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Mayhem Mafia - Game Over - Anarchy (Mafia) Wins!

Slappy Mc

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The city is ablaze again. The bomb that exploded led to the whole city going freaking nuts again. Buildings are being looted and set on fire. Molotov cocktails are being thrown into cars. City roads are being blocked off so firefighters, paramedics and police can't enter. It is complete Mayhem.

I struggle to walk down the streets with only my camera around my neck, taking pictures of the destruction that lay in front of me. Just as I snap a picture of a burning building a fight breaks out around me. Several people are brawling and suddenly weapons are drawn. I retreat to the nearest cover spot and lean around the corner taking as many pictures as I can. Bodies are starting to pile up on both sides of the streets as people are in fight or flight mode. It is rapidly becoming time for me to GTFO of this madness. @NS922, @Nazgul, @FinneasGage, @Outpost31, @Scoundrel, @Cheesehawk, @Xmad all were identified in the corpses.

I hastily walk around several corners and end up in front of Channel 5 news, the place I used to call home. The windows are smashed in, the building is covered in graffiti and trash. I walk in and sitting on the table by our war room is a box of Dunkin' Dave's Delicious Donuts. I open the box and look inside, its full. I look down and the take only one sign is still there. I rip it off the table and grab the whole box, rules don't apply anymore.

As I leave the building a man bumps into me and we both fall down. He apologizes and we both get up and exchange pleasantries. I grab my box of donuts and my camera... MY CAMERA! I turn around and that **** is running away with my camera. I drop the donuts and begin chasing after him. Not this time! Just as he rounds the corner, a man with a baseball bat knocks him over. "I've been looking for you. You chose the wrong side." The man in the hoodie begins to stammer, "but you wouldn't believe all the great things I've done..." The man with the bat begins mercilessly beating the man to death. I sneak over and grab my camera and run as fast as I can away, pointing my camera and clicking as many times as I can. I don't know what the frick just happened, but I'm pretty sure he didn't make it.

I get somewhere safe and look at my camera's pictures. Surprisingly I got a good shot of the mans face being beaten to a pulp.index.jpg I recognize that guy. That is @MWil23, the Move-Thief Justice Aligned.

This city is quickly starting to crumble and the numbers of people are starting to dwindle. I don't know how many of us are going to make it out of here alive, but for those that see this, be safe and god bless.

Day 4 Has Begun.


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