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1 hour ago, rob_shadows said:

Humanity as a whole is a really pathetic species... That's all I'm gonna say.

Honestly? Yeah...we kinda are. But we're also capable of such great things. It's sad we let those who'd rather profit for selfish reasons have as much control as they do. 

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16 hours ago, Sugashane said:

I'm looking at going back for my PhD (already was before student loans started back up) since I work for the state and can apply for the PSLF (loan forgiveness). 

-Set up the loans so they are as low as possible up front, 

- Make the qualified monthly payments while working and doing my program

- Finish program and continue making payments

- take half courseload every other semester to keep loans in deferment

- after 10 years hopefully all is loans are forgiven

- hope I didn't bone myself by doing all the extra lol


Actually, does your wife qualify for the PSLF in any way? 

In a cruel twist, I qualify for PSLF, but she does not. 

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14 minutes ago, minutemancl said:

In a cruel twist, I qualify for PSLF, but she does not. 


** You guys are Dean here, life is Sam mocking like a damn weirdo.**

Do you know how cheap I am? I have thought about being a perma-student. Take a half courseload every-other semester for life. Never have to pay back loans, eventually have 5-6 degrees in whatever just interests me, and when I die the loan debt doesn't get passed on to my kids. School can be done online so it would actually be way more convenient if I like the degree programs. 

But I am scared somehow politics allow a change one way or another and it gets legalized to pass on student debt to your children. Probably an irrational concern but whatever. 

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2 hours ago, Sugashane said:


** You guys are Dean here, life is Sam mocking like a damn weirdo.**

Do you know how cheap I am? I have thought about being a perma-student. Take a half courseload every-other semester for life. Never have to pay back loans, eventually have 5-6 degrees in whatever just interests me, and when I die the loan debt doesn't get passed on to my kids. School can be done online so it would actually be way more convenient if I like the degree programs. 

But I am scared somehow politics allow a change one way or another and it gets legalized to pass on student debt to your children. Probably an irrational concern but whatever. 

The Van Wilder loophole. I like it.

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