, so unless the sports/events that have been suspended can re-start in July or August, I don't see how they aren't "cancelled"

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39 minutes ago, Packerraymond said:

You just got done saying how many people get the flu, this is just as if not a little bit more as contagious as the flu, but we're guessing as to what will happen? You're contradicting yourself. We know what's going to happen.

Gunshots are lethal, that's why we try and prevent them. Hmmmmm....

How is that contradicting. The cases are already there being reported for the flu, what they are talking about is speculation and guess work. It could very well become eradicated by summer for all we know. As I said in a previous post the launch pad for CV was a city of 11 million and by and large went 3 months being ignored, if we're getting into guess work I would say it should have already spread far more then it already has. 


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7 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

So what are you whining about then?

Not whining, trying to understand the paranoia and questioning the extreme methods some are taking and reporting. Working from home is fine, but quarantining entire cities or adjusting entire hospitals around an virus that's very similar to one we deal with every year seems extreme when we are already taking appropriate measures to combating it. 

Edited by Calvert28
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