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Ben Albright to Drop Death Knell Emails for Hue & Coaches In the Morning?

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11 minutes ago, ditchdigger said:

We had a veteran. Hue didn't want him, so he's the starter for the Jets now. He even won a few games with a trash roster.

It was butchered because the guy they hired to evaluate and develop QBs cannot evaluate and develop QBs. Sashi has repeatedly deferred to Hue's so-called expertise on this, and repeatedly been let down. Yes, Sashi has final say, but he has been adamant since Hue's first day that he would be relying on him to find a QB. 

McCarron may be the first QB Hue wanted that Sashi failed to get, all unrealistic possibilities aside. If that was Sashi's call to nix that trade, give the man an extension IMO.

I wrote a Mind-length post very similar to this but accidentally changed the page when I clicked a link & lost it.  Thanks for writing it for me.  I'll add a bit in a few bullet points:

1. Sashi & Co. have drafted well overall and hit on as many picks as at least the average GM during their tenure.  

2. Sashi & Co. have gotten us unbelievable assets as far as draft picks.  Brock was genius.  Punter deal was amazers.  Getting anything for old trash was good.

3. Sashi & Co. traded pennies for & re-signed Jamie Collins.  They re-signed young core players.

4. Sashi & Co. signed Zeitler, brought in Gregg Williams--even if he likes Hue--and yes, screwed up on Britt.

5. Sashi & Co. were smart in getting rid of Haden, even if we like Joe in a nostalgic way; he hasn't been that good in Pitt.  They have saved a ton of money for the owner.

I will be incredibly surprised if they aren't still here next year.  Hue has been the one continuously looking bad in what he says, oddball play calling, poor clock management, throwing his players--and now possibly his FO--under the bus.  Hue is the one who has to inspire his players.  The talent is there to win more than zero games.  Period.  I'm over it and will scratch my head if Hue isn't the first to go.  The Browns are 0-8; trading two high round picks for a second-choice passer at this point is the exact opposite of smart football when we're about to have the #1 pick.  If McCarron isn't great but shows some signs of being decent, then what?  Pass on the #1 at passer?  Pick a passer #1 when we used two high picks for a passer?  That makes no sense & reeks of a "2 Fursts 4 Carsen" kind of deal.  #33 & #65 for McCarron is A LOT.

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8 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

No, he doesn't. He can tell them both to get it together and do their jobs.

Some of y'all must be sensitive as hell if you think the only way to deal with a disagreement is by firing someone.

Folks can disagree, it's ok.  If the coaching staff hates the front office, they can quit and vice versa.

Haslam needs to put on his daddy pants and start acting like the HMFIC.

He doesn't but you can look at the Colts as a case study. Grigson and Pagano were never on the same page. Irsay basically stuck them in a room together and said they were tied at the hip. It didn't work and in the end Irsay backed off on his threats and only fired who he considered the lesser of the two evil. I think you need one guy to either be the defacto leader of the show (in Denver Elway runs the show and the coach is following his lead, in New England Belichick runs the show and the front office is at his whim) or you need to have a coach come in who gets to have tremendous oversight over who is selected for the FO. Once there are issues it's tough no matter who it is. Parcells (great coach) and Kraft (great owner) butted heads and while they had success for a bit it just couldn't work. Somebody needs to be the alpha and if it falls apart has to take the fall for it. 

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6 minutes ago, lancerman said:

He doesn't but you can look at the Colts as a case study. Grigson and Pagano were never on the same page. Irsay basically stuck them in a room together and said they were tied at the hip. It didn't work and in the end Irsay backed off on his threats and only fired who he considered the lesser of the two evil. I think you need one guy to either be the defacto leader of the show (in Denver Elway runs the show and the coach is following his lead, in New England Belichick runs the show and the front office is at his whim) or you need to have a coach come in who gets to have tremendous oversight over who is selected for the FO. Once there are issues it's tough no matter who it is. Parcells (great coach) and Kraft (great owner) butted heads and while they had success for a bit it just couldn't work. Somebody needs to be the alpha and if it falls apart has to take the fall for it. 

I think alpha is the wrong word. Just leadership would do. Not loser trying to consolidate their position. 

I think Sachi hasn't helped Hue out enough. 

Hue hasn't always been that great, but he doesn't have a complete staff or a complete roster. 

Jimmy is a new owner who has a lot to learn. 

all three have a lot of room to grow IMO, that is why i want ot keep them even at 0-8. 

the defense is playing good, the offense only has to be average for us to win many games. 

the ship is going the right way, we need to stay the course. 

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My issue with Hue's desperation is he knew what he was in for when he took this job.  He knew this was a long rebuild and losing would be a part of it.  

I mean, we as fans knew it, why wouldn't he?

Being pissed about the trade deadline is pointless.  From what some folks are reporting BB had no desire to send Garoppolo here and his agent had no desire for him to be sent here either. This would be viewed as a "punishment", hence why they would be willing to deal a malcontent like Collins here. 

There is no part of me that doubts that there are players and agents in the league who write this organization off completely, and I'm not sure firing a 4th regime in 5 years is going to make that perception go away.

As far as AJ, I think Sashi's common sense got in the way and he nixed it "accidentally". Bravo, that would have been a huge overpay.

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32 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

My issue with Hue's desperation is he knew what he was in for when he took this job.  He knew this was a long rebuild and losing would be a part of it.  

I mean, we as fans knew it, why wouldn't he?

Being pissed about the trade deadline is pointless.  From what some folks are reporting BB had no desire to send Garoppolo here and his agent had no desire for him to be sent here either. This would be viewed as a "punishment", hence why they would be willing to deal a malcontent like Collins here. 

There is no part of me that doubts that there are players and agents in the league who write this organization off completely, and I'm not sure firing a 4th regime in 5 years is going to make that perception go away.

As far as AJ, I think Sashi's common sense got in the way and he nixed it "accidentally". Bravo, that would have been a huge overpay.

Hue is desperate because the veil of competency has been lifted. The bill of goods he sold has not been delivered upon. AJ would have bought him another year in his mind.

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Just now, ditchdigger said:

Hue is desperate because the veil of competency has been lifted. The bill of goods he sold has not been delivered upon. AJ would have bought him another year in his mind.

I honestly don't think people around the league are going to view Hue any differently now then when he was hired.  The front office hasn't made winning an easy task, impossible in some folks minds.

Hue is desperate because he knows coaches with his record get fired, and he may not get another gig because of it.  While other coaches may still respect him, no GM or owner will ever sign off on a guy with his record at this point.

If Hue needs a top shelf qb talent to work with, he can can get one 6 months. 

Jimmy needs to get off his old, saggy arse and get a grip on this situation now, or get ready to be roasted by anyone and everyone indefinitely for his complete and utter incompetence. Jimmy must (IMO) tell Hue to chill out and go win what he can this season and under no circumstances will he be fired, so calm the F down and tell the nerds the qb gets addressed this offseason, first pick, no more kicking the can down the road.


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58 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I honestly don't think people around the league are going to view Hue any differently now then when he was hired.  The front office hasn't made winning an easy task, impossible in some folks minds.

Hue is desperate because he knows coaches with his record get fired, and he may not get another gig because of it.  While other coaches may still respect him, no GM or owner will ever sign off on a guy with his record at this point.

If Hue needs a top shelf qb talent to work with, he can can get one 6 months. 

Jimmy needs to get off his old, saggy arse and get a grip on this situation now, or get ready to be roasted by anyone and everyone indefinitely for his complete and utter incompetence. Jimmy must (IMO) tell Hue to chill out and go win what he can this season and under no circumstances will he be fired, so calm the F down and tell the nerds the qb gets addressed this offseason, first pick, no more kicking the can down the road.


The idea of Jimmy intervening and forcing a QB decision gives me agita.

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10 hours ago, mistakey said:

they've had literally the opportunity to get any qb they want, except for 1.
they havent. 
he also traded a first round pick for carson palmer.
maybe he does better when someone else is picking the groceries.

Someone else IS picking the groceries, and he's a salary cap guy - Sashi has final say over all draft decisions and the roster. Given this fact, it's pretty murky if not impossible to know what decisions were his, what were Hue's, and what were Berry or DePodesta's, or even Truck Stop Jimmy's. The problem is in the front office/organizational heirarchy first and foremost, then there's plenty of blame to go around as well.

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44 minutes ago, dawgdish said:

Someone else IS picking the groceries, and he's a salary cap guy - Sashi has final say over all draft decisions and the roster. Given this fact, it's pretty murky if not impossible to know what decisions were his, what were Hue's, and what were Berry or DePodesta's, or even Truck Stop Jimmy's. The problem is in the front office/organizational heirarchy first and foremost, then there's plenty of blame to go around as well.

So what you're saying is we need a real football guy like Farmer, Banner, Holgrem, Mangini, Savage, Butch or Policy running things?

What could go wrong there....

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50 minutes ago, dawgdish said:

Someone else IS picking the groceries, and he's a salary cap guy - Sashi has final say over all draft decisions and the roster. Given this fact, it's pretty murky if not impossible to know what decisions were his, what were Hue's, and what were Berry or DePodesta's, or even Truck Stop Jimmy's. The problem is in the front office/organizational heirarchy first and foremost, then there's plenty of blame to go around as well.

Sashi has final say, but not the only say.  They trusted Hue on RGIII, Wentz and Watson.  How'd that work out?

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2 hours ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

I honestly don't think people around the league are going to view Hue any differently now then when he was hired.  The front office hasn't made winning an easy task, impossible in some folks minds.

Hue is desperate because he knows coaches with his record get fired, and he may not get another gig because of it.  While other coaches may still respect him, no GM or owner will ever sign off on a guy with his record at this point.

If Hue needs a top shelf qb talent to work with, he can can get one 6 months. 

Jimmy needs to get off his old, saggy arse and get a grip on this situation now, or get ready to be roasted by anyone and everyone indefinitely for his complete and utter incompetence. Jimmy must (IMO) tell Hue to chill out and go win what he can this season and under no circumstances will he be fired, so calm the F down and tell the nerds the qb gets addressed this offseason, first pick, no more kicking the can down the road.


This is all that needs to be done.

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15 minutes ago, LETSGOBROWNIES said:

Don't let facts get in the way of a good story ditch.

Here's a mind bender: A lawyer made the call to draft Carson Wentz.

By the way, that lawyer's first NFL gig was "salary cap guy".

The tired lawyer trope arrives confidently on the steps of the Nakatomi Plaza:


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