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Death Note Mafia - TKN Edition (Kira and Sakura TV wins!)


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8 hours ago, Counselor said:

What are y’all talking about? I switched pickles gun out with a fake last night lol. Funny to see the theories unfold. Sorry Pickle I didn’t know what item you had I just didn’t trust you. 

The major issue that I have with this is that @Tk3 had a very similar role/ability (saboteur) in Nacho's Star Wars Game and he was scum. He sabotaged my lightsaber N1 and then sabotaged Josh's grappling hook later.

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11 hours ago, squire12 said:

why you say that?

I was gonna say it’s hard to get a scum read on inactives, but inactives that always get their vote in last second (and later events) made me take that back.

10 hours ago, Malfatron said:


touch is light. Pickles kill on touch ended up taking out the shingami Ryuk instead!

Again, was gonna say that makes sense, until...

9 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Now it just seems like touch is admitting being Light.

9 hours ago, Malfatron said:

so heres the claims face value

1. pickle tried to kill touch

2. counselor jammed his gun so it didnt work.

3. touch killed blue

4. touch got blues notebook

5. touch gave his notebook to Ryuk, and Ryuk left the game.

This makes sense to me until 4 and 5. I still haven’t seen the show, so correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t get how touch has Light’s shinigami, isn’t Light, has a kill that he uses, but throws away a Death Note, and is also a good guy.

He’s lying.

2 hours ago, gopherwrestler said:


So when you did this was this night one or night two? Sorry you may have said this but I just read it and didn’t see. 

Look who else just came out of the woodwork when summoned.

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"It seems that we have to consider that theuntouchable might be Kira after all!" says Lind L. Tailor.


theuntouchable - 5 - Pickle Rick, Malfatron, MD4L, Daniel, Lind L. Tailor

Forge - 2 - swoosh, gopherwrestler

Malfatron - 2 - Shinigami A, squire12

Tk3 - 1 - Whicker

gopherwrestler - 1 - MWil23

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