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STAR WARS Mafia (Galactic Empire, Lando Calrissian wins!)

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Well if there were ever a good time for the Empire to Strike Back, now would be the time. Night 3 may have marked the turn of the war? It remains to seen but some Rebel Scum definitely were brought to justice.

The first body found was @Pickle Rick. Some people really wanted him dead. Not only was his corpse found with blaster burns but also it was chopped into pieces by a what can only be assumed to be a lightsaber. Upon identification, the imperial officers sighed with relief at their first victory. For he was Han Solo, Rebel Alliance aligned. He was found with a blaster in his inventory.

The next two corpses were found at the hovel that @SirA1 was staying. It is strange to find two victims in one place, but the other was quickly revealed to be @Glen. Seems like someone angrily cut down both with a lightsaber. Once again, the imperial officers overseeing the autopsies were pleased with the results for they were Leia Organa, Rebel Alliance aligned, and Greedo, Scoundrel aligned, respectively. Leia was found with a blaster and stun grenade in her inventory.

The night wasn't a complete win, however. They lost the great General of the Battle of Hoth, Maximilian Veers, to a blaster assault last night. He was, of course, Galactic Empire aligned. And his identity was @rackcs. His jet pack was found at his corpse.

A droid joined the game as Droid 1. You guys have a new player. Play nice!!!!

Day 4 is now open. There will be no Day Events this day.



Han Solo
Captain, Human


"Never tell me the odds!" - Han Solo

You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance: The Rebel Alliance must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Tricky Maneuver: Once per night, target two other players. All players (including allied players) visiting either of those players will instead be redirected to the other.
  • My Old Friend: Once per night, after the Rebel Alliance has lost at least one of its original members, you may visit a target player. If that player is Lando Calrissian, his alignment is changed to the Rebel Alliance, and he will be given a factional blaster. If he's not, that player will receive a report on your identity and whole Role PM.
  • Lucky (passive): The first time you are attacked during the game with a Blaster, the attack will miss (and thus fail).

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Blaster (faction, ranged): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night to kill, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.

Leia Organa
Senator, Human


"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." - Princess Leia Organa

You are aligned with the Rebel Alliance: The Rebel Alliance must outnumber all other living players.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Intelligence Network: Once every odd night, target a player to get a copy of their Role PM.
  • Protocol (droid): Once per night, you may visit a player. Any reports on that player during the night will be forged such that: 1. Their alignment will appear as if it is Rebel Alliance, 2. They will have appeared to visit the player the Rebel Alliance targeted using their factional kill that night, 3. Their Name, Race and Title will appear identical to the character carrying out that kill (one of the living Rebel Alliance-aligned characters at random if there was no kill attempt).
  • Deploy Droid: Once per night, you may permanently sacrifice a Droid ability to have them join the game as a player, simply under the name "Droid X" (X being the order in which they joined the game). Droids are considered Neutral-aligned, of the Droid race, with their Title becoming what their Ability name was. You may change the vote of any of your droids at any time during the day via PM, except during the final hour of the day, when all droids are votelocked. If you die, all of your droids are instantly killed, too. Droids can be targeted by night actions and lynched like any other player, but are immune to Force abilities.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Blaster (faction, ranged): Only one member of the faction can use a factional item each night to kill, but factional weapons are not expended on use. Kills a target player.
  • Flash Grenade (ranged): Roleblock one other target player. Can only be used once.

Bounty Hunter, Rodian


"Going somewhere, Solo?" - Greedo

You are aligned as a Scoundrel: You must survive until the game's end. You are not considered a threat to the Galactic Empire.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Run and Hide: Once per night, you can target one other player. Any actions attempting to be used against you that night will fail, but any actions taken against your target will also take effect on you.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Blaster (ranged): Kills a target player. Can only be used once.
  • Carbonite Freezer (ranged): Target another player. That player cannot vote the following day, and is roleblocked the following night. Can only be used once.

Maximilian Veers
General, Human


"The Shield will be down in no time. You may begin your landing." - General Veers

You are aligned with the Galactic Empire: Eliminate all threats to the Galactic Empire.

(In general, you may only use one of your role's actions each night.)

  • Recon (droid): Once every night, you may target a player and receive a report on all items in their inventory.
  • Deploy Droid: Once per night, you may permanently sacrifice a Droid ability to have them join the game as a player, simply under the name "Droid X" (X being the order in which they joined the game). Droids are considered Neutral-aligned, of the Droid race, with their Title becoming what their Ability name was. You may change the vote of any of your droids at any time during the day via PM, except during the final hour of the day, when all droids are votelocked. If you die, all of your droids are instantly killed, too. Droids can be targeted by night actions and lynched like any other player, but are immune to Force abilities.

(You may use one item at night in addition to one of your role’s night actions.)

  • Jet Pack (defense): Any actions used on you during the night will fail. Can only be used once.

Additionally, the droid rackcs received Day 1 was:

Upon inspection, you're pleased to discover that the chartreuse colored droid is actually a fairly functional astromech droid!


The only real issue with the unit is its sensor array appears to be damaged, but that still doesn't mean it's completely useless. The following ability has been added to your character's list of Role Abilities:

  • Astromech (droid): Once every night, target a player. Due to the sensor being damaged, it may randomly target a player adjacent to them in the players list on the first page of the Game Thread, instead (the first and last players on the list are also considered adjacent for this purpose; dead players are not ignored). You will not be informed who the actual target was, but you will receive the alignment of whichever player ended up being the target. You cannot use this ability two nights in a row.
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