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Among Us Mafia - Imps win


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26 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Someone explain Among Us more in depth than the dude who said its kinda like mafia. 

from what i understand its like mafia compounded with basic flash minigames in space that's popular with gen z?

i actually tried to play a couple games. that was all I was able to put together before I was too bored to continue.

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34 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Someone explain Among Us more in depth than the dude who said its kinda like mafia. 

i'd highly recommend downloading the app and playing a few games. they're short, but even just playing a few games will give you a better grasp than my summary. nonetheless...

number of people playing can vary (10 max), but imposters are always 1, 2, or 3. with a game of 10, 2 imposters is the most likely. 1 is way too hard for the imposters and 3 is way too hard for the crew. It's likely it's 8-2, but obviously not out of the question it's 7-3 or 9-1. 

each round starts with everyone in a circle in the cafeteria room (around the emergency button). crew members don't know who else is crew, but imposters know all the imposters (so very mafia like). crew complete tasks which are like mini puzzles (extremely easy). each crew member has the same amount of tasks they need to complete (there is a list in the left corner), but they vary. there is some overlap with tasks. 

imposters also have a list of tasks, but they're fake tasks. imposters can't actually complete any tasks, nor would they want to (see: crew WC). what imposters can do are sabotage (i.e. lock doors, turn off the flights, and other things that either require crews attention or act as a diversion while they kill). that brings us to killing. only imposters can kill. there's a set kill freeze period each game that varies (a kill freeze period that is lower makes it easier for imposters as they can pick off crew more quickly). in a game of 2+ imposters, there's also such thing as a double kill. this is when two imposters kill two crew in a very short period of time (like 2 seconds or so). this is important to note because this is the only time when there is no kill freeze in affect. this is a common strategy where 2 imposters will stick together and attempt to go in the same room as 2 crew. 

rounds end by one of the two: someone finding/reporting a dead body (this can be done by imposters which is called a self report) OR someone pressing the emergency button in the cafeteria (usually there is a limit to this; most often 2 times). the button can also be pressed by anyone. only the person who finds the dead body knows where it is. typically as soon as a dead body is found, people will ask where. it's worth noting people can lie about where they found the body. there's no reason for crew to do so, but maybe imposters will. there's risk in this though because if the imposter says the body was in the security room, but a crew is in there when the rounds ends, they know they're lying. 

when a round ends, there will be a discussion period (where was the body? where was everyone at? who did you see? can you clear anyone). after that, voting takes place. there's also an option for skipping if nobody is confident. the majority wins, so if the majority vote skip, nobody will be thrown off. if the majority vote red, red is out. 

this continues until...

crew wins by: completing all of the tasks first (pretty rare because it takes a lot of time) OR by voting all the imposters off before there is a 1:1 ratio

imposters win by: having a 1:1 ratio

imposters are the only ones who can vent (this is when they essentially teleport from one room to another; usually after a kill to get out of the area without being seen). the risk of imposters doing this is if someone sees them vent, they're toast. 

aside from the kill freeze period which can vary, there are some other settings that can vary which are worth mentioning:

- anonymous votes - sometimes we won't see who voted for who (usually rare, but possible). we'll see how racks is running this pretty early).

- kill confirmed - I'm not sure what exactly this is called, but it basically tells you if a color was crew/imposter (and how many imposters remain) after the voting round. 

- visual tasks - some tasks have visual clues (i.e. if a crew is emptying the trash, you'll see the trash leave the spaceship). the is important because only the crew can perform tasks (imposters can only fake doing it). I don't think this will have a place in this game, but it's important to note because if you see someone doing a task with a visual clue, it's a 100% clear.

I'm sure I missed some things. let me know if you have any questions. 




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6 hours ago, swoosh said:

i'd highly recommend downloading the app and playing a few games. they're short, but even just playing a few games will give you a better grasp than my summary. nonetheless...

number of people playing can vary (10 max), but imposters are always 1, 2, or 3. with a game of 10, 2 imposters is the most likely. 1 is way too hard for the imposters and 3 is way too hard for the crew. It's likely it's 8-2, but obviously not out of the question it's 7-3 or 9-1. 

each round starts with everyone in a circle in the cafeteria room (around the emergency button). crew members don't know who else is crew, but imposters know all the imposters (so very mafia like). crew complete tasks which are like mini puzzles (extremely easy). each crew member has the same amount of tasks they need to complete (there is a list in the left corner), but they vary. there is some overlap with tasks. 

imposters also have a list of tasks, but they're fake tasks. imposters can't actually complete any tasks, nor would they want to (see: crew WC). what imposters can do are sabotage (i.e. lock doors, turn off the flights, and other things that either require crews attention or act as a diversion while they kill). that brings us to killing. only imposters can kill. there's a set kill freeze period each game that varies (a kill freeze period that is lower makes it easier for imposters as they can pick off crew more quickly). in a game of 2+ imposters, there's also such thing as a double kill. this is when two imposters kill two crew in a very short period of time (like 2 seconds or so). this is important to note because this is the only time when there is no kill freeze in affect. this is a common strategy where 2 imposters will stick together and attempt to go in the same room as 2 crew. 

rounds end by one of the two: someone finding/reporting a dead body (this can be done by imposters which is called a self report) OR someone pressing the emergency button in the cafeteria (usually there is a limit to this; most often 2 times). the button can also be pressed by anyone. only the person who finds the dead body knows where it is. typically as soon as a dead body is found, people will ask where. it's worth noting people can lie about where they found the body. there's no reason for crew to do so, but maybe imposters will. there's risk in this though because if the imposter says the body was in the security room, but a crew is in there when the rounds ends, they know they're lying. 

when a round ends, there will be a discussion period (where was the body? where was everyone at? who did you see? can you clear anyone). after that, voting takes place. there's also an option for skipping if nobody is confident. the majority wins, so if the majority vote skip, nobody will be thrown off. if the majority vote red, red is out. 

this continues until...

crew wins by: completing all of the tasks first (pretty rare because it takes a lot of time) OR by voting all the imposters off before there is a 1:1 ratio

imposters win by: having a 1:1 ratio

imposters are the only ones who can vent (this is when they essentially teleport from one room to another; usually after a kill to get out of the area without being seen). the risk of imposters doing this is if someone sees them vent, they're toast. 

aside from the kill freeze period which can vary, there are some other settings that can vary which are worth mentioning:

- anonymous votes - sometimes we won't see who voted for who (usually rare, but possible). we'll see how racks is running this pretty early).

- kill confirmed - I'm not sure what exactly this is called, but it basically tells you if a color was crew/imposter (and how many imposters remain) after the voting round. 

- visual tasks - some tasks have visual clues (i.e. if a crew is emptying the trash, you'll see the trash leave the spaceship). the is important because only the crew can perform tasks (imposters can only fake doing it). I don't think this will have a place in this game, but it's important to note because if you see someone doing a task with a visual clue, it's a 100% clear.

I'm sure I missed some things. let me know if you have any questions. 




So in the context of this game, how are task, puzzles, rooms, etc going to work?

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