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The QB Thread: Everything Carr, Stidham and beyond...


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3 minutes ago, Darbsk said:

Not really sure what you're angling at? I've acknowledged it's a risk for sure. McDaniels did a great job with a clearly washed up Cam Newton (who I never thought was very good anyway) so my point is that even if Kaepernick isn't great after such a long layoff he can probably make chicken soup out of chicken feathers.

I do share concerns whether after so long off he'll be able to react at game speed or if he'll be a deer in headlights but let's be honest, if Carr goes down the other backups aren't saving our season and Kaep just might be able to drop in for a play or two here and there like Mariota did with some effect IMO.

Maybe he's washed up too, we as fans won't know until we see him play but I'd take a chance on Kaep over quite a few backups out there honestly.

He did a great job with Cam Newton? The Patriots had a bottom five offense with Cam as the starter. Cam had 2,700 yards, 8 TD/10 INT, as soon as they got Mac Jones, a guy that fit the system, they instantly became one of the highest scoring offenses in the league again. 

Kap was regressing at the end of his time with the 49ers 6 years ago, expecting him to magically just find it again would be shortsighted. 

With as desperate as teams have been for QB's, if he is still an NFL caliber player, why hasn't anyone signed him?

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On 5/26/2022 at 10:33 AM, BakeSpeaks said:

uhhh give me the guy who was a legit stud, and hasnt had any injuries.

As soon as teams put a Spy on Kaep, and didnt let him run, and dared him to throw, he was terrible. 
how is that a legit stud?
His first two seasons were great, but there was a major flaw in his game that was exposed, and he couldnt over come it. 

This happens all the time in sports. 
the easiest example is a young goalie in the NHL dominates, until players learn he has a weak blocker side, and then only aim for that. 

In the pros, you expose weaknesses. No one cares if you just pick on the weakest link in the pros. 

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9 hours ago, NYRaider said:

Kap hasn't played professional football in 6 years and wasn't very good during his final season with the 49ers. The Patriots offense ranked 27th in both points scored/yards gained in 2020 with Cam Newton starting. 

Hard pass on Kap.  I would never sign the guy.  Too much drama and he is a terrible QB. 

Media circus, hasn't played in 6 years and the last time he did he was benched for Blake Bortals, can't read a D if his life depended on it, is extremely inaccurate and if he ever did see the field our O would have to be significantly altered because of his inability to read a D and how bad of a passer he is.  

If Kap really wanted to play football he would have went to the CFL or Arena League years ago.  If he was balling out that would have forced a team to sign him.  He knew that his terrible QB play would be confirmed against inferior competition then his gravy train (Nike) would have cut bait with him. 

I have to give him credit as he has milked this nonsense for many years thanks to the MSM and has made a ton of money sitting on his couch.  

Edited by Frankie2Gunz
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3 hours ago, NYRaider said:

He did a great job with Cam Newton? The Patriots had a bottom five offense with Cam as the starter. Cam had 2,700 yards, 8 TD/10 INT, as soon as they got Mac Jones, a guy that fit the system, they instantly became one of the highest scoring offenses in the league again. 

Kap was regressing at the end of his time with the 49ers 6 years ago, expecting him to magically just find it again would be shortsighted. 

With as desperate as teams have been for QB's, if he is still an NFL caliber player, why hasn't anyone signed him?

Yes, he did a great job with an over the hill, washed up Cam Newton. Did you not watch the Patriots play and see how they mitigated the offence with a pretty terrible QB? McDaniels did a very, very good job given the tools he had, no TEs to speak of and little at WR too. They beat us handily enough too 😬 

With regards Kaepernick, he's definitely worth a try IMO. I'd bring him in for camp and if he's just not got it any more then you just let him go and wish him the best, garner some good PR for giving him a shot. If he has something still then you could have a backup that can actually offer something. The risk is not the quality of play, it's the potential media distraction IMHO. You lose nothing by giving him a shot playing wise and could gain a useful backup. 

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3 hours ago, Darbsk said:

Yes, he did a great job with an over the hill, washed up Cam Newton. Did you not watch the Patriots play and see how they mitigated the offence with a pretty terrible QB? McDaniels did a very, very good job given the tools he had, no TEs to speak of and little at WR too. They beat us handily enough too 😬 

With regards Kaepernick, he's definitely worth a try IMO. I'd bring him in for camp and if he's just not got it any more then you just let him go and wish him the best, garner some good PR for giving him a shot. If he has something still then you could have a backup that can actually offer something. The risk is not the quality of play, it's the potential media distraction IMHO. You lose nothing by giving him a shot playing wise and could gain a useful backup. 

If having a bottom 5 offense and a losing record is a great job, then he did amazing. Ideally your backup QB is at least somewhat similar to the starter so the system doesn't have to change completely if the starter gets hurt.

There's a reason that teams, especially good ones, don't like backups that cause distractions in the media and the locker room. We're trying to make a legitimate run at the Super Bowl this season, don't think constant stories about Kap help us, it just creates more drama around the team.

It's like Cam Newton last year, with how many teams had bad QB play, if he was still good enough to help you win why was he out of the league for most of the year and why hasn't Kap been signed by anyone?

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4 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

Hard pass on Kap.  I would never sign the guy.  Too much drama and he is a terrible QB.

Yeah if the goal is to win the Super Bowl, I don't see how constant media coverage about the 2nd/3rd QB helps the team.

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1 hour ago, NYRaider said:

Yeah if the goal is to win the Super Bowl, I don't see how constant media coverage about the 2nd/3rd QB helps the team.

Combine that with Kap being a terrible QB 6 years ago and hasn't played a down since....  Hard pass.  

Like I have always said if he was serious about a comeback he would have showcased his skills in the CFL and if he is as dominant as some claim a QB needy NFL team would have signed him without question.  

Say he would have signed with a CFL team and bombed, which is the most likely scenario, his shtick and free Nike money would have ended and would be immediately irrelevant.  No more millions from Nike for doing nothing.  

Edited by Frankie2Gunz
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1 hour ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

Combine that with Kap being a terrible QB 6 years ago and hasn't played a down since....  Hard pass.  

The QB room is fine as it is, Mullens is a serviceable backup, Stidham is young and has experience in the system. Adding Kap would give me some reservations about the new regime. 

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7 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

The QB room is fine as it is, Mullens is a serviceable backup, Stidham is young and has experience in the system. Adding Kap would give me some reservations about the new regime. 

I agree.  We are good at QB...

I am interested to see what we do with our post June 1 cap money.  A Waller extension should happen but i wonder what we do with the remainder?

I could see adding Fuller as he is a field stretcher who has proven to excel with limited targets.  If we can get him for 1 year at 7M I would be open to that.  

I can also see us trying to bolster the Oline.

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7 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

I agree.  We are good at QB...

I am interested to see what we do with our post June 1 cap money.  A Waller extension should happen but i wonder what we do with the remainder?

I could see adding Fuller as he is a field stretcher who has proven to excel with limited targets.  If we can get him for 1 year at 7M I would be open to that.  

I can also see us trying to bolster the Oline.

Waller extension seems like a lock at this point. I don't think we'll add another WR, seems like they like Cole/Robinson. 

The Suh rumors haven't gone away so he could be a target.. I've also seen Kevin King and Janoris Jenkins as potential targets.

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10 hours ago, NYRaider said:

If having a bottom 5 offense and a losing record is a great job, then he did amazing. Ideally your backup QB is at least somewhat similar to the starter so the system doesn't have to change completely if the starter gets hurt

Totally disingenuous. So only OCs of great teams are good? That is ignorant at the minimum.

McDaniels wasn't signing the players, he just had to make them work and if you watched them play rather than just looking at stats, he made as good a job as he could with what he had. Anathema to some here but IMO good coaching is getting the most out of sometimes bad players and if you watched the adjustments he made, how they varied play, covered their weaknesses it was very impressive to me. He did as good a job he could with virtually no tools. Most coaches can succeed with a team stacked with talent. And Newton is totally washed up at this point, that's why he's not with a team. That is the crux of my argument, McDaniels helped Cam and the Pats even though Newton was completely shot. If Kaep has anything left, McDaniels will be able to use it.

The other point is that you can carry 3 QBs and it's an interesting wrinkle to be able to put a guy in who offers something different in some packages, aka Mariota. The other guy can be the pocket passer. As I said before, if Carr goes down for any length of time we're screwed anyway so I can see McDaniels being able to use Kaep. I can understand if you don't like Kaep or don't think he'll be any good, fair enough. If he is, then McDaniels can use him is my position and it's worth at least a look. The distraction I have admitted could be an issue. 

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10 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:

Combine that with Kap being a terrible QB 6 years ago and hasn't played a down since....  Hard pass.  

Like I have always said if he was serious about a comeback he would have showcased his skills in the CFL and if he is as dominant as some claim a QB needy NFL team would have signed him without question.  

Say he would have signed with a CFL team and bombed, which is the most likely scenario, his shtick and free Nike money would have ended and would be immediately irrelevant.  No more millions from Nike for doing nothing.  

That is an interesting thought I hadn't really thought of before and it could be true. 

I just wouldn't be against bringing him in to see. The distraction could be an issue of course but then we have a 'QB controversy' every year 😂

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15 hours ago, Frankie2Gunz said:


Say he would have signed with a CFL team and bombed, which is the most likely scenario, his shtick and free Nike money would have ended and would be immediately irrelevant.  No more millions from Nike for doing nothing.  

Or even the USFL. He's had a ton of opportunities to show people whether he's still got it or not. The USFL would've loved this publicity!! He didn't though bc he doesn't care. Like I said, he's a grifter, that's all. We should want no part of this

Edited by BobbyPhil1781
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On 5/29/2022 at 2:17 AM, Darbsk said:

I like Kaepernick and I'd definitely be down for looking at him as a better backup than we have and a guy that can bring something different but if Carr has a few average or poor games this forum is going to be crazy 😬😂

This wouldn't stop me from adding ANYONE. 

There's an entire little group here that is going to lose their ish and deride Carr's contract as a giant waste on the 58th ranked QB in the league as soon as Carr has 1 average drive. 

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