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Monster Village Mafia - The Village is destroyed, Werewolves win!


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3 hours ago, Counselor said:

@Matts4313 I would just like you to know I cleaned out the port of my phone and man there was so much lint in there that I couldn’t see. After five minutes of digging it all out, the charger fits perfectly now. Thank you.

my dude, glad I could pitch in

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Guys this has gotta be simple

You're right, it is

It's Counselor

No it's Forge

No, Counselor!

No, Forge!

The village got together again, their crowd visibly smaller than it had been when they first started this monster hunt. Everyone was weary from the losses they'd sustained but felt like they'd been making major headway in the fight against the evils facing their town. After a day of heated debate and discussion they settled on Counselor as their target. They approached the grieving mother with heavy hearts.

"Fine, send me to be with my babies. They await me in the next life,"

The villagers picked up their pitchforks and began jabbing at him until he lay still on the ground.

@Counselor is dead. He was GertrudeVillage-Aligned


It is now Night 6! You have until 11:00 PM EST to get me your PMs.

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Daboyle gripped his cane tightly. It had been a long day and night and he was ready to get home. Everyone else was heading back to their homes as well. 

"So much loss. My powers just aren't what they used to be, I can't do it all myself anymore..." daboyle muttered to himself.

As if right on cue, the group of people headed home stopped as they heard noises coming from the forest. Two men appeared from the woods. Forge and Josh. They smirked as the glanced up at the full moon rising high in the sky. Their bodies began to twist and contort, causing the crowd to immediately panic and start running in all different directions. Finally the two finished their transformations and where the two men were stood two mighty and terrible beasts. Werewolves.

Daboyle stood tall and dropped his cane. He knew that this was it, his final stand to save the village he loved. He pulled out his wand and started blasting. Blurry shots of magical energy vaulted through the air, striking the werewolves. They dropped back, actually afraid for once. Nothing usually hurts them but this magic was powerful. They started pressing towards daboyle but were again hit with the magical beams and began focusing their efforts on dodging these shots. Daboyle kept firing away, putting everything he had into trying to get rid of these vile beasts. Slowly though, his magic began to get fuzzy. The blasts were less powerful and were being fired at a slower rate. Daboyle was breathing heavily. This was the most magic he'd done in probably a hundred years and it was taking it's toll on him.

Forge and Josh noticed that their foe was weakening and exchanged knowing glances. They split up, one heading for daboyle's left and one for his right. Daboyle continued flashing magic at them but the shots were no bigger than candle flames at this point. The two werewolves ignored the pinches of pain and dashed towards their prey, reaching him at the same time. Daboyle felt dissapointment that he couldn't save the day and that was the last thing he ever felt.

@Daboyle is dead. He was The WizardVillage-Aligned


Kingseanjohn was there when Forge and Josh had turned into werewolves and had immediately headed to the one place he knew like nobody else did: the grave yard. As he was nearing the entrance he heard noises behind him. He glanced back to see two werewolves gaining on him fast. He gasped out loud and quickened his pace, running like he never had before.

Now that he was in the grave yard he knew he'd made a mistake. There was nowhere to hide here. He ran through the rows of graves, not wanting to look back and see how close they were. He could hear the pounding feet behind him and finally glanced back to see one werewolf. It slowed down to a quick stop and stared at him. He wondered why the werewolf stopped. And why was there only one? When he realized, the panic set in but it was too late. The other beast smashed into him from the side. Ksj flew into an open grave and the wolf pounced in after him, killing him in his final resting place.

@kingseanjohn is dead. He was The Grave Digger, Village-Aligned


Forge and Josh continued their savage killing spree until the town was finally wiped out. Though their pack was weakened by this whole ordeal, they now had free reign over the area and knew they would return to their former strength.

Congratulations to @Blue, @JoshstraDaymus@MWil23, and @Forge for completing their WCs and winning the game. The werewolves have destroyed the village!

Thank you all for playing!

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