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The Last Fan on Earth - DABOYLE WINS


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It's been 3 days since I last heard from an active competitor, so I'll call this off.


@Pickle Rick and @The Orca failed to submit anything for this comp.

@gopherwrestler will be awarded the last safe spot, for submitting his dig moves and finding two items.



@Pickle Rick @The Orca and @Daboyle

I need to send you two quick quizzes relating to the rebuilding of critical infrastructure after the fall of society, time will be a factor when completing these quizzes so I can only send them when you're ready to take them. You don't have to do them both at the same time, but I think they will take less than 5 minutes each.

I would prefer to do this from my home in the Mornings: 8am-10amEST OR Evenings: 8pm-2am EST, just to make sure there are no distractions. If you cannot make a time in one of those windows before Sunday night I can still send them but all your finishing timestamps will be rounded up one minute if I cannot time it with a stopwatch.

You will need to post a screenshot of your score, so make sure you know how to do that quickly from whichever device you are using. You can share an image directly in Discord, so that will be the quickest way for most of you. If you don't have your Discord set up, I will send you a link.

PLEASE DO NOT DELAY, Quizzes due by Sunday night at midnight EST.

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  1. @Malfatron
  2. @Whicker
  3. @Daboyle
  4. @bcb1213
  5. @Tk3
  6. @The Orca
  7. @Pickle Rick
  8. @gopherwrestler

TK3, feel free to ignore this if you want, since you used a Competition Token.


Survival Competition #8 - Shop Until You Drop (dead from the infection)

The zombie outbreak is happening. Fortunately we got the slow zombies variety, the way less scary one.

Also fortunately, Cabela's is offering free shipping the final week before society collapses. How lucky!



  • You have $150 to spend at Cabelas.com, looking to buy equipment to survive the Zombie Apocalypse for as long as possible.
  • 3 judges will be grading the items you decide to buy, based on how long they think you would survive.
  • You may PM me links+prices, or a screenshot of your Shopping Cart as a submission.
  • All items will be assumed in stock and available in your location, even if the website says otherwise. If you cannot add an item to your basket, you'll need to provide a link and price.

LINK TO STORE [not a sponsor]

Only the best submission is safe.




Edited by Dome
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14 hours ago, Dome said:

It's been 3 days since I last heard from an active competitor, so I'll call this off.


@Pickle Rick and @The Orca failed to submit anything for this comp.

@gopherwrestler will be awarded the last safe spot, for submitting his dig moves and finding two items.



@Pickle Rick @The Orca and @Daboyle

I need to send you two quick quizzes relating to the rebuilding of critical infrastructure after the fall of society, time will be a factor when completing these quizzes so I can only send them when you're ready to take them. You don't have to do them both at the same time, but I think they will take less than 5 minutes each.

I would prefer to do this from my home in the Mornings: 8am-10amEST OR Evenings: 8pm-2am EST, just to make sure there are no distractions. If you cannot make a time in one of those windows before Sunday night I can still send them but all your finishing timestamps will be rounded up one minute if I cannot time it with a stopwatch.

You will need to post a screenshot of your score, so make sure you know how to do that quickly from whichever device you are using. You can share an image directly in Discord, so that will be the quickest way for most of you. If you don't have your Discord set up, I will send you a link.

PLEASE DO NOT DELAY, Quizzes due by Sunday night at midnight EST.


@Daboyle has completed his Survival Elimination

@The Orca and @Pickle Rick still need to compete. 

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