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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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9 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

I put it in the day one start. Unless i made a mistake it should be 8 pm if your unfortunate enough not to have a coast in your state otherwise known as central

Somebody has never heard of the gulf coast, where our fish come covered in oil. Makes cooking them easier. 

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10 minutes ago, wolfeyestrk said:

I put it in the day one start. Unless i made a mistake it should be 8 pm if your unfortunate enough not to have a coast in your state otherwise known as central

central actually has a coast at the southern border, the mountain does not

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2 hours ago, wolfeyestrk said:

As everyone is sitting around waiting for the police to finish with there questioning those of you not being questioned begin to notice the destinct sound of sirens from far below the rooftop as far away you notice several fires in the distance. As a grpup you here one of the detectives speak to the officer at the door "the radios dont seem to be working, go down stairs and see if you can get any info on whats going on out there"  

The police questioning continues

So are Bonnie and Clyde the original zombies here? What do you y'all think??

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1 hour ago, wolfeyestrk said:

I put it in the day one start. Unless i made a mistake it should be 8 pm if your unfortunate enough not to have a coast in your state otherwise known as central



Oklahoma has more shore line than any other state. According to the narrated PBS documentary, Oklahoma, the shore line is greater than the East AND Gulf coast combined.


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