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Mortal Kombat Mafia: TOWN WINS. KSJ/Counselor lose. Malf is still crying.

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13 minutes ago, HoboRocket said:

I'm gonna be honest, I nearly voted for you again in response to this post.

Why joke vote? Because it's day 1, I have no idea what's going on yet, and I'm trying to get people to let their guard down with me. It's hard to play with stiff people. It also increases my survival probability. 

I understand that the content of this response is likely to do just the opposite, but I'm cool with that. It's in my best interest to continue to be up-front and honest, because that's my mafia schtick. 


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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

So Hobo is in this game after all? Would Matts just not send out a scum PM?

Nah, after I tagged him in the reply to you, Matts PM'd me. I'm town, though. But again, I understand the confusion because I tend to give off shady vibes.

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