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Fire Maurice Drayton And Give MLF, Gute and Murphy The Ultimatum


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1 hour ago, StatKing said:

Lol. Says the guys using garbage third level analytics that are entirely irrelevant to the way games are won and lost. We would have lost that game in the first two quarters with Jordan Love starting. Very similar game against the Chiefs and he couldn't even muster a third down conversion until the 4th quarter at which point the game was basically over.


You were expecting the offense to somehow perform notably worse than 10 points scored?

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9 minutes ago, StatKing said:

I think they figured it all out last year. Gute has a plan. As much as I like to rip on the guys moves as a GM he doesn't strike me as a type who would go into this off-season with question marks at so many positions. Are we going to lose some players like one of the Smiths? Sure, but I dont think we ever planned on keeping them both to begin with. I never fell for the mass talent exodus fear mongering.

I don't think they figured it out at all. They just borrowed a bunch from the future to make it happen in 2021. They were playing with 120% of cap space. In 2022 or 2023 we'll have to play with 80% cap space, people will be asking why Gute doesn't assemble a better roster for whatever QB is on the roster...


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26 minutes ago, pgwingman said:

But this is part of what has us Rodgers "haters" frustrated. We haters (if I can speak for the group) have noticed that he gets credit for his highs, but someone else deserves blame for his lows.

When he checks out of the runs, MLF takes the blame.

When he wants a say in personnel, It's Gute's fault for not drafting WRs

When we have no young WRs to extend, Rodgers receives no criticism for not developing a relationship with them.

When the special teams gives up 10 points, it's their fault for the loss, even if Rodgers would acknowledge that a 13 point offensive performance would not get the job done.

We "haters" aren't trying to run him out of town, we just acknowledge that his quirks are starting to spill over into problems.

I think their are grains of truth to all of those points, but we don’t know what the real behind the scenes story is. For example, we don’t know how often he checks out of runs.  Of course the coaches do but it’s speculation to say he does it often. If you have a great QB, you should take the pass option if you think you can get it. 

Also, I don’t recall him saying he wants draft input or Gute hinting he could have it. The Cobb move probably was a concession and acknowledgment that he would like some say in rostered players, especially his receivers. That was crossing a line in my eyes but Cobb was not terrible this year and helped us win games until his injury.  Aaron also took his sweet time but did develop some chemistry with Lazard, MVS and EQ. 

Im ready to see it come to an end, especially if it means we can get real draft capital in the divorce, but going into the great unknown without a strong QB could get you on the wrong path for years.  We’ll see what risks everyone, Aaron and f/o, are willing to take. 

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3 minutes ago, Refugee said:

I think their are grains of truth to all of those points, but we don’t know what the real behind the scenes story is. For example, we don’t know how often he checks out of runs.  Of course the coaches do but it’s speculation to say he does it often. If you have a great QB, you should take the pass option if you think you can get it. 

Also, I don’t recall him saying he wants draft input or Gute hinting he could have it. The Cobb move probably was a concession and acknowledgment that he would like some say in rostered players, especially his receivers. That was crossing a line in my eyes but Cobb was not terrible this year and helped us win games until his injury.  Aaron also took his sweet time but did develop some chemistry with Lazard, MVS and EQ. 


Bold 1: I've openly admitted my conspiracy theory, but I think Rodgers is absolutely audibling out of more run plays than MLF would like. But I acknowledge I have no evidence of this. There just feel like games where the running game is making nice gains and then three straight throws come and stall out a drive.

Bold 2: I completely disagree. Cobb was barely above a UDFA level replacement like Winfree, and he cost $5m that we will desperately wish we had this March. If Rodgers has a different mental outlook and reaches out to the young guys, I'd argue we are all fairly excited about rolling with Lazard, MVS (who would be extended with Cobb's money), Amari, Winfree, and a draft pick in 2022. Instead, 80% of the posters I read online are in a panicked frenzy trying to figure out how to franchise tag Adams or are panicked about only having Amari under contract next year.

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1 hour ago, pgwingman said:

I know I'm stirring the pot, but I find it worth noting that we would probably have the money to extent MVS or Tonyan if we hadn't spent it this year on Randall Cobb's 375 yards and 5TDs, which could have been replaced by Amari/ESB/Winfree.

Rodgers should be forced to resign as Asst. GM, immediately after MLF fires ST coach.

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1 minute ago, pgwingman said:

Bold 1: I've openly admitted my conspiracy theory, but I think Rodgers is absolutely audibling out of more run plays than MLF would like. But I acknowledge I have no evidence of this. There just feel like games where the running game is making nice gains and then three straight throws come and stall out a drive.

Bold 2: I completely disagree. Cobb was barely above a UDFA level replacement like Winfree, and he cost $5m that we will desperately wish we had this March. If Rodgers has a different mental outlook and reaches out to the young guys, I'd argue we are all fairly excited about rolling with Lazard, MVS (who would be extended with Cobb's money), Amari, Winfree, and a draft pick in 2022. Instead, 80% of the posters I read online are in a panicked frenzy trying to figure out how to franchise tag Adams or are panicked about only having Amari under contract next year.

I saw Cobb make some great plays and move the sticks in some close games. I’m not saying that wouldn’t be possible with other players and definitely won’t argue it was worth the contract and drama. If we had seen him contribute more in the postseason, we probably don’t care but obviously that ship has sailed and every move is up for scrutiny. 

Next year is going to be completely different, but we were always going to be up against it especially with the COVID cap realities. We had to push some chips in on the table and we came up short like 31 other teams will. in some ways, it’s exciting to think about the possibilities but one very real possibility it that we will be much worse and better have a plan to get better in a hurry. 

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50 minutes ago, Norm said:

In either direction. That's the point. 

I’m labeled as a Rodgers apologist who thinks he can do no wrong. 

and I think that that’s not accurate. I keep saying he didn’t do enough to win in the big moments. I keep saying he’s a weird dude who I probably  wouldn’t like in real life. I’m fact , I think most people defending Rodgers think the same way. 

but I’m still labeled that . 

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Just now, Rainmaker90 said:

I’m labeled as a Rodgers apologist who thinks he can do no wrong. 

and I think that that’s not accurate. I keep saying he didn’t do enough to win in the big moments. I keep saying he’s a weird dude who I probably  wouldn’t like in real life. I’m fact , I think most people defending Rodgers think the same way. 

but I’m still labeled that . 

And I'm a hater for saying essentially the same thing lol

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On 1/22/2022 at 10:19 PM, LLcheesehead12 said:

Wow, I mean I just gotta wonder what the ****ing hell is wrong with this organization that they constantly learn nothing?

Why in the world do you hire a bum like Drayton who's been here forever and presided over terrible units before and then promote him?

And Matt LaFleur needs to get yelled at in press conferences for stupidly not starting Bakh tonight, and calling **** plays all game.  And Gute, do your damn job and get rid of ESB, Deguara and fix the damn OL once and for all.  No excuses for any of this garbage to happen.

And as for Rodgers, boy that was just brutal.  He surely had to know he wasn't going to win this one clutching the ball all game long.  But still ... even the offense's own struggles tonight would have been diminished if we had had a halfway competent special teams unit.

Need we remind you the offense scored 10 points. Let me repeat 10 points. Yes Special Teams are horrible and this years attempt to fix it bombed so time to try again. Blaming the play calling misses the QB's total focus on Jones and Adams and thus 10 ,points. This is the 2nd year in a row the offense is primarily why the team lost. Yes it hurt to not play Bak but guess what his knee is still bad. All i can say is Rodgers is a great regular season QB. No QB is better but guess what? The season does not end at the end of the regular season and our great regular season QB does not play the same in the pose season. The QB's who really took chances are going to the title games as it should be. 

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Which is why inane labels do nothing to promote honest evaluation and discussion. Like most I suspect, I am neither a Rodgers worshiper or hater. However, some of the loudest most adamant posters speak with such certainty that it creates this false impression that everyone lines up as one or the other 

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17 minutes ago, Rainmaker90 said:

I’m labeled as a Rodgers apologist who thinks he can do no wrong. 

and I think that that’s not accurate. I keep saying he didn’t do enough to win in the big moments. I keep saying he’s a weird dude who I probably  wouldn’t like in real life. I’m fact , I think most people defending Rodgers think the same way. 

but I’m still labeled that . 


16 minutes ago, Norm said:

And I'm a hater for saying essentially the same thing lol

i'm a cockroach!!!!!!!!!!!

@Normstep up your game man

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