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Tom Brady to retire from NFL after 22 seasons


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4 minutes ago, AngusMcFife said:

I just think its amazing the amount of blowback I'm getting for suggesting that Brady isn't the unquestioned GOAT QB, but is solidly within the top-7 greatest QBs that every lived. 

It's not that radical an argument. 

If you want to claim someone is the greatest, and they really never had a dominant stretch where they proved to be consistently better than their peers, I'm sorry but it doesn't make sense to me. 

I've watched Michael Jordan and studied his stats. I've read about Babe Ruth and studied his stats. To me, those are obvious GOATs. 

With Brady, that lack of dominance over his career obviously stands out compared to other GOATs. 

I don't think I'm being unreasonable. 


On 7/26/2021 at 8:51 PM, ET80 said:

Because there are people who operate without a moral compass and will bring on a top 5 talent at the position - which is who Watson is.

There will be blowback, people will  be enraged - but if Watson takes a team to 13-3 and is putting up MVP numbers, that blowback will slowly start to fade away.

So ET has a burner account just to prove himself right and argue with himself. Nice

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2 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

Tom Brady has started 20 NFL seasons.

He's been in the Superbowl in 10 of those.

He's never had a 10-loss season ever in his career.

He is #1 in most passing stats despite changing schemes multiple times throughout his career.

He just dominated the league in passing stats in his age 43 or whatever season.

Like....this is BEYOND hilarious how wrong you are.

Why has he only 3 all pros in those 20 years? What does that tell you about Brady as a player? 

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4 minutes ago, AngusMcFife said:

And yet you don't appear to have the capacity to explain why. 

Because you're going out your way to do some serious mental gymnastics to justify a sinking position. Claiming two Hall of Fame players are "just ok players" tells me you're incredibly inept in understanding this sport, and I simply don't have the patience to explain to you how wrong you are.

So, go ahead and be a contrarian on your own time - I don't have the bandwidth to deal with people who are going to completely eschew facts to wedge their triangle opinions into a square discussion.

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Just now, AngusMcFife said:

Why has he only 3 all pros in those 20 years? What does that tell you about Brady as a player? 

First, what are you trying to imply with this? That he was carried throughout this career? That he was surrounded by so much talent that it inflated his stats? I'm just so confused.


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Just now, ET80 said:

Because you're going out your way to do some serious mental gymnastics to justify a sinking position. Claiming two Hall of Fame players are "just ok players" tells me you're incredibly inept in understanding this sport, and I simply don't have the patience to explain to you how wrong you are.

So, go ahead and be a contrarian on your own time - I don't have the bandwidth to deal with people who are going to completely eschew facts to wedge their triangle opinions into a discussion.

I never said Harrison was an ok player, so maybe try reading a bit more closely.

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