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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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1 minute ago, bcb1213 said:

You have to realize many people do these sort of things to get reactions. Sort of like when you're at a poker game table and you get a read on a player at a table by how they react to things. Same principle 

It. Was. After. The. Game. 

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Just now, squire12 said:

So bcb says he could get the "name" of  1 of 4 players?   so if you don't have a "name" you would fall into 3 of 4 that might not.  I am not sure how this is some slam dunk thing you are going with.

It could be a host error, but I immediately thought the same way as Whicker. 

I really dont think his line of thinking is outlandish, I just dont think it's a lock that BCB is scum at this point. 

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

Why is name in quotes? He is claiming his name is John Doe. I don’t have any similar type of name/title whatever you want to call it in my role. I just have my ability. So I don’t see what you don’t see 

I give up

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2 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

You absolutely should not. You should however have fun. I want you to have the fun when you play. I know that killing BCB is fun for you, but think about it from a game stand point. There is an open ability claim day 1. Mafia have to consider how much of a threat to them that potential ability is. If he doesnt die it tells us a lot. If he does die, it tells us a lot. 

I know it's not the outcome you want, but Josh will be far less active than BCB and we always talk about lynching an inactive day 1 and today we did it.

How is that ability a threat to mafia? He picks four names and one of them turns up Clyde. Cool. Now we pick from one of four players all of whom are controlled by bcb. Yeah not the role I’m keeping around. 


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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

It could be a host error, but I immediately thought the same way as Whicker. 

I really dont think his line of thinking is outlandish, I just dont think it's a lock that BCB is scum at this point. 

agreed.  there are a few things that could be with this.   I'm just going to leave it there

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2 minutes ago, Pickle Rick said:

Has this wolfy dude posted the flip yet?

Notice how bcb, slappy and forge are ignoring who they just killed.....I wonder why 🤔

I didn't kill anyone. 

You guys had your opportunity. 

The blood is on your hands. 

Also, has there been a write up? 

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Just now, Whicker said:

I’m glad considering you won’t justify how a role without a name can be put into an ability that generates names 

dude, I just had a 6 player list of names to hit in a game recently when only 5 of the names were actually in the game.  

Hosts creates roles for red herring purposes quite often.  


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