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COVID-19: NFL tells employees to work from home


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3 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

No its how many it could. It spreads so easily and therefore quickly, it is why there are extremes when it comes to preventative measures. It has potential to hit those quantities you keep talking about but the object is to PREVENT that from happening, hence the Preventative measures. 

If it was going to hit that many people then it would have already been well on it's way by now Deadpulse. Talking about how quickly it spreads and again its already had 4 months to make it's way through China among other 2nd and 3rd world countries that have MASSIVE populations with no where near the medical care that we have and it's still sitting at 140K cases while the flu has already made 12 million in 2019 alone. 140K cases and that was before now where the world governments were taking it seriously. 

If this was every bit the threat that people claimed then I think it already should have been in the millions. I mean CV is not unique to us, it's not a new strain of virus and it has been around for a long time. Again I think it's been blown out of proportion, we don't take this kind of stance against the Flu which at it's height killed tens of millions of people. So why aren't normal preventative measures enough for this when we use the same one's for highly infectious things like Pink Eye among other virus's and have success with?

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18 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

Imao No it's not. I would say it's mathematical and factual that a gunshot wound to the head has a 99.9%mortality rate but that doesn't mean everyone in the world is just gonna be shot in the head any time soon. You're guessing at what's going to happen now and thats just paranoia.  

You just got done saying how many people get the flu, this is just as if not a little bit more as contagious as the flu, but we're guessing as to what will happen? You're contradicting yourself. We know what's going to happen.

Gunshots are lethal, that's why we try and prevent them. Hmmmmm....

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26 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

I'll just take this as you not reading anything i've said.

Lmao No it's not. I would say it's mathematical and factual that a gunshot wound to the head has a 99.9%mortality rate but that doesn't mean everyone in the world is just gonna be shot in the head any time soon. You're guessing at what's going to happen now and thats just paranoia. 

Ebola has a mortality rate of 90%, HIV is still at 85 to 90% and is still very much a thing here in the US. CV has a mortality rate of about of about 3.5% and doesn't come remotely close to comparing with the Birdflu or other types of Influenza. The only real danger we've seen from this disease so far is how silently it spreads. That is by far the most dangerous thing we've seen from it yet and it has still yet delivered on the cataclysmic life changing death toll's we've heard it was going to deliver.

Again go look up the mortality rate. You're percentage argument is nuts, there are far more deadly disease's out there. 

Oh really? It's barely beginning? Since you want to throw out what if's let me pose one to you. What if CV dissipates by summer because it can't live in the warm weather as a few doctor's have suggested? They think the pandemic could subside by July, what "if" that happens? Do I or they know it's going to subside? No we don't, just like we don't know if it's going to spread like pink eye in a mass orgy. 

You first compared the morality rate to the flu and it being no big deal, and now comparing it to major diseases because you were proven wrong, and have to prove some kind of point here. I just did the math of infected and deaths. In CLOSED CASES (no longer PENDING) 93.0% recovered and 7.0% died. And 10% in 60+ smokers. WorldMeterInfos if you wanna check it out. The flu kills 0.6% of people in infects and 99.4% recover.  

The virus is still very new and barely, barely beginning, and you need stop spreading misinformation.  

You even said a few pages ago it wasn’t airborne. Laughable. It is fully airborne and you can get it by breathing the same air with someone who is 6 feet or less away. It’s the most contagious virus we have ever seen. Sources: Plenty, my brothers entire lab in San Diego being one, Scientist on Joe Rogan being two, and tons of other health professionals. 

You need to stop spreading misinformation. You are desperate to prove some kind of “point” and you have none. Nada. 

The point is to stop this thing from spreading so our elderly don’t die. 

Edited by BayRaider
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Just now, Calvert28 said:

If it was going to hit that many people then it would have already been well on it's way by now Deadpulse. Talking about how quickly it spreads and again its already had 4 months to make it's way through China among other 2nd and 3rd world countries that have MASSIVE populations with no where near the medical care that we have and it's still sitting at 140K cases while the flu has already made 12 million in 2019 alone. 140K cases and that was before now where the world governments were taking it seriously. 

If this was every bit the threat that people claimed then I think it already should have been in the millions. I mean CV is not unique to us, it's not a new strain of virus and it has been around for a long time. Again I think it's been blown out of proportion, we don't take this kind of stance against the Flu which at it's height killed tens of millions of people. So why aren't normal preventative measures enough for this when we use the same one's for highly infectious things like Pink Eye among other virus's and have success with?

All of this is wrong. Sorry man, as much as I relish debating with you, you arent informed here. 

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14 minutes ago, BayRaider said:

You first compared the morality rate to the flu and it being no big deal, and now comparing it to major diseases because you were proven wrong, and have to prove some kind of point here. I just did the math of infected and deaths. In CLOSED CASES (no longer PENDING) 93.0% recovered and 7.0% died. And 10% in 60+ smokers. WorldMeterInfos if you wanna check it out. The flu kills 0.6% of people in infects and 99.4% recover.  

The virus is still very new and barely, barely beginning, and you need stop spreading misinformation.  

You even said a few pages ago it wasn’t airborne. Laughable. It is fully airborne and you can get it by breathing the same air with someone who is 6 feet or less away. It’s the most contagious virus we have ever seen. Sources: Plenty, my brothers entire lab in San Diego being one, Scientist on Joe Rogan being two, and tons of other health professionals. 

You need to stop spreading misinformation. You are desperate to prove some kind of “point” and you have none. Nada. 

The point is to stop this thing from spreading so our elderly don’t die. 

7% is more than double what I've seen, unless you have a source, that's just as bad as blowing it off. It's around 3%.

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13 minutes ago, Jakuvious said:

I feel like Calvert skipped his grade school class on exponential growth.

It spreads more quickly then the flu and yet only has 140K cases so far while the flu according to an article last month had 4 million more cases reported from January to February alone. I would imagine the term "exponential growth" would mean there would be far more cases then what it has so far. Since you didn't miss that class maybe you can show me where this applies to the number of CV cases has grown since coming about.

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I typically don’t think it’s worth it to debate someone that is willfully ignorant about facts and doesn’t understand basic math, but It is incredibly important that anyone lurking or just reading stories on this site does not listen to @Calvert28’s opinions on this matter. 

Keeping good hygiene and avoiding unnecessary social interactions is the single best way to combat this dangerous disease. That’s not panic, nor is it an overreaction. NFL teams are doing the right thing.

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3 minutes ago, Calvert28 said:

It spreads more quickly then the flu and yet only has 140K cases so far while the flu according to an article last month had 4 million more cases reported from January to February alone. I would imagine the term "exponential growth" would mean there would be far more cases then what it has so far. Since you didn't miss that class maybe you can show me where this applies to the number of CV cases has grown since coming about.

Try the WHO reports as a good starting point.

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3 minutes ago, JDBrocks said:

I typically don’t think it’s worth it to debate someone that is willfully ignorant about facts and doesn’t understand basic math, but It is incredibly important that anyone lurking or just reading stories on this site does not listen to @Calvert28’s opinions on this matter. 

Keeping good hygiene and avoiding unnecessary social interactions is the single best way to combat this dangerous disease. That’s not panic, nor is it an overreaction. NFL teams are doing the right thing.

Don't eat bats either. Thats a big one!!

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