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got in a car wreck and crushed a vertebrae and fractured a few others, so got them fused. also broke 4 ribs. had a little brain bleed/concussion. worst part about the wreck was having to get my lungs drained of blood though, that was pretty brutal, can't believe they do that with local anesthetic and not actually putting you under. don't remember the accident at all. just remember waking up being inside my car and seeing the roof ripped open and the jeep just torn to **** and being like wtf is going on. blood is everywhere and my homie pulls up like with a horrified look on his face and i was thinking like god damn if die in this dumbass car accident im gonna be so pissed. 

doing better now, happened 10 days ago, just got out of the hospital. trying to sleep is a *****. laying in a bed sucks. thought it was just the hospital bed, but slept in my own bed last night and still couldn't lay in that **** more than a few house before it was unbearable and had to just sit in a chair. my phone was never recovered from the crash site and i always ignore the all cloud ****. going thru the process of getting a phone rn and it's gonna be sad if i can't get messages i've received over the past 10 days. 

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5 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

got in a car wreck and crushed a vertebrae and fractured a few others, so got them fused. also broke 4 ribs. had a little brain bleed/concussion. worst part about the wreck was having to get my lungs drained of blood though, that was pretty brutal, can't believe they do that with local anesthetic and not actually putting you under. don't remember the accident at all. just remember waking up being inside my car and seeing the roof ripped open and the jeep just torn to **** and being like wtf is going on. blood is everywhere and my homie pulls up like with a horrified look on his face and i was thinking like god damn if die in this dumbass car accident im gonna be so pissed. 

doing better now, happened 10 days ago, just got out of the hospital. trying to sleep is a *****. laying in a bed sucks. thought it was just the hospital bed, but slept in my own bed last night and still couldn't lay in that **** more than a few house before it was unbearable and had to just sit in a chair. my phone was never recovered from the crash site and i always ignore the all cloud ****. going thru the process of getting a phone rn and it's gonna be sad if i can't get messages i've received over the past 10 days. 

Im glad you are alive, finn.

Im pulling for ya, and i know youll make it through all this terrible ****

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On 10/10/2023 at 10:42 PM, Malfatron said:

We are at the point where there shouldnt even be a working class

Agreed tbh.

It's so disheartening seeing all these leaps in automation, AI, robotics, etc.  And literally all of it is just designed to put pressure on everyone to depress wages.  Rather than using the massive increases in productivity to free people up to actually...live their lives outside of work.  Everything is being focused to displace and depress, rather than to augment and support actual Human Beans.


On 10/10/2023 at 11:07 PM, AkronsWitness said:

And the educated middle class is the only thing standing in the way of America no longer being a democracy--but they have been trying to squeeze the middle class out of existence for years too. They're tryin

The "middle class" itself is kind of a mirage in the first place.  It's a fake "transition stage" between "saddled with debt, stressfully making ends meet in a white picket fence suburb" and "billionaire".  When the reality is...the "middle class" is a huge, broad, nebulously defined mass of people who are at any given moment...much much closer to abject "poverty" than they are to anything resembling the "upper class".


The idea of the "middle class" has been twisted into a divisive rhetorical tool at this point.  It's designed to be a catch-all for people who clearly know they aren't "upper class" because they know their own books, how much debt they're carrying, how much of a struggle it is to maintain that standard and how precarious it really is.  But who also don't want to associate themselves with being "working class" or "poor".  Even if they're effectively wage slaves, salaried or hourly...just constantly crunching the numbers to make it work and see which small "splurges" they can shoulder, without the whole toppling into total poverty.

It's built on driving a bigger wedge between the lucky half of the working class, and the less fortunate half.


On 10/13/2023 at 7:03 PM, D82 said:

Mosquitoes are awful

Agreed.  This is probably 90% of why i refuse to ever live anywhere rural or even suburban ever again.  Urban density is the best weapon we have against these innumerable foes.

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10 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

got in a car wreck and crushed a vertebrae and fractured a few others, so got them fused. also broke 4 ribs. had a little brain bleed/concussion. worst part about the wreck was having to get my lungs drained of blood though, that was pretty brutal, can't believe they do that with local anesthetic and not actually putting you under. don't remember the accident at all. just remember waking up being inside my car and seeing the roof ripped open and the jeep just torn to **** and being like wtf is going on. blood is everywhere and my homie pulls up like with a horrified look on his face and i was thinking like god damn if die in this dumbass car accident im gonna be so pissed. 

doing better now, happened 10 days ago, just got out of the hospital. trying to sleep is a *****. laying in a bed sucks. thought it was just the hospital bed, but slept in my own bed last night and still couldn't lay in that **** more than a few house before it was unbearable and had to just sit in a chair. my phone was never recovered from the crash site and i always ignore the all cloud ****. going thru the process of getting a phone rn and it's gonna be sad if i can't get messages i've received over the past 10 days. 


Glad you survived.  Sucks that it ****ed you up to the extent it did.   I know too many people who have had their lives completely derailed by car accidents and follow-on repurcussions.  It's just awful.  It should not even be a thing than happens.

Honestly just fuels my rage more.


Gonna hijack this a bit, to say...**** cars.  Honestly.  Why do we continue to build our society around something that does this kind of damage to people?  If not much worse.  It outright kills people a lot of the time.  The only thing that kills more kids than Cars is...Guns (narrow gap).  It's a truly insane system propped up by, "well...that's what it is".


Racing fans are always quick to jump on whoever ****ed up and it always becomes a whole thing.  But the constant theme is, even the absolute best, most insanely high performance drivers in the entire world...still **** up.  What chance do normal dip****s even stand?

Most people just should not be driving cars.  They're extremely bad at it.  And honestly...there's really no reason that cars should be the primary mode of transportation in the first place.


I'm not gonna say Busses are the answer, because they kind suck sometimes.  I'm also not going to claim that they're immune to crashes...because i've literally been on a bush that crashed.  But it was more just a hilarious "wtf?" than an actual anything else.  Everyone walked off the bus completely fine as a result.



But Build More Trains.  You idjuts.

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21 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

got in a car wreck and crushed a vertebrae and fractured a few others, so got them fused. also broke 4 ribs. had a little brain bleed/concussion. worst part about the wreck was having to get my lungs drained of blood though, that was pretty brutal, can't believe they do that with local anesthetic and not actually putting you under. don't remember the accident at all. just remember waking up being inside my car and seeing the roof ripped open and the jeep just torn to **** and being like wtf is going on. blood is everywhere and my homie pulls up like with a horrified look on his face and i was thinking like god damn if die in this dumbass car accident im gonna be so pissed. 

doing better now, happened 10 days ago, just got out of the hospital. trying to sleep is a *****. laying in a bed sucks. thought it was just the hospital bed, but slept in my own bed last night and still couldn't lay in that **** more than a few house before it was unbearable and had to just sit in a chair. my phone was never recovered from the crash site and i always ignore the all cloud ****. going thru the process of getting a phone rn and it's gonna be sad if i can't get messages i've received over the past 10 days. 

Glad youre alright and out the hospital. Sounds like an horrific experience youve been going through.

Hope youre not out of commission for to long, find that comfort and mend quick. Sorry youre having to go through this. Just get well.

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11 hours ago, Tugboat said:

Glad you survived.  Sucks that it ****ed you up to the extent it did.   I know too many people who have had their lives completely derailed by car accidents and follow-on repurcussions.  It's just awful.  It should not even be a thing than happens.

hearing **** like this be scaring me honestly. i mean it's obvious and a thing that you hear about all the time. but in my mind, like i'm super ****ed up right now, but i'll just be chillin in like a couple months. maybe i'm delusional. but the more people i'm talking to they're making it sound like i'm ****ed forever lol. 

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18 minutes ago, PARROTHEAD said:

Glad youre alright and out the hospital. Sounds like an horrific experience youve been going through.

Hope youre not out of commission for to long, find that comfort and mend quick. Sorry youre having to go through this. Just get well.

yeah dude it's crazy how a night of just loosely ******* around with friends not really even doing anything crazy can turn into such a **** show lol. 

appreciate those sentiments man, truly. much love. 

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On 10/16/2023 at 1:13 PM, FinneasGage said:

got in a car wreck and crushed a vertebrae and fractured a few others, so got them fused. also broke 4 ribs. had a little brain bleed/concussion. worst part about the wreck was having to get my lungs drained of blood though, that was pretty brutal, can't believe they do that with local anesthetic and not actually putting you under. don't remember the accident at all. just remember waking up being inside my car and seeing the roof ripped open and the jeep just torn to **** and being like wtf is going on. blood is everywhere and my homie pulls up like with a horrified look on his face and i was thinking like god damn if die in this dumbass car accident im gonna be so pissed. 

doing better now, happened 10 days ago, just got out of the hospital. trying to sleep is a *****. laying in a bed sucks. thought it was just the hospital bed, but slept in my own bed last night and still couldn't lay in that **** more than a few house before it was unbearable and had to just sit in a chair. my phone was never recovered from the crash site and i always ignore the all cloud ****. going thru the process of getting a phone rn and it's gonna be sad if i can't get messages i've received over the past 10 days. 

Sorry to hear man. I'm 3 weeks out from a back surgery, and while it wasn't a fusion it's been really difficult. Pretty humbling when it takes 5 minutes to get out of bed to use the bathroom.

Just want to also ask if you told your doctor about those symptoms because lying down should never be painful. You may need a new type of pain medication.

Also I've gone through about a million grabby claws on Amazon because they're made for old people so they have the grip strength of an infant, but this is the one that's lasted the longest: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CPJYSMW?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

Edited by ramssuperbowl99
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On 10/16/2023 at 2:13 PM, FinneasGage said:

got in a car wreck and crushed a vertebrae and fractured a few others, so got them fused. also broke 4 ribs. had a little brain bleed/concussion. worst part about the wreck was having to get my lungs drained of blood though, that was pretty brutal, can't believe they do that with local anesthetic and not actually putting you under. don't remember the accident at all. just remember waking up being inside my car and seeing the roof ripped open and the jeep just torn to **** and being like wtf is going on. blood is everywhere and my homie pulls up like with a horrified look on his face and i was thinking like god damn if die in this dumbass car accident im gonna be so pissed. 

doing better now, happened 10 days ago, just got out of the hospital. trying to sleep is a *****. laying in a bed sucks. thought it was just the hospital bed, but slept in my own bed last night and still couldn't lay in that **** more than a few house before it was unbearable and had to just sit in a chair. my phone was never recovered from the crash site and i always ignore the all cloud ****. going thru the process of getting a phone rn and it's gonna be sad if i can't get messages i've received over the past 10 days. 

Best wishes man!

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20 hours ago, Tugboat said:


Glad you survived.  Sucks that it ****ed you up to the extent it did.   I know too many people who have had their lives completely derailed by car accidents and follow-on repurcussions.  It's just awful.  It should not even be a thing than happens.

Honestly just fuels my rage more.


Gonna hijack this a bit, to say...**** cars.  Honestly.  Why do we continue to build our society around something that does this kind of damage to people?  If not much worse.  It outright kills people a lot of the time.  The only thing that kills more kids than Cars is...Guns (narrow gap).  It's a truly insane system propped up by, "well...that's what it is".


Racing fans are always quick to jump on whoever ****ed up and it always becomes a whole thing.  But the constant theme is, even the absolute best, most insanely high performance drivers in the entire world...still **** up.  What chance do normal dip****s even stand?

Most people just should not be driving cars.  They're extremely bad at it.  And honestly...there's really no reason that cars should be the primary mode of transportation in the first place.


I'm not gonna say Busses are the answer, because they kind suck sometimes.  I'm also not going to claim that they're immune to crashes...because i've literally been on a bush that crashed.  But it was more just a hilarious "wtf?" than an actual anything else.  Everyone walked off the bus completely fine as a result.



But Build More Trains.  You idjuts.

I disagree about mode of transportation. They are definitely the most effective way, unless you live in a big city which most people don’t. You can’t just have a train or subway running through the suburbs lol.

 I do agree with the fact that most people shouldn’t be driving, or at least go through a more rigorous program to get your license. Way too many idiots.

Brings me to my next point which is a pet peeve of mine in our country…why do people get these big *** trucks? You aren’t towing campers, or using it for work, just riding around in them to say you have a truck? And even then people who actually do use trucks for towing etc, you don’t need to get a full size when you can get a Tacoma and it does what you need to and holds its value so much more.

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12 hours ago, FinneasGage said:

hearing **** like this be scaring me honestly. i mean it's obvious and a thing that you hear about all the time. but in my mind, like i'm super ****ed up right now, but i'll just be chillin in like a couple months. maybe i'm delusional. but the more people i'm talking to they're making it sound like i'm ****ed forever lol. 

lol.  Sorry.  Didn't mean to spookscare you.  Just know that it can be really rough.  Hopefully you can skirt by that, but it does sound like you're in for a pretty heft recovery period.  Just hopefully, it doesn't leave those lasting after effects that continue to plague you forever afterward.


Car accidents are no ******* joke.  It's ten thousand pounds of machinery colliding with little fragile meat puppets inside.  No good.


3 hours ago, bigbadbuff said:

I disagree about mode of transportation. They are definitely the most effective way, unless you live in a big city which most people don’t. You can’t just have a train or subway running through the suburbs lol.

 I do agree with the fact that most people shouldn’t be driving, or at least go through a more rigorous program to get your license. Way too many idiots.

Brings me to my next point which is a pet peeve of mine in our country…why do people get these big *** trucks? You aren’t towing campers, or using it for work, just riding around in them to say you have a truck? And even then people who actually do use trucks for towing etc, you don’t need to get a full size when you can get a Tacoma and it does what you need to and holds its value so much more.


And why can't you just put a train through the suburbs? 

I get that there are logistical issues with service efficiency when you sprawl your cities out in endless suburban wastelands.  But that's kind of my point.  Cars are necessary and required in a lot of places.  But imo, they shouldn't be.  We're stuck with it because of idiotic urban planning decisions and a ridiculous, unsustainable mode.  It gets millions of people killed, maimed, or otherwise massively negatively impacted while also destroying the planet.  It makes everyone miserable sitting in stupid traffic jams, dealing with other idiot drivers.  Kids have zero independence until they can drive themselves.  Communities become completely insular and detached which harbors all manner of other societal ills.  It's just a terrible system.


So yes...cars are the "most efficient" mode of transportation in a lot of places across North America right now.  Heck, in a lot of places they're the only viable mode of transportation for the most part.  My contestation is that it shouldn't be.  We need to seriously rethink this whole idiotic suburban and exurb "bedroom community" sprawl bull**** model.  Start reorienting things toward something more sustainable and stronger in the long-term.


With the bonus side-affect that...less people end up in these awful car wrecks, that can be absolutely life altering...if not straight up life ending.

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7 hours ago, Tugboat said:

lol.  Sorry.  Didn't mean to spookscare you.  Just know that it can be really rough.  Hopefully you can skirt by that, but it does sound like you're in for a pretty heft recovery period.  Just hopefully, it doesn't leave those lasting after effects that continue to plague you forever afterward.


Car accidents are no ******* joke.  It's ten thousand pounds of machinery colliding with little fragile meat puppets inside.  No good.



And why can't you just put a train through the suburbs? 

I get that there are logistical issues with service efficiency when you sprawl your cities out in endless suburban wastelands.  But that's kind of my point.  Cars are necessary and required in a lot of places.  But imo, they shouldn't be.  We're stuck with it because of idiotic urban planning decisions and a ridiculous, unsustainable mode.  It gets millions of people killed, maimed, or otherwise massively negatively impacted while also destroying the planet.  It makes everyone miserable sitting in stupid traffic jams, dealing with other idiot drivers.  Kids have zero independence until they can drive themselves.  Communities become completely insular and detached which harbors all manner of other societal ills.  It's just a terrible system.


So yes...cars are the "most efficient" mode of transportation in a lot of places across North America right now.  Heck, in a lot of places they're the only viable mode of transportation for the most part.  My contestation is that it shouldn't be.  We need to seriously rethink this whole idiotic suburban and exurb "bedroom community" sprawl bull**** model.  Start reorienting things toward something more sustainable and stronger in the long-term.


With the bonus side-affect that...less people end up in these awful car wrecks, that can be absolutely life altering...if not straight up life ending.

I think if we started out with this philosophy it would’ve worked. You’re definitely right ina vacuum but you’d have to spend hundreds of billions of dollars in most places to have that be feasible 

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