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32 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

If people are picking a place to shop because of the no mask policy, there is no helping them at this point.

I’m fine with it as long as they take their independent approach to healthcare as well.

Dont come to ER’s, be a true patriot at home with some Tylenol and Bud Light.

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1 hour ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Crowded as hell.  Unbelievably so tbh.

There was a line out of our Lowe's a few weeks ago when we got mulch. Home Depot was dead though so we felt better about it. I have a friend who works at Lowe's and he said it's basically been the same ever since crap went down. 

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2 minutes ago, JTagg7754 said:

There was a line out of our Lowe's a few weeks ago when we got mulch. Home Depot was dead though so we felt better about it. I have a friend who works at Lowe's and he said it's basically been the same ever since crap went down. 

Is Lowe’s the holdout here or something?

I went there because they were on the way to my next destination, but I’d have avoided it if so.

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2 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Is Lowe’s the holdout here or something?

I went there because they were on the way to my next destination, but I’d have avoided it if so.

If the state, county or city is mandating masks, any company is risking fines or shutdowns if their employees or customers aren't wearing them.  

If the masks are optional, then it is the individual store/company determining whether or not they want to force people to wear masks in regards to employees and customers.  

Depending on how red or blue that area runs, I could see it being an influence since we tend to see this across the country where people "pledge" to do business only with companies that align to their viewpoints.  

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1 minute ago, naptownskinsfan said:

Depending on how red or blue that area runs, I could see it being an influence since we tend to see this across the country where people "pledge" to do business only with companies that align to their viewpoints.  

Refusing to go into a store that bans masks I can understand, because you may reasonably believe it puts your health at risk, I probably wouldn't worry too much unless I was going to be in the store for an extended period of time and it was cramped but I'm also not old and / or sick.

Refusing to go into a store that requires masks on the other hand... that is just dumb.  Its such a small sacrifice to make to keep people safe and/or make them feel more comfortable.  Nobody is asking you to wear a mask at your home or with your friends and family and its really not a major imposition.  I just dont get people who are so offended by this idea.  Its temporary and it will allow us all to get back to our lives.

This is coming from someone who is middle of the road on most of these issues and not terribly worried on a personal basis about getting sick if I havent had this already, but some people are acting like wearing a mask is the equivalent of living in North Korea, its a freaking piece of cloth, just pretend its winter and you're wearing a scarf, who the hell cares.

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By the way I totally get how its different if that is where you work and you have to wear it for 8 hours at a time.  I wouldnt want to do that either and its a big sacrifice so the pros and cons need to be weighed, based on your contact with the public. 

But for someone going into the super market for 20 minutes like... come on man... this is not Nazi Germany

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Just now, mission27 said:

Refusing to go into a store that bans masks I can understand, because you may reasonably believe it puts your health at risk, I probably wouldn't worry too much unless I was going to be in the store for an extended period of time and it was cramped but I'm also not old and / or sick.

Refusing to go into a store that requires masks on the other hand... that is just dumb.  Its such a small sacrifice to make to keep people safe and/or make them feel more comfortable.  Nobody is asking you to wear a mask at your home or with your friends and family and its really not a major imposition.  I just dont get people who are so offended by this idea.  Its temporary and it will allow us all to get back to our lives.

This is coming from someone who is middle of the road on most of these issues and not terribly worried on a personal basis about getting sick if I havent had this already, but some people are acting like wearing a mask is the equivalent of living in North Korea, its a freaking piece of cloth, just pretend its winter and you're wearing a scarf, who the hell cares.

I agree with the bottom part for sure, almost like I posted it.  

I hate it, but its not a huge inconvenience at this point.  I was even worried about my asthma creeping back in, and so far so good.  That masks have become the arbitrary line in the sand, with some of the other things going on, I just won't ever understand.  

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4 minutes ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I agree with the bottom part for sure, almost like I posted it.  

I hate it, but its not a huge inconvenience at this point.  I was even worried about my asthma creeping back in, and so far so good.  That masks have become the arbitrary line in the sand, with some of the other things going on, I just won't ever understand.  

Yeah its weird but people like to fight about stuff I guess (as this thread shows)

The one thing I'm legitimately not looking forward to is wearing mask for 6+ hours on long flights, but it seems like at least the guidance is you can take it off to eat or drink, and you just tough it out for a few hours otherwise

Edited by mission27
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1 minute ago, mission27 said:

Yeah its weird but people like to fight about stuff I guess (as this thread shows)

The one thing I'm legitimately not looking forward to is wearing mask for 6+ hours on long flights, but it seems like at least the guidance is you can take it off to eat or drink, and you just tough it out for a few hours otherwise

I agree.  I don't normally fly that often.  I might have a trip to the home office in Atlanta once a year, and last year I started to go to all 30 MLB stadiums, but I also take a lot of smaller local vacations just to get away. 

At least for me, since I always wait until the last minute to fly and have anxiety before the flight, I never sleep well the night before so I end up sleeping through most of the flight.  Guess this would give me more of a reason to do that now.  

We got this system for work to help with the AC units and recycling the air, and I wonder how they would work on a plane


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2 hours ago, vikesfan89 said:

I didn't know about the flooded basements.  We could use a little rain. 

I never said anything about it being the best policy.  I have heard people say that they aren't going to Menards now though

I can tell you that my Menards has been absolutely slammed lately. The other day I called in to ask about a return, and they said they had an hour long line out front because they're only letting so many people in right now. And I can confirm that the parking lot is much more busy than I remember every time I've gone previously. 

Must be that everyone has time to work on housing projects lately. 

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1 hour ago, naptownskinsfan said:

I agree.  I don't normally fly that often.  I might have a trip to the home office in Atlanta once a year, and last year I started to go to all 30 MLB stadiums, but I also take a lot of smaller local vacations just to get away. 

At least for me, since I always wait until the last minute to fly and have anxiety before the flight, I never sleep well the night before so I end up sleeping through most of the flight.  Guess this would give me more of a reason to do that now.  

We got this system for work to help with the AC units and recycling the air, and I wonder how they would work on a plane


mission spends about 60 hours a month on a plane, which is a real challenge. but we will be back in the game shortly. smugness never dies.

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First Georgia had data issues, now Florida?



Last week, in an email Jones notified public health researchers that she'd been removed from the project. "As a word of caution," she wrote, "I would not expect the new team to continue the same level of accessibility and transparency that I made central to the process during the first two months. After all, my commitment to both is largely (arguably entirely) the reason I am no longer managing it."

Jones now says she's been fired from the state Health Department. In a statement to CBS-12 in West Palm Beach, Jones said her dismissal came after she refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen."


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