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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


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Just now, mission27 said:

I just completely disagree tbh.  Creature comforts are nice, but social isolation and having your future taken away from you is in many ways worse for a lot of people.  Again its not as simple as just pressing pause and we will get everything back when this is over.  If it was I'd probably agree with you... we can all put up with two months.  But there will be long term effects.  I'm speaking from my personal experience with this and the experience of people I am close to, many of us have lost opportunities that could've defined the rest of our lives.

I mean, I’m sure the timing has been bad for many people but it’s not like there isn’t a valid cause for the restrictions.

Just now, mission27 said:

Idk what you personal situation is but it seems like you are happily married and continue to be employed.  If you are in a committed relationship and happily quarantining with your partner and haven't lost your job or business or whatever, I can understand the perspective that this is more inconvenience than anything. 

Spoken like a single man.  😂 

I get your point, but have 3 people up your arse for 2 straight months has its own set of unpleasantries.

Just now, mission27 said:

If you haven't had contact with another human being in 2 months, are separated from your partner or children, lost your job or business, had a relationship die because of the lockdown... well these are the things many of us fear much more so than death. 

I never said everyone went thought this gleefully, but I question the sincerity of anyone who would say they prefer risking death to not seeing family for 2 months, which is a disingenuous argument in most cases anyway. You can drive to see most family members in most cases, maybe save a couple of weeks a month or so ago.  If they’re not driving distance, I’m guessing you’ve went longer than a month without visiting before, so it’s not really a matter of separation there either, just frustrating by being limited.

Just now, mission27 said:

And maybe you think that's stupid but everyone has a different value system and minimizing people's very real economic and emotional trauma here isn't a great way to get people on board with a constructive path forward tbh. 

I will minimize minimal losses (a girlfriend) compared to the loss of human lives.  If you lost a relationship because you had to FaceTime for a month, idk man...

I get your point, but implying death and the issues you mentioned is a 1:1 thing is disingenuous imo.

Just now, mission27 said:

There are people who are agitating for stubborn ideological reasons but there's a much bigger group of people who are scared and traumatized by the effects of the lockdown and we need to be respectful of their pain too.

I’m fine with respecting it.  Where I draw the line personally is when people suggest we put people at risk unnecessarily because of their pain.  

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3 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

If you think any relevant US politician actually wants businesses shut down and people confined to their homes, you need to change the media you're consuming, because that is a wildly, wildly warped perception.

Who do they think owns most of these businesses?? 

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3 hours ago, dtait93 said:

Yeah I don’t and haven’t been wearing a mask in public 🤷🏻‍♂️ I just sanitize my hands before I go in to a store, do my best to distance myself from others while inside, then sanitize my hands when I get back in the car. Ez pz 

Dude. Wear the friggen mask. It's not hard. Super irresponsible and inconsiderate to not do so. 

Cloth masks mainly help protect other people around you. The more steps we take to prevent the spread the sooner everything will open up. What is so hard to understand about that? By doing irresponsible ****, people are going to make this drag out longer than it needs to and the economy will be worse in the long run because of it. 

There is zero reason to not do it, other than being selfish. What is the downside??

Also, cdc reported this week that it's very hard to get infected from surfaces, so handwashing is good but not as good as you seem to believe


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10 minutes ago, ramssuperbowl99 said:

Story time.


(Got 'em hook, line, and sinker)

I got into a fight.  It’s not that thrilling.

The 3 days were because it was the Friday before Labor Day and the judge wasn’t in until Tues.  

Parents could have came and got me, but they thought maybe I needed to learn a lesson.  Jokes on them, after that I was the leader of a prison gang and shanked 6 dudes for their shower shoes.

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9 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

I know I sound like a dumb hillbilly and soon will look like one too but this thread is eye opening

Not really.

Dumb hillbillies don’t take to time to hear the other side’s perspective and discuss it respectfully, which you do.

We don’t have to agree on everything, but we do have to look at them logically and factually.

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2 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I've never been imprisoned but I have lost very close loved ones, been sick to the point of thinking I was going to die, been held at knifepoint in a ghetto in a foreign country and thought I might not make it out alive.  So I know what its like to have someone close to you die or think you may die.  And for me personally this lockdown has been far worse than any of those feelings.  Everyone is different and everyone is going to have a different experience with the lockdown but just like we expect people to wear masks and be respectful of our wish not to get sick with COVID it'd be nice if people would be respectful of the emotional, social, and economic burden this has placed on many people and not try to minimize it by saying "our grandparents had it worse."  Because that **** isn't particularly credible tbh.

I'm not intending to disrespect the stress people feel as a result of this, or pretend it doesn't exist. But this isn't jail. It's not even house arrest.

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3 minutes ago, N4L said:

Dude. Wear the friggen mask. It's not hard. Super irresponsible and inconsiderate to not do so. 

Cloth masks mainly help protect other people around you. The more steps we take to prevent the spread the sooner everything will open up. What is so hard to understand about that? By doing irresponsible ****, people are going to make this drag out longer than it needs to and the economy will be worse in the long run because of it. 

There is zero reason to not do it, other than being selfish. What is the downside??

Also, cdc reported this week that it's very hard to get infected from surfaces, so handwashing is good but not as good as you seem to believe


My thoughts verbatim.

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Just now, ramssuperbowl99 said:

I'm not intending to disrespect the stress people feel as a result of this, or pretend it doesn't exist. But this isn't jail. It's not even house arrest.


@mission27 please don’t think I’m callous to these folks struggles, I’m sure it’s hard, but I just there are degrees to these things and not seeing friends and family is a lesser degree of crappy than dying or watching family die because of this.

It’s sacrifice for the benefit of all.  Some people will clearly sacrifice more though.

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3 minutes ago, vikesfan89 said:

Well the government finally paid me so I'll stop questioning them now

/s right? Edited because I don't want it to turn into politics and really.....I don't care that much. 

Edited by seriously27
Corona made me do it.
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Just now, naptownskinsfan said:
50 minutes ago, ET80 said:

Facebook is the root of all evil. So is Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Friendster, MySpace...

You forgot Xanga 

Real talk: Tom from Myspace did it right.

Started from nothing, sold it for half a billion dollars, never had to testify before Congress about screwing up an election, and never had a movie about his flea college days made tbh. Good for you Tom.

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6 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I mean, I’m sure the timing has been bad for many people but it’s not like there isn’t a valid cause for the restrictions.

Spoken like a single man.  😂 

I get your point, but have 3 people up your arse for 2 straight months has its own set of unpleasantries.

I never said everyone went thought this gleefully, but I question the sincerity of anyone who would say they prefer risking death to not seeing family for 2 months, which is a disingenuous argument in most cases anyway. You can drive to see most family members in most cases, maybe save a couple of weeks a month or so ago.  If they’re not driving distance, I’m guessing you’ve went longer than a month without visiting before, so it’s not really a matter of separation there either, just frustrating by being limited.

I will minimize minimal losses (a girlfriend) compared to the loss of human lives.  If you lost a relationship because you had to FaceTime for a month, idk man...

I get your point, but implying death and the issues you mentioned is a 1:1 thing is disingenuous imo.

I’m fine with respecting it.  Where I draw the line personally is when people suggest we put people at risk unnecessarily because of their pain.  

Everyone's value system is different, all I can say is for many people death is not the greatest fear or worst thing they can imagine 

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Just now, mission27 said:

Everyone's value system is different, all I can say is for many people death is not the greatest fear or worst thing they can imagine 

I get that, but I’m guessing a couple months without happy hour or seeing your sister isn’t either. 

I guess my point is we need to toughen up a bit, show some resilience, be smart, do the right thing, and this will be over eventually.

Complaining and becoming impatient about what you can’t do (not you personally) and insisting you be allowed to do it now because you’re sick of waiting isn’t helping anyone.

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