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Went out w a girl to a vegan breakfast place. I can’t imagine any sort of outcome warranting ever doing that again. 

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I actually went to a vegan restaurant in Philadelphia while there for a concert weekend, and it was extremely good.  If I go back to Philly, I definitely would consider going back.  

In my instance, the girl was not cool, but the food was definitely cool.  Good drinks too.  

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My main thing about Vegan food, is that it always just has weird textures that aren't quite right.  Unless it's a dish that is just naturally intended to be vegan, obvs.  It's just very limiting in terms of binders and emulsifiers and the natural textures of the ingredients available...if you don't have some of those animal protein elements that are just arranged differently.


But i haven't pursued it deeply into the really "high end" realm where maybe some of that is mitigated.  Because it's pretty ubiquitous at more "normal levels" of vegan cuisine.  So if i'm splurging spending the money on high end food, i'm gonna spend it on high end premium meat tbh.  Not out of trying to "stick it to the stupid hippie vegans" or anything.  Just...i really enjoy a good piece of meat, cooked to perfection.

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14 hours ago, Tugboat said:

My main thing about Vegan food, is that it always just has weird textures that aren't quite right.  Unless it's a dish that is just naturally intended to be vegan, obvs.  It's just very limiting in terms of binders and emulsifiers and the natural textures of the ingredients available...if you don't have some of those animal protein elements that are just arranged differently.


But i haven't pursued it deeply into the really "high end" realm where maybe some of that is mitigated.  Because it's pretty ubiquitous at more "normal levels" of vegan cuisine.  So if i'm splurging spending the money on high end food, i'm gonna spend it on high end premium meat tbh.  Not out of trying to "stick it to the stupid hippie vegans" or anything.  Just...i really enjoy a good piece of meat, cooked to perfection.

I’m a big meat guy, but if I’m on a trip and a place looks good, I’ll go for the experience.  I wouldn’t have done it before the lady I was dating at the time, but I’d definitely consider doing it again, though the wife would look at me crazy because we’re big meat eaters.  

EDIT: I’ll also say the most surprising thing was the dessert.  I had no idea I’d enjoy a vegan dessert as much as I did.  


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I placed an order on Amazon recently and they said in order for me to receive my package I have to give the driver a one time passcode.  I had purchased other things as well as this, and I got those no problem.  Any idea what's going on with this?

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Continuing to work on paying down my consumer debt and I had a couple transactions still floating from after our wedding that were still on the rolling statements.  Those were all cleared, as well as a smaller payment on my last card (it is the largest balance as I went snowball) and my credit score went down 8 points from those transactions being cleared.  Which is wild because I have more available credit.

I gather things from a lot of sources, and while I think that Dave Ramsey hasn’t modernized his thoughts just yet, he is correct that credit score is designed to keep you in debt, 110%.  

We’re looking at another year-ish of eliminating all of our consumer debt, as well as her car.  At that point, it should be another year to aggressively go after my car and at that point, it’s just the mortgage left.  

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