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I’m home from leave for 3 months with a baby, decided to watch a bunch of childhood movies.

Mighty Ducks trilogy- easily in my top 5 favorite trilogy’s. Love all 3 movies, and always wanted to be a duck. Also gave the best hockey logo of all time IMO.

The Sandlot- one of the coolest child characters ever in Benny “the jet” Rodrigues.  Also the firework baseball scene is just awesome. 

Heavyweights- classic Ben Stiller evil character, also love how just like the sandlot it included multiple kids that appeared in Mighty Ducks.

First Kid- Sinbad is just great in this film 

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57 minutes ago, Fresh Prince said:

The Sandlot- one of the coolest child characters ever in Benny “the jet” Rodrigues.  Also the firework baseball scene is just awesome.

I love the scene where the kid fake drowns just to kiss the babe.

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I went into The Killer with lowered expectations given word of mouth from people I know, but overall I would say it's an OK movie, and I put most of the blame for it not being more than it was on to Fincher.  For what he had to work with, Fassbender acted his *** off in this movie and there were parts that were done really well, but it started a little too slowly and ended a little too clunky for my liking.  I still enjoyed it, but it definitely felt less than the sum of its parts.

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Put on Halloween 3 last night I hated it as a kid because there's no micheal Myers in it. The older I get the more it just grows on me idk why. It's my favorite movie to watch around Halloween and my favorite Halloween franchise movie. So underrated. 

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So went and saw Borderlands because I love terrible movies and I love Borderlands but its just plain bad and not in a terrible movie way. Once again Hollywood shows how not to adapt a video game. 

1. The casting is actually not terrible for the most part. Cate Blanchett is actually pretty good as an aged Lilith and I would be fine with that if they didn't completely miscast Roland. Krieg's voice actor is fine but frankly doesn't really even fit with a PG13 movie, Jack Black as Claptrap is better then I thought it would be, Jamie Lee Curtis could be a great Tannis, and Arianna Greenblatt could potentially make a good Tiny Tina. One of the problems is outside of Clap Trap and Lilith none of the characters actually make much sense. Tannis is supposed to be the aloof and clinically sociopathic scientist trapped on Pandora but instead is a boring nervous know it all nerd. Even when the characters act right it doesn't make sense in the movie. They completely setup Greenblatt for failure by changing the  character from a schizo deeply troubled kid growing up in a deeply troubled world to a test tube baby that's now a quippy teenager. When she says her iconic lines from the games think "Badonkadonk" it makes no sense with the character they created. 

What is probably the most bizarre casting just on its face is Kevin Hart as Roland. A strong stoic solider (and ex boyfriend of Lilith) is now a tiny comedian... It made no sense and even more bizarre is Kevin Hart acts like a strong stoic soldier instead of his normal Kevin Hart. So why bother casting him at all? 

2. There is something off about the sound. Every action scene is so messy I can't tell what is going on. 

3. The PG 13 rating is really dragging down the gratuitous violence Pandora is based on and what the movie is trying to setup. Whatever studio head made that decision deserves to be fired especially off of the success of Fallout TV show, DeadPool, and other rated R movies. It makes the battles completely hollow with just random guys falling over with no blood. 

4. The general plot is terrible.. Think first Borderlands game terrible. "Go here, shoot shoot shoot, go here shoot shoot shoot, go hear....". They don't focus on the goofy guns at all or the manufactures that play such a large role in the games. The main villain is bizarrely boring and underwritten considering that I think one of the strengths of Borderlands is its villains especially in BL2 & BL3. 

Its your basic Hollywood garbage with video games that harkens back to Uwe Boll movies but at least Uwe Boll actually seemed to care about its source material more then this. This is a movie made for no one. SKIP IT. 2/10 It got +1 point because I love Krieg. 




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5 hours ago, Spartacus said:

Once again Hollywood shows how not to adapt a video game. 

Its your basic Hollywood garbage with video games that harkens back to Uwe Boll movies but at least Uwe Boll actually seemed to care about its source material more then this. This is a movie made for no one.

Did you like Fallout?

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